Trying Sildenafil 0.5% solution with Minoxidil 5% and Cetirizine 0.3%


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Another sildenafil ROS-related study

Here is another point why sildenafil coupled with NO-donors such as minoxidil might be advantageous:

The file takes a minute to load. It basically proves that (and now I copy):
Secondhand smoke decreased eNOS activity and increased ROS generation (superoxide anion) in penis. Sildenafil therapy prevented decreases in eNOS activity that were likely related to decreased eNOS uncoupling, thus, preventing penile superoxide anion formation. PDE5 inhibition with sildenafil successfully decreased iNOS activity, and superoxide anion production and nitrotyrosine (peroxynitrite) levels in the penis of mice exposed to secondhand smoke. Importantly, sildenafil therapy increased eNOS activity in the penis with the restoration of endothelial function and neurogenic mediated erectile responses.

In layman's words: sildenafil literally cured or prevented the reactive-oxygen-species-induced erectile dysfunction of smoking mice.

How is it important to us? It may be a small stretch but it looks like sildenafil has some kind of anti-oxidant properties in this case. It is known that NO is a ROS and body can make it into a very dangerous peroxynitrite, which is also a ROS and a downright poison. If sildenafil can prevent conversion of NO to peroxynitrite while retaining and/or strengthening the vasodilatory effects of minoxidil, then I think we have the golden candidate for hair-retention (not necessarily hairloss cure though). This would also probably mean a lot less minoxidil needed to be used on scalp.

Another benefit is that you may get nicer and stronger erections, apparently. I am starting to like this drug a lot lot more.