UCman and Hp both have very good points.


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I swear to god the amount of 'accept your baldness and move on' comments they get from Norwood 1's is f*****g unbelievable. Yes they're both way too negative in their outlooks on life, but honestly none of these people have any right to tell them how they should feel about their hair. They'll keep whining about baldness and how bad their life is, and everyone will keep on reassuring them its not the end of the world and that they have alot to live for (most likely because they believe if they 'cure' ucman/hp then they've in effect cured themselves and wont have to suffer the same fate in the future) and everyone is whole again.

Guess my point is let them complain, and dont tell them how it's like, because they know better than you.

uncomfortable man

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Damn Barca, thanks for that man. I agree that I spend WAY too much time on this site and that it is unhealthy. If only I had HP's willpower to not post so often, lol.


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It is true I'm much better off than UC. Less to fill in. I got enough hair people don't think I'm bald. Women don't think I'm a catch either. Occationally some young people will say I look bald and old, but not often.

Fact still remains, I don't get tail. If you are not at least an 8, I think women expect you to pay, which I don't want to do.

I don't know what UC's finances are, or how much he wants to work. But at age 40, and the cost of all the BHT he'd need, my advice to him is to get the head tat and shave. But he better send me pics so I can help him pick a good hairline.

UC, you want to look better, but I can tell you that unless you got a face and body to match, it is not worth going into debt and spending all your hard earned money which you can use to have fun.

I found a really good Doctor in canada with good pictures. Still trying to find as good of one in the states. I want to get my sides tattooed with dots so they look a bit thicker. My scar too. And in between hairs. That way I can shave if I want, or be regular length and my scalp not shine as much. Still, dots do not stop shine much.

Yeah, just back to me having less BHT to fill in. I'm still not sure I want to spend the $20,000 for the BHT I need. UC probably would need to spend $50,000 to get enough transplants. He has the body hair though. Just a question of if it is worth the money. A woman will look at my calves less than my chest.


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I have no problem with them complaining. Hell, I'd probably do the same.

What I do have a problem with, more HP than UCM, is hinting that every bald man feels like they do (That it's normal to rather have hair and have his leg amputated!?), that it's normal to be so depressed and insecure, and those who are relatively content and bald are only happy because they're rich, or not as bald.

...Pretty much refusing to accept that there are many bald men out there who carry on with their lives as if nothing's happened.

uncomfortable man

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I have a V shaped dent where my hairline should be. I know exactly what it needs to look like, the stipple needs to diffuse at the edge of the hairline to prevent the Jaime Fox stenciled effect.


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CCS said:
It is true I'm much better off than UC. Less to fill in. I got enough hair people don't think I'm bald. Women don't think I'm a catch either. Occationally some young people will say I look bald and old, but not often.

Fact still remains, I don't get tail. If you are not at least an 8, I think women expect you to pay, which I don't want to do.

I don't know what UC's finances are, or how much he wants to work. But at age 40, and the cost of all the BHT he'd need, my advice to him is to get the head tat and shave. But he better send me pics so I can help him pick a good hairline.

UC, you want to look better, but I can tell you that unless you got a face and body to match, it is not worth going into debt and spending all your hard earned money which you can use to have fun.

I found a really good Doctor in canada with good pictures. Still trying to find as good of one in the states. I want to get my sides tattooed with dots so they look a bit thicker. My scar too. And in between hairs. That way I can shave if I want, or be regular length and my scalp not shine as much. Still, dots do not stop shine much.

Yeah, just back to me having less BHT to fill in. I'm still not sure I want to spend the $20,000 for the BHT I need. UC probably would need to spend $50,000 to get enough transplants. He has the body hair though. Just a question of if it is worth the money. A woman will look at my calves less than my chest.

you honestly can't be a real person....lol, you don't get tail because from what it seems...you are probably one of the oddest and creepy guys in existence....LMAO at "if you're a below an 8, women expect you to pay"...that would mean the majority of men in existence are paying to reproduce...just because you have zero clue how to talk to women and initiate things in a sexual manner it doesn't mean you need to post like the things you are talking about actually apply in the real world...they don't.


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uncomfortable man said:
I have a V shaped dent where my hairline should be. I know exactly what it needs to look like, the stipple needs to diffuse at the edge of the hairline to prevent the Jaime Fox stenciled effect.

I'm not saying don't get the tattoo done...but all I'm saying is think of some possible scenarios where it could be discovered you got the procedure? Are you planning on not telling anybody and hoping nobody notices or would you be willing to defend your decision to get your head tatoo'd with stubble to cover up actually being bald? Would you feel confident explaining to a group of people that you had the procedure done and give a reason why? Because no offense, based on how you come across in this site...I don't think you'd appreciate being laughed at by people for your decision...which could happen if people find out.....

people like to touch other peoples shaved or bald heads...especially women. So say all of a sudden women do find you amazing looking now that you have some "face frame stubble" and are all of a sudden dropping their panties for you....what happens when one of them touches your head and feels the bald area where she expects there to be smooth, buzzed hair....and then figures out its a tatoo.


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qball01 said:
uncomfortable man said:
I have a V shaped dent where my hairline should be. I know exactly what it needs to look like, the stipple needs to diffuse at the edge of the hairline to prevent the Jaime Fox stenciled effect.

I'm not saying don't get the tattoo done...but all I'm saying is think of some possible scenarios where it could be discovered you got the procedure? Are you planning on not telling anybody and hoping nobody notices or would you be willing to defend your decision to get your head tatoo'd with stubble to cover up actually being bald? Would you feel confident explaining to a group of people that you had the procedure done and give a reason why? Because no offense, based on how you come across in this site...I don't think you'd appreciate being laughed at by people for your decision...which could happen if people find out.....

people like to touch other peoples shaved or bald heads...especially women. So say all of a sudden women do find you amazing looking now that you have some "face frame stubble" and are all of a sudden dropping their panties for you....what happens when one of them touches your head and feels the bald area where she expects there to be smooth, buzzed hair....and then figures out its a tatoo.

Well, he could always do a Jacko and tell her that he has vitiligo. :shock:


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barcafan said:
I swear to god the amount of 'accept your baldness and move on' comments they get from Norwood 1's is f****ing unbelievable. Yes they're both way too negative in their outlooks on life, but honestly none of these people have any right to tell them how they should feel about their hair. They'll keep whining about baldness and how bad their life is, and everyone will keep on reassuring them its not the end of the world and that they have alot to live for (most likely because they believe if they 'cure' ucman/hp then they've in effect cured themselves and wont have to suffer the same fate in the future) and everyone is whole again.

Guess my point is let them complain, and dont tell them how it's like, because they know better than you.

Yeah I agree with this, I'm not saying that these 2 dont have overly pessimistic (paranoid even) views on their situation but they still have a point and they have more right than any others on here to be down about their situation.
After all they have been suffering this for many years.
Having been there myself I'm one of the few on here who know how it really feels to reach the stage of being truely bald and until you've been there you dont really know what its like.
And being bald at a young age then growing older is not the same as being an older guy who has recently lost his hair.


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qball01 said:
I'm not saying don't get the tattoo done...but all I'm saying is think of some possible scenarios where it could be discovered you got the procedure? Are you planning on not telling anybody and hoping nobody notices or would you be willing to defend your decision to get your head tatoo'd with stubble to cover up actually being bald? Would you feel confident explaining to a group of people that you had the procedure done and give a reason why? Because no offense, based on how you come across in this site...I don't think you'd appreciate being laughed at by people for your decision...which could happen if people find out.....

people like to touch other peoples shaved or bald heads...especially women. So say all of a sudden women do find you amazing looking now that you have some "face frame stubble" and are all of a sudden dropping their panties for you....what happens when one of them touches your head and feels the bald area where she expects there to be smooth, buzzed hair....and then figures out its a tatoo.

I agree it wont take long for someone to notice this and it'll only take 1 person to suss it and you wont be that bald guy you'll be that bald guy who tried to tattoo hair on his head. Plus dark stubble when you're in your 60's/70's+?
I really cant see how this can look authentic in person, photo's yes but not photo's are not 3D and cant capture anywhere near as much detail as actually being next to someone.

uncomfortable man

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qball01 said:
uncomfortable man said:
I have a V shaped dent where my hairline should be. I know exactly what it needs to look like, the stipple needs to diffuse at the edge of the hairline to prevent the Jaime Fox stenciled effect.

I'm not saying don't get the tattoo done...but all I'm saying is think of some possible scenarios where it could be discovered you got the procedure? Are you planning on not telling anybody and hoping nobody notices or would you be willing to defend your decision to get your head tatoo'd with stubble to cover up actually being bald? Would you feel confident explaining to a group of people that you had the procedure done and give a reason why? Because no offense, based on how you come across in this site...I don't think you'd appreciate being laughed at by people for your decision...which could happen if people find out.....

people like to touch other peoples shaved or bald heads...especially women. So say all of a sudden women do find you amazing looking now that you have some "face frame stubble" and are all of a sudden dropping their panties for you....what happens when one of them touches your head and feels the bald area where she expects there to be smooth, buzzed hair....and then figures out its a tatoo.
I hear where you are coming from Q, I guess I would have to consider taking finasteride to keep what little I have on top because when I run my hand over my head it feels just about the same as the sides and back in terms of stubble texture. I think the trick is keeping it buzzed on 0 every other day to keep the hairs from getting long enough to cast a shadow.


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UM and HP have every right to feel angry, their complaints don't bother me at all. I know how sh*t**, shallow and arrogant human beings can be and some 'people' don't waste an opportunity to humiliate others. And, even though I'm still a NW2, I went through a hard time when I started losing my hair and I know how it feels.

On the other hand, you could use baldness as a weapon - especially if the bald guy is an a**h** and really deserves it. Last week, I was being harrassed by a bald colleague of mine and once I started to make fun of his hair loss, he immediately left me alone.


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metropolis said:
UM and HP have every right to feel angry, their complaints don't bother me at all. I know how sh*t**, shallow and arrogant human beings can be and some 'people' don't waste an opportunity to humiliate others. And, even though I'm still a NW2, I went through a hard time when I started losing my hair and I know how it feels.

On the other hand, you could use baldness as a weapon - especially if the bald guy is an a**hole and really deserves it. Last week, I was being harrassed by a bald colleague of mine and once I started to make fun of his hair loss, he immediately left me alone.



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Um you little attention wh***! this is like the 4th topic discussing merely your situation, although you have it worse then most of us, at least you dont have to pay for shrinks :punk:

But seriously, i thought that at some point you and HP and SAF and Dude would stop caring what every new member here (nw2's, apparently is the norwood that people seem to find this forum the first time) have to say or think about you guys.

anyways, i said what had to be said long time ago, you are beyond fixing, other then being bald, your not making it easier on yourself when you come here each day and respond negative, your only feeding the monster (depression) more each day.

I swear to god that section takes a good deal of energy to deal with, when i ignore for a few days, is suddenly feel better, but since the "new treatment bs" forum is quite dead, this is the second best to visit.


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metropolis said:
On the other hand, you could use baldness as a weapon - especially if the bald guy is an a**hole and really deserves it. Last week, I was being harrassed by a bald colleague of mine and once I started to make fun of his hair loss, he immediately left me alone.

Get the f*** outa here, #@$%#@ :thumbdown2:


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I would love to read about some good experiences HP and UM have gone through before hair loss. Do you have any happier times you would like to share?


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DoctorHouse said:
I would love to read about some good experiences HP and UM have gone through before hair loss. Do you have any happier times you would like to share?

UCMan has a daughter. That's a lot to enjoy.

uncomfortable man

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If not for myself, then for her I need to snap out of this. I love you IBM. :sobbing:

uncomfortable man

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metropolis said:
On the other hand, you could use baldness as a weapon - especially if the bald guy is an a**hole and really deserves it. Last week, I was being harrassed by a bald colleague of mine and once I started to make fun of his hair loss, he immediately left me alone.

You shouldn't. Insult him on something relevant. By going there you stoop to the same level as the arrogant pricks you spoke of and become the enemy in my eyes.