Hey Aussie,
I just ordered Apple Poly to Australia and am waiting on my shipping of both the internal and topical.
I suggest waiting to see how I fair with my results because up until now, nothing has worked for in the form of slowing my rate of loss which is obscenely aggressive.
Internal capsules should be effective on their own. Check out Beyond-a-Century for Procyandin B-2 which appears very cheap as I stated above (50days for $17USD) not bad!
However, like all things, efficacy of a product, potency, purity and so forth are all dominating factors. Is Beyond-A-Century's product as good as Apple Poly's and vice versa for all providers of procyandin B-2 products.
It would be good to get all of us on a cross section of different procyandin B-2 products to compare results.
Like I said in one of my previous posts, if this works for me, it will work for anyone - I could guarantee it!