Topical Cetrizine for Hair Loss instead of Finasteride (Propecia)

Sterling Q.

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NO!!! CET is still have hair so try doesn't hurt to try it...if you have sides then turf it

It could hurt to try it. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence citing permanent alterations to people's endocrine systems. Some people report no side effects though. I wouldn't take that stuff if you paid me. Would much rather have my manhood than hair.

Here's an article:
Persistent sexual side effects of finasteride: could they be permanent?
"In most men who developed persistent sexual side effects (≥3 months) despite the discontinuation of finasteride, the sexual dysfunction continued for many months or years. Although several rat studies have shown detrimental changes to erectile function caused by 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, the persistent nature of these changes is an area of active research. Prescribers of finasteride and men contemplating its use should be made aware of the potential adverse medication effects."


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It could hurt to try it. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence citing permanent alterations to people's endocrine systems. Some people report no side effects though. I wouldn't take that stuff if you paid me. Would much rather have my manhood than hair.

Here's an article:
Persistent sexual side effects of finasteride: could they be permanent?
"In most men who developed persistent sexual side effects (≥3 months) despite the discontinuation of finasteride, the sexual dysfunction continued for many months or years. Although several rat studies have shown detrimental changes to erectile function caused by 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, the persistent nature of these changes is an area of active research. Prescribers of finasteride and men contemplating its use should be made aware of the potential adverse medication effects."

yeah...I agree, it's a scary effin drug...I guess it boils down to how you feel about rolling the dice


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Yea that's why I asked whether this would be good for maintenance, as a replacement for finasteride...

Sterling Q.

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Has anyone who has tried Cet with success have initial shedding? I have been applying cet/water to temples for over 3 weeks. Very early stages, and only to temples, but my hair looks terrible. Shedding has been about the same, but overall everything looks thinner. This may have been the case without Cet. Anyway, just wondering what other folks have experienced.


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Has anyone who has tried Cet with success have initial shedding? I have been applying cet/water to temples for over 3 weeks. Very early stages, and only to temples, but my hair looks terrible. Shedding has been about the same, but overall everything looks thinner. This may have been the case without Cet. Anyway, just wondering what other folks have experienced.

Some of the guys who said cetirizine was working for them (reducing or stopping their hair loss) on this thread, said they first experienced one massive shed.


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Any update guys? I'm on the S5 on my hairline and been shedding hard (hopefully that means its working) but it only been 1.5 months so not long. Would love to get on CET if there is a positive feel about it... anything to put off finasteride god

Armando Jose

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Yes, and all those studies were probably financed by pharmaceutical companies.

I was on cet for 6 weeks. testing it only on my templates. grew some vellous hair.. I had some sides, was verry sleppy during day, so i was in search for some kinda of natural replacement for cet. I discovered castor oil. it contains ricinoleic acid which is EP3 prostanoid receptor for prostaglandin E2.. and pretty strong acording to some studies. even stronger than some medications and because of its molecular mass it penetrates deep. For few weeks i've been using castor+coconut oil on my scalp and its great. greatly reduced itch, my hair is much darker and healthier. even some little hairs are darker now.

How about you run it with the castor oil?


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Any update guys? I'm on the S5 on my hairline and been shedding hard (hopefully that means its working) but it only been 1.5 months so not long. Would love to get on CET if there is a positive feel about it... anything to put off finasteride god

I stopped Cet in September, maintained but no cure.


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You stopped it even though it was maintaing???? how is that not amazing?

Look where I came from in my progress link in my sig. In 2007 I was slick bald on top. I'm not looking for maintaining. I can jump on any number of regimes and maintain. I'm looking for the cure.:)

As I said in another thread, I want that mop of hair with the ridiculously low hairline I had when I was 16!


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Look where I came from in my progress link in my sig. In 2007 I was slick bald on top. I'm not looking for maintaining. I can jump on any number of regimes and maintain. I'm looking for the cure.:)

As I said in another thread, I want that mop of hair with the ridiculously low hairline I had when I was 16!

I think an hair transplant will get you about as close you'll ever get in this lifetime to that hairline at 16...just think, by the time it get's there, why even bother we'll all be too old to enjoy the hair and it shouldn't matter at that point...hell, I'm almost at that point now where it's starting to matter less and less....for me, I think it's more challenge to give mother nature the finger then it is to actually have all my hair back and start acting again like I did when I was 21 -- which I don't want to do lol


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I think it's more challenge to give mother nature the finger then it is to actually have all my hair back

Bingo... it's become a challenge, and I don't ****ing lose.


New Member
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Hi, I am a new joinee. I would like to start on Cetrizine.
Would like to know about the current status of hair growth since you have been using for nearly two years. thanks.


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just saw ths too, if it works mainting im very interested, how does it apply topicaly?
diluted in minoxidil??


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Ha ok There are sides. Sorry to bother you asking this but i dont want to go through the 87 pages of the thread: Was it a common side effect, does the others drop it for this rEason too?


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:/ mmkay so for you it's a dead end no reason to give a shot if alerady on minoxidil?


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Hello. Just wondering if anyone out there is still on cet or did everyone just drop it after casperz did.
Dropped finasteride and minoxidil almost 5 months ago due to sides and shed a lot of hair. I've regained some hair but still quite a noticeable difference. I'll be very content with just maintaining so any insight from anyone that continued to use this would give me the courage to start. Thanks!