Tsuji Riken Hair Primordiums - Final 20 Questions

That Guy

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RIKEN: "Well, it's all going good, but a major hurdle for us is the-"

People: "That's it! We're doomed! No cure until at least 2030, guys! Everyone trade your finasteride for some polish and a buffer!

RIKEN: "B-but, our research has shown us some prospects for solving this pro-"

People: "Dooooooomed!!!!"



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Just had a conversation with the translator, and have some preliminary information for you all from the interview. She mentioned that in the interview they stated they *are* able to control the width of the resulting hairs, as well as the color. And ... the density (# of hairs) in a given area.

Now that "bomb" being dropped on me seemed astronomical, so I inquired further just to make sure I had heard correctly. She confirmed. There is however something still standing in their way which they have not been able to get past just yet. Its their final hurdle.

My reaction was: "So should they be making the statement that they can control both color and thickness of hairs if they still have a roadblock and haven't actually done it yet? Maybe it should be called a hypothesis, contingent upon all roadblocks being addressed and actual implementation accomplished?" (clear as mud?) She said she thinks they were referring to their mouse models. That they were able to create custom density, custom hair width, and custom color in that environment.

She then mentioned that they phrased it similar to: the implanted hairs would follow instructions of surrounding cells for that particular portion of the scalp. That sent my mind down another path however. Adopting surrounding "instructions" for width, density, and color is technically different from "being able to control" it and customize it.

So we'll see.

Disclaimer: This could ALL be completely wrong. I need to see the final translations and grammar check everything for proper meaning, so this is only meant as a teaser.

Again: Shooting for this weekend, Sunday or Monday to publish.

If the new hairs take instructions from hairs in surrounding area that might not be a good thing because the hairs in the surrounding area are balding hairs, If the new hairs take instructions from the hairs in the surrounding area then the new hairs would probably be balding hairs.


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nameless pls


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If the new hairs take instructions from hairs in surrounding area that might not be a good thing because the hairs in the surrounding area are balding hairs, If the new hairs take instructions from the hairs in the surrounding area then the new hairs would probably be balding hairs.

hairs are not instructed to miniaturize, that is a result of their DHT sensitivity and these new hairs will not be sensitive to DHT. I think it's a good thing it can make your hair line look natural, in theory

Pray The Bald Away

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RIKEN: "Well, it's all going good, but a major hurdle for us is the-"

People: "That's it! We're doomed! No cure until at least 2030, guys! Everyone trade your finasteride for some polish and a buffer!

RIKEN: "B-but, our research has shown us some prospects for solving this pro-"

People: "Dooooooomed!!!!"

I wish I could like this ten times!


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Surely you understand all the doom and gloom, though? 2020 is a long wait and even that was an optimistic projection.
Even the best case scenario would have been much too late for a lot of us. So the added delay these hurdles *might* imply understandably places the treatment firmly under science fiction in the heads of many.

There's never been much doubt about whether a cure was coming, the real question has always been whether it's coming in time. And that makes all the difference - it's all that matters. No matter how good the hair loss cure is, it's not giving you back your youth.

Of course, no one can call this a definite setback but then I'm surprised we were popping champagne bottles over something as late as 2020 to begin with.

Having said that, I greatly appreciate all the hard work that goes into both Tsuji's research and this interview. Thanks for all the effort and I'm looking forward to reading it.


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No matter how good the hair loss cure is, it's not giving you back your youth.
That's correct but please remember youth covers 1/3 of your whole life. I can assure you don't want to spend the remaining 2/3 watching every day in the mirror the reason why you could never be truly young.

PS: me, as regards my hair, I would just like to become old and think of all the illnesses I am getting, but smiling for the reason at least "I won't die a cueball". To me, that would already be a triumph. Hopefully Tsuji can give me that.

That Guy

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I wish I could like this ten times!

Like I keep saying, some people just want this to fail. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why.

No matter how good the hair loss cure is, it's not giving you back your youth.

For me it would, since this would likely see release before my 20s are up.

If you keep yourself in good shape, protect yourself from the sun and don't let your mind stay in the past, you'll be miles ahead of everyone else into middle age and possibly beyond. My grandparents (almost 70) are often mistaken for my parents because they were always in tune with these facts. They're never "too old" for anything, either; sh*t, grandpa and I still play co-op video games quite often.


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Like I keep saying, some people just want this to fail. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why.

For me it would, since this would likely see release before my 20s are up.

If you keep yourself in good shape, protect yourself from the sun and don't let your mind stay in the past, you'll be miles ahead of everyone else into middle age and possibly beyond. My grandparents (almost 70) are often mistaken for my parents because they were always in tune with these facts. They're never "too old" for anything, either; sh*t, grandpa and I still play co-op video games quite often.

Very easy to figure out, they are hair transplant shill. JSM, right?

That Guy

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Some of them probably are, yes. I think a collection of negative experiences, the fact that negativity is contagious, depression, and self protection have a lot to do with it.

Still annoying as hell, though.


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I don't blame them as well. Look at hair loss history research, horrible claims from intercytex and aderans and now nothing :/


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hairs are not instructed to miniaturize, that is a result of their DHT sensitivity and these new hairs will not be sensitive to DHT. I think it's a good thing it can make your hair line look natural, in theory

As you yourself say, the balding hairs in the location is due to DHT sensitivity and that DHT sensitivity in those hairs MAY BE due to the genetic instructions inside of those cells. If that is the case then those balding hairs might pass on their genetic sensitivity instructions to the new hairs as well.


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Would be somewhat of a major oversight to create a technology that just generates hairs which adopt DHT sensitivity. So there's obviously some other factor at play where information is shared, but not DHT sensitivity. I think we can assume that as obvious.


She's working on translation all day today by the way. Once she sends it to me, I will be creating the video that will represent the youtube version of the interview. I am then sending the video for translated captions this evening, and hope to have that back within a day. While the caption guy is doing the captions, I will be creating the text version of the article, and then we're done.

That Guy

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As you yourself say, the balding hairs in the location is due to DHT sensitivity and that DHT sensitivity in those hairs MAY BE due to the genetic instructions inside of those cells. If that is the case then those balding hairs might pass on their genetic sensitivity instructions to the new hairs as well.

For a genetic trait to be passed on, it requires a progenitor with that trait — the progenitors of the primordial follicles do not have this trait.

You can not get hereditary heart disease by standing next to someone who has it, but you can catch a cold and their personality can "rub off" on you.


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Surely you understand all the doom and gloom, though? 2020 is a long wait and even that was an optimistic projection.
Even the best case scenario would have been much too late for a lot of us. So the added delay these hurdles *might* imply understandably places the treatment firmly under science fiction in the heads of many.

There's never been much doubt about whether a cure was coming, the real question has always been whether it's coming in time. And that makes all the difference - it's all that matters. No matter how good the hair loss cure is, it's not giving you back your youth.

Of course, no one can call this a definite setback but then I'm surprised we were popping champagne bottles over something as late as 2020 to begin with.

Having said that, I greatly appreciate all the hard work that goes into both Tsuji's research and this interview. Thanks for all the effort and I'm looking forward to reading it.

You haven't the slightest clue if 2020 was an optimistic projection... Bottom line is everyone discussed this, and the people involved, meaning people that have been working on this directly, created a release date... How do you possibly think it's reasonable to assume it was an optimistic projection? You haven't the slightest slightest clue, none of us do, but do you know who does? The people that came to the conclusion of the release date... Those guys, you know who are actually working on this... It's those guys you essentially are questioning as if you know better...

That Guy

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To be fair, an anticipated release date is a best-case scenario — optimistic.

But yes, it is completely irresponsible (given present information) to assume that this could not or will not meet such a deadline; they obviously feel that it is doable.