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Ladies & Gentlemen, I know you guys haven't seen me in quite a while, but I want you all to know that I am alive and well, and best of all conquering my hair loss situation. My reasons for being in here so little are many, but to name a few, I didn't like the verbal environment here for the past 2 months, plus having said that my hair has been better, and I really didn't want to enter any posts until some significant hair improvement had been experienced, to come back with more vigor.

To sum it all up, I dropped Propecia about 1 month ago for being sick of all the sexual side effects, and have stuck with Rogaine 5%. I attribute all of my regrowth and maintenance to Rogaine, and I am flying solo with it for the time being. Right now I am undergoing a minoxidil-tolerance period in the crown and I'm resting it there till August 15th. I am also undergoing a Saw Palmetto tolerance period, and I'm resting that till August 15th as well. As far as progress, I have regrown my temples to their original density before heavy thinning started, and the same may go for the hairline.

My crown is stable and awaiting minoxidil continuance in August. I have several pictures available, I can post them up this afternoon. I now have a #5 clip on the top, and a skin fade on the sides. Can I get a poll for pics???



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XL..missed yah man! Been rough kickin these newbies' asses by myself. Glad to hear yer holding up...I've been slacking due to money issues. Things still look alright though. Keep us posted ese!


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Good to see you XL. I also disdain the verbal atmosphere here a bit, but I try to wade through the crap for the good stuff.

Further, my situation has improved so much that I am sorely tempted to post photos before the one year mark. Unfortunately, I only have one or two "before" shots of my crown with Minoxidil on it; after taking the photo and looking at it in my digi cam, I nearly vomited and could not take any more. But it certainly shows the extent of the loss I was experiencing.

Now, however, it's not so hard to look at. Even the hairline has improved, and noticeably so on the left temple. No before pics of the hairline, but mine was never that bad.


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welcome back dude. if you need a host, check out


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2 seem like a good guy..with that said, i think for your own good, i'll tell you to lose the du rag.. it looks ridiculous


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Hey, X,
good to see you back and congrads on your success! :rockon:
It gives us hope. Maybe I'll be next...

Anyhow, there was kinda a good fallout from you and Mr. Telogen vanishing, and a few others: More guys seem to be posting on the women's site.. and vice versa. It's a good thing to share, we have different perspectives. So, I've gotten to "talk" w/ a few other folks.
And, more women seem to be posting on a regulart basis. The news about is getting around, or maybe more people are losing their hair :( .



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XL, I'd like to see pics. Awesome news that you've regrown man. Hope things are good in FL.


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Looks good man. I see considerable improvement on the left temple which was previously your weakest area.

Keep it up.


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bombscience said:
Looks great! I'd be afraid to take mine down that short, it would probably be way too obvious.

actually the opposite. Take the plunge and shave it. I did!

Looks good x. Cant even tell !


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XL way to go dude! I wouldn't think you have any problem at all.

I'm also seeing nice improvement since stopping finasteride and doing minoxidil 2 x daily.


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Stabber said:
bombscience said:
Looks great! I'd be afraid to take mine down that short, it would probably be way too obvious.

actually the opposite. Take the plunge and shave it. I did!

Looks good x. Cant even tell !

Ahh see i dont know as a diffuse thinner I use my remaining hair to hide the thining areas... pretty sad. I'm going to get a chop this week and post pics in my photo journal. I already know it's going to be a depressing day.


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I'm chopping mine on Friday too Bomb, so I might be on the same boat as you. The question is, where are we sailing to? I know you like that one Sting... heh heh Yeah I'm going from my current #5 top/#0 sides to #2 top/#0 sides. I am currently also using a comb method to hide some of the worst part of my temples, and can't begin to imagine when there is no hair to do it with! Either way, maybe the shortness will make thin areas look even, I'll see and post pics as soon as I have something. Keep it real fellas!



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Loks Good XL.
you and Mr. Telogen vanishing
So seems we both took off at the same time.MMMMM we went and robbed a bank together is all. My self, I'm out living life and spending LESS time online.There will be plenty of time for that this winter.


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hey X can you post up some previous pics? if i saw you on the street I would've NEVER have guessed that you have male pattern so jealous!!


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i ll tell you one thing..i bet a million X cuts his own hair like me. if you know how to cut your own hair you can spend as much time as you want and you can cut it to camophlage it any way you want to, then youfigure on the best look for you. if you dont know how to cut your hair go to a homeboy that does and understands your problem, but make sure he can fade as good as i, or as good as X' barber..
-black vinyl


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black12inch said:
i ll tell you one thing..i bet a million X cuts his own hair like me. if you know how to cut your own hair you can spend as much time as you want and you can cut it to camophlage it any way you want to, then youfigure on the best look for you. if you dont know how to cut your hair go to a homeboy that does and understands your problem, but make sure he can fade as good as i, or as good as X' barber..
-black vinyl

Bet that up.
