Transplant information and advice - with pictures


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I am looking at getting a hair transplant at the end of the year after not seeing any progression on any hairloss medication. From my research i feel i am a good candidate. I will be nearly 28 at the end of this year.
I have my crown completly intact and at a norwood nw2 or maybe reached nw3 now sadly....
But my hair is very thick naturally and wanted advice on where to go and what would be recommended between FUT or FUE FOR my situation.
I am based in the UK but from what i am hearing and researching i would be best suited going abroad for both price and quality of surgeon which i am prepared to do if i can find the right person.
If anyone could give me some advice or information i would be grateful.
For example the price of somewhere like belguim or turkey compared with London for example and quality of surgeon?

Thank you

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you are definitely Norwood 2 MAX
i don't think you even need work done but to answer your question, turkey seems to be the best place for it. 1000 grafts which is probably plenty for your situation is about 2500$. Quality and price are both better than in UK.


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I wouldn't worry just yet, but definitely opt for fue later. I'd get on the big 3, your hairline hasn't receded much (if at all) and it should recover. You will need to go on it anyway because your hair will gradually recede behind the transplant if you are not on the big 3. I had fue surgery in London and it cost £7500 for 3000 hairs or £2.50 per hair. Going abroad is definitely cheaper and peoples results speak volumes about quality. I had mine done in London because a mate of mine has had fantastic results, I couldn't see myself travelling abroad on my own. Especially somewhere I haven't been before.


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Firstly, thanks for the replies. I think i know where my hairline is going in lets say a couple years time and im already a little bit uncomfortable with it, i was one of those that had no response to the big three, i should probably get some blood work to find out what i am up against, but i want a hair transplant to replace what i have lost.
I am trying out RU45581 to see if i can even maintain or stop the DHT at the moment. I think the difference in prices are amazing, why does the UK have such a poor reputation? The price v quality?
I mean, i dont mind going to London with someone, obviously its ideal, but im unsure about the prices when you can get something abroad for lets say 50% less and better results.
I dont blame you, traveling abroad for surgery takes alot of mental strength alone. The two places i have heard to go is turkey and Belgium?

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Obviously i also need something to retain the rest, i have heard very good things about CB-01-03 but its still in trials in europe but things look very hopeful for it. If you dont get any response from finasteride...that leaves you with RU and CB?


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Personally I think it falls done to price, most people can't afford to have it done in the UK. Therefore they opt for the cheaper alternative and go abroad. I can't see many threads about people getting it done in the UK, it's mostly Turkey and belguim and with the same few dr's. Time will tell but looking at the results of my dr's patients my hair should see equally good results.


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Hi Stephen
May I ask where did your mate have the FUE done in London - you said he was really happy with it. I am considering London too but as mentioned, many people seem to be put off. Many thanks!


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Hi Stephen
May I ask where did your mate have the FUE done in London - you said he was really happy with it. I am considering London too but as mentioned, many people seem to be put off. Many thanks!

I sent you a PM.


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Just so i can do some research, which surgeons are recommended in turkey and belguim +Stephen could you recomend anyone from London?



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I wouldnt do it yet. You are not far enough along. You could get it done and next year lose everything behind it in a couple months (exaggeration) and be screwed.
If your hair is that good now just wait until youre at least 34-35 to start. Wish my hair was that thick at 28.


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I can see where your coming from, i need to find something first that will halt my hairloss completely, i am currently testing ru+finasteride+minoxidil and seeing what will happen. Not prepared to go on dutasteride as i couldn't take it. So it basically leaves CB....but that may not be available till the end of the year.
I am intending to get one though when i find something that works and when i see results...but until then i will be saving up for one.
I think from just seeing lots of questions....choosing a quality experiences surgeon is everything...if it requires travel you travel etc....

But appreciate thoughts guys. Thanks for the names Stephen.


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My problem is that nothing seems to work for me or stabilize my hair, it just keeps receding and that's why i really haven't got a choice for this, hence why finasteride never worked for me and i couldnt take dutasteride, and RU has caused massive shedding already with no sign the hairs lost will return....i dont know what else is there to test?


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My problem is that nothing seems to work for me or stabilize my hair, it just keeps receding and that's why i really haven't got a choice for this, hence why finasteride never worked for me and i couldnt take dutasteride, and RU has caused massive shedding already with no sign the hairs lost will return....i dont know what else is there to test?

Mate you pretty much have a full head of hair. Im sure you can live with it for a couple years to assess if how fast you are losing hair. If later on you realise its not aggressive then you can get your transplant


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Give PRP a try. Stopped my hairloss and made my hair darker/a little fuller. Worth a try before taking the leap. Also keep in mind shock loss. You have a pretty full head of hair


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if medication aint maintaining let alone responding then you're not a good hair transplant candidate.

viet nom nom

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Chill and give the meds a couple years. It seems unlikely you've lost much in the last year - You have good hair and if the finasteride can halt the loss, you'll be in great shape for a 35+ year old.

If it doesn't stop it...well go look at some pictures of Joe Biden and decide.
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I agree with everyone else here. You should give the meds more time before you do a hair transplant. Hair transplant usually sucks early on because you just have to go get it done again anyway and it'll be sloppy as ****. Did you actually try the meds for a good 15 months before you dismissed them? Hair cycles take a long time and you might not even see some of the small hairs yet.


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Thank you for all the responses, i have tried RU+minoxidil and have noticed a large shed on the hairline area, i didnt have any success with finasteride a few years ago, i was on that for about 13 months.
I guess, my hope is RU + finasteride and minoxidil for over a year and see what happens. I understand that i must need to find something to halt the hairloss before proceeding with a hair transplant.....dont paticually want to wait for CB which could still be over a year away.

A couple of questions though....

1. RU once or twice a is only for 8 hours apparently?
2. finasteride in either propecia or proscar - does it really make a difference between the two? - surley the same ingrenident....
3. Is there any point in taking finasteride if your on RU?
4. Should i continue with 5% RU strength KB solution?

Thanks for help and advice guys. Really appreciate it.

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Also what if if gets to the stage where i keep going and RU and minoxidil are having the opposite effect and just cause the hairs to shed quicker with no sign of progress?