Topical flutamide don't work


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No where does it say it doesnt work. The URL link you posted only tells us there's no supporting evidence to prove it does work thats all.


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But.... anyone with results?

With spironolactone i see no one have results, but with flutamide, anyone?


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Well some users claim its stopped their hairloss and thickened it up a bit but no regrowth. I know for a fact they work internally so its possible to work topically depending on the success of the systematic absorbtion of these products through the scalp. Dig round and you will find a few users on here using the stuff. I think one one of them is El_duterino.


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I did have regrowth with sinere's Flutagel but I also had sexual sides (same as finasteride) so I packed it in. I'm talking a few new thick hairs around bald temple area but nothing to shout about.


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rework24, where can i find your photos?

hairsucks, most users say flutamide don't have side effects because isn't systemical absorbed, how is that possible?

follicle84, but this products inside the body can cause cancers, and bleeding... the idea is just topical without systemical absorbtion


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I have finally got round to putting a couple of my genhair pics up so it has taken my thread back to the top with my pics on


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striker9 said:
follicle84, but this products inside the body can cause cancers, and bleeding... the idea is just topical without systemical absorbtion

The topic flutagel maybe, but i was refering to flutamide ( flutagels main active ingredient). You can actually get oral flutamide, see here.

But yes taking such a drug orally can cause problems as can most drugs. However even taking such a thing topically will have some systematic absorbtion but not as much. If this wasn't the case the product would be ineffective, as the underlying cause of the problem is deep under the scalp at the hair follicles were dht is being supplied through blood to the root of the follicles. The idea of using it topically is A) less systematic absorbtion and B) to have specific control over areas you want flutagel/flutmide to work.


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follicle84 said:
But yes taking such a drug orally can cause problems as can most drugs. However even taking such a thing topically will have some systematic absorbtion but not as much. If this wasn't the case the product would be ineffective, as the underlying cause of the problem is deep under the scalp at the hair follicles were dht is being supplied through blood to the root of the follicles.

I think the occasional molecule of DHT that gets to the hair follicle throught the blood has a fairly insignificant effect on them. I think by far the main problem is the DHT that's generated WITHIN the hair follicles themselves, by their own 5a-reductase. To put it another way, I don't think DHT has much of a role as an endocrine hormone.


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Rework24 can you give me the link?

follicle84, but the flutamide sides don't compare to finateride for example.

Brian so what topical do you recommend? If you say flutamide isn't effective.



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People have reported gyno and sexual side effects. There similair side effects to finestride no? Just because the mechanisms of action are slight different doesnt mean they cant perform the same job with the same risks. The reason for finestride being known to have more risks is that its more widely used than flutamide. Anything that can alter hormones is going have side effects.


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So using flutamide or spironolactone doesn't look a good idea at all, we never know what kind of sides that we're going to have if isn't used globally.

but if they don't have systemical absorption won't be a problem right?

If we can't use spironolactone or fluta, or better we shouldn't what other products despite rogaine and propecia should we apply?


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Flutamide is absorbed systematically, spironolactone works locally. At recommended doses of topical spironolactone, you shouldn't get any side effects.


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So flutamide is out of question as an anti-dht.

We remain with spironolactone. Where can i found pictures of members that had sucess with spironolactone?

so what's the best? spironolactone, azelaic acid or other? the best anti-dht is what?


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I've never used spironolactone. I know when used internally it can cause gyno, but i havent heard anything too negative from using it topically unless you use too much. I would go for spironolactone im a little skeptical about azelaic acid.


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Bryan said:
I think by far the main problem is the DHT that's generated WITHIN the hair follicles themselves, by their own 5a-reductase. To put it another way, I don't think DHT has much of a role as an endocrine hormone.

It appears your right. Only type 1 of 5ar is generated by the follicles in the scalp. Type 2 is generated by the rest of the body (prostate) but is found in the scalp but not as much as type 1.