Topical dutasteride will destroy your hairline - STAY AWAY!!!


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lol again with this stupid RH talk. Worse part is you have some posters putting words in a dead man’s mouth to fit their crack pot theories


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Go ahead, provide evidence to dispute me then. I never said what I said had any studies to back it up. But like many on here, I don't need a damn study to validate what I have seen in the mirror. And, for a fact, and for what it is worth, Bryan (the most researched and reliable poster in the history of this site) as well as several researchers that he spoke with have also theorized that 5ARIs upregulate ARs. It's not a stupid idea. No one is saying that this even happens to everyone. It is a better explanation than T causing hair loss. I agree with you that dutasteride CANNOT cause hair loss due to the increase in T. But I believe it can make hair worse for the other reasons I have already explained. If dutasteride works well for you, that's great, I won't deny that. But for some of us it just doesn't work. BTW - giving dislikes on posts that are non-trolling posts is a bad look for you on this forum.
It wasn’t several researchers , it was one researcher , who in a private email correspondence said that finasteride causes AR upregulation. According to Bryan’s own words, she provided no proof, and when he talked with another hair loss specialist he considered “a heavy hitter” he scoffed at the claim and said it was a fantasy. Bryan’s own theory too had nothing to do with your RH, but rather that based on the rate of hair loss in the finasteride studies of the people who took it for several years with success and then were asked to drop it, they lost hair significantly quicker than any other group. He never , ever , mentioned once it causing hair loss while on the medication, or causing itchiness/excess body hair/oiliness like every one else does.

Mr. Slap Head

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It wasn’t several researchers , it was one researcher , who in a private email correspondence said that finasteride causes AR upregulation. According to Bryan’s own words, she provided no proof, and when he talked with another hair loss specialist he considered “a heavy hitter” he scoffed at the claim and said it was a fantasy. Bryan’s own theory too had nothing to do with your RH, but rather that based on the rate of hair loss in the finasteride studies of the people who took it for several years with success and then were asked to drop it, they lost hair significantly quicker than any other group. He never , ever , mentioned once it causing hair loss while on the medication, or causing itchiness/excess body hair/oiliness like every one else does.


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All of us on this forum at one time had photos like your first one 12 months ago..
And then the hairline started receding & the density started thinning.. We will never know if you didn’t use Duasteride & your hair degraded anyway or even more…I don’t think Duasteride caused your hairloss. I’ve used minoxidil for years, I never thought it did anything, but I don’t blame it for hair loss.
I have 8 bottles of Duasteride & I use it topically & orally.. I think it helps.
Maybe you experiment. I stopped drinking coffee as an experiment & I think my hair is regrowing better. It could be a host of reasons..


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All of us on this forum at one time had photos like your first one 12 months ago..
And then the hairline started receding & the density started thinning.. We will never know if you didn’t use Duasteride & your hair degraded anyway or even more…I don’t think Duasteride caused your hairloss. I’ve used minoxidil for years, I never thought it did anything, but I don’t blame it for hair loss.
I have 8 bottles of Duasteride & I use it topically & orally.. I think it helps.
Maybe you experiment. I stopped drinking coffee as an experiment & I think my hair is regrowing better. It could be a host of reasons..
I went from improving on finasteride to agressively thinning on dutasteride


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All of us on this forum at one time had photos like your first one 12 months ago..
And then the hairline started receding & the density started thinning.. We will never know if you didn’t use Duasteride & your hair degraded anyway or even more…I don’t think Duasteride caused your hairloss. I’ve used minoxidil for years, I never thought it did anything, but I don’t blame it for hair loss.
I have 8 bottles of Duasteride & I use it topically & orally.. I think it helps.
Maybe you experiment. I stopped drinking coffee as an experiment & I think my hair is regrowing better. It could be a host of reasons..
8 bottles yeah right. Why would you need 8 bottles lol?