Ugggh, more side effects


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Thanks for the words of support mate. I'm trying to get in the gym and do HIIT training but sometimes I just don't have the energy. My sleep is just non existent I barely get 4 hours a night despite being absolutely shattered every day. I'm convinced it's cos my testosterone level dropped like a stone during the crash and it's just not recovering. The doctor will put me on trt I'm sure so hopefully that will help me get back to normal.


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Finasteride for treating hair loss just isn't worth it. I follow a strick Jojoba oil regimen and the results thus far have been fantastic. All the benefits of hair without the sides.


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People base their decision on the advice of the specialist that sides are minimal and they go with discontinuing the drug. It's lies. All my problems have started since I quit the drug. All the suppliers out there like the belgravia centre in London are only interested in your money they should never be allowed adverts on TV or even to sell this drug


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Lol, I really don't get it but my sides are coming and going. Had some ED yesterday, was fine at the end of the day but now have it but, once again, way better than when I was on the pill. ****, this is annoying.

And cheesy, you HAVE to do it, push yourself, dude. Also, try and have sexual contact a couple times a week , orgasms increase DHT and test. Now that I'm having this pseudo crash I notice that my ability to get up improves after the first orgasm.

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Finasteride for treating hair loss just isn't worth it. I follow a strick Jojoba oil regimen and the results thus far have been fantastic. All the benefits of hair without the sides.

What's your problem?


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I read that taking propecia can give you Gyno..
i have been taking propecia for 5 days i am 18 yrs old... ever since i hit puberty as far as i can remember i had a slight Gyno .. i have puffy nipples with a small lump underneath my nipples.. AT THE MOMENT it does not bother me since i workout and you cannot tell as much..

My concern is will my gyno get worse if i take propecia since i already have a small gyno ? my gyno as stayed the same for the past 5-6 years
Also any suplements i can take to combat getting gyno?


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My sides have gotten worse. Its seems like I've crashed :(

My libido and energy level is fine though which is weird. Anyone heard of a PSF sufferer with a healthy libido? I don't know what to do. I'm heartbroken, life was going so well for me after years of unhappiness and now I'm staring into a void.

EDIT: yesterday was bad, I had total Ed to the point where I couldn't get it up for anything. I woke up this morning with a hard on though and managed to get it going by myself (from a flaccid state), albeit with more difficulty than I'd like but with a stronger erection than my second bout with sides, not much came out but I still have all sensation down there. I don't want to count my chickens too soon but this is good. My body wants to heal itself, this much is clear.


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You are way over thinking things and causing your own ED. Stop it and focus on other things.


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You are way over thinking things and causing your own ED. Stop it and focus on other things.

A placebo can't dry up your sperm. You're letting your love of propecia blind you to the fact that its a potentially dangerous drug.

I spoke to a doctor and he said that
A) propecia shouldn't be prescribe for hairloss. You shouldn't mess with your hormones for the sake of vanity.

B) it's actually fairly normal to have a crash and that I should make a full recovery soon. PSF is probably way more common than you'd think but on that note is probably perfectly reverseable in the vast majority of cases- the Propeciahelp guys are the ones who's bodies couldn't adjust. The endocrine system Is controlled by the brain so the fact that mine works fine (good energy and libido) means that it's not a total crash and being that part/most of that system works means that I'll heal myself.

I hope he's right because I met a great girl yesterday and wanted to ask her out badly but just couldn't because of this cloud over my head.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for the words of support mate. I'm trying to get in the gym and do HIIT training but sometimes I just don't have the energy. My sleep is just non existent I barely get 4 hours a night despite being absolutely shattered every day. I'm convinced it's cos my testosterone level dropped like a stone during the crash and it's just not recovering. The doctor will put me on trt I'm sure so hopefully that will help me get back to normal.

The good news for you is that you have a marked drop in test. Lots of PSF sufferers have hypogonadism despite normal test levels so you'll probably respond well. It's not ideal but look at the bright side, lots of ppl get test replacemen just to stay strong in middle age (Joe rogan for example)- You're going to have the juice of a 25 year old.


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I'm just going to say this out right plain and clear. I think both of you guys have been reading too much in to the propecia help and PFS stuff. I was on the drug for 8.5 years and was convinced to quit after reading that garbage even though I didn't really have any side effects on it.

Your symptoms are most likely psychologically induced from reading about the sides. That being said, I challenge you this: go 3 weeks without posting on here, without reading anything related to propecia, get some sun, go outside, get exercise, stay off drugs including alcohol.

I guarantee you you will notice the difference. Otherwise go ahead and join the other greedy liars and suit Merck for your misfortunes....


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I'm just going to say this out right plain and clear. I think both of you guys have been reading too much in to the propecia help and PFS stuff. I was on the drug for 8.5 years and was convinced to quit after reading that garbage even though I didn't really have any side effects on it.

Your symptoms are most likely psychologically induced from reading about the sides. That being said, I challenge you this: go 3 weeks without posting on here, without reading anything related to propecia, get some sun, go outside, get exercise, stay off drugs including alcohol.

I guarantee you you will notice the difference. Otherwise go ahead and join the other greedy liars and suit Merck for your misfortunes....

Are you mental? How the **** are you supposed to placebo yourself into a medically verified state of hypogonadism like Cheese or into dried out nuts like me? I can see something like ED being psychological but certainly not those symptoms. Dude, I have a lot of trust in the pharmaceutical industry and in my doctor so I know I'll recover but trust me, this isn't in my head. And don't worry, I'd never sue your precious company just because I ended up being unbelievably unlucky.


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I'm just saying you've been on here blowing up the forums obsessing over this. You haven't even given yourself a fair chance to not be mentally thinking about it.. And what exactly do you mean am I "mental"?

I don't care about Merck or any of the pharmaceuticals. I am actually pro bald and anti drugs for the most part. But I know how much finasteride helped me with keeping my hair. And hair loss has had a huge effect on my life since it started when I was 18.

I'm sorry finasteride hasn't been working for you but I stick by with what I said. Most of the people on the propecia help PFS wagon are just hypochondriacs obsessing over worries that don't even exist.

That being said, the PFS studies turned me down because I don't have any of the symptoms. They only wanted men who's penises stopped working. They even take a sample of your foreskin! If you believe you are one of these men you could volunteer yourself for a good cause?


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Well guys that's about it for me I'm going to kill myself today. I can't go on like this anymore the absolute hell I've been going through. Things have got so bad the last week or so I've been awake pretty much the last 7 days. I can't remember the last time I slept. I'm meant to be getting married next year but that won't be happening. I can barely leave the house to go to the local shop, the brain fog is just simply too much. I've pretty much lost everything now which I will never get back, lovely lass, job, car, I had future hopes but that's all gone with propecia. It's ruined my life and if anything I hope that people read this and if it stops someone from taking it and saving a life then at least something good can come from this.

I was young vain and naive. I trusted the belgravia centre in London with their reassuring words about sides: only 2%? Crippling anxiety and insomnia on the crash then led to impotence and ED. the insomnia was the worst. Awake for days at a time with no sleep, u can't wish that on your worst enemy. Total depersonalisation of character and feelings of total sorrow, that's it for me.

Keep fighting and if you see any press coverage please try and raise awareness as much as possible.


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You seem to be fully functional to me. I'm tired of people making posts like this.


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Well guys that's about it for me I'm going to kill myself today. I can't go on like this anymore the absolute hell I've been going through. Things have got so bad the last week or so I've been awake pretty much the last 7 days. I can't remember the last time I slept. I'm meant to be getting married next year but that won't be happening. I can barely leave the house to go to the local shop, the brain fog is just simply too much. I've pretty much lost everything now which I will never get back, lovely lass, job, car, I had future hopes but that's all gone with propecia. It's ruined my life and if anything I hope that people read this and if it stops someone from taking it and saving a life then at least something good can come from this.

I was young vain and naive. I trusted the belgravia centre in London with their reassuring words about sides: only 2%? Crippling anxiety and insomnia on the crash then led to impotence and ED. the insomnia was the worst. Awake for days at a time with no sleep, u can't wish that on your worst enemy. Total depersonalisation of character and feelings of total sorrow, that's it for me.

Keep fighting and if you see any press coverage please try and raise awareness as much as possible.

If you're actually for real and not trolling, you need to go on and talk to the people on there going through the same thing. You won't find any help on this forum. They may be able offer some hope in terms of possible treatment and recovery. How long has this been happening? Way too early to be throwing in the towel, your body will recover in time.


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I think propecia help and PFS site was this guys problem to begin with. You start believing in what those people say and you are sure to go into a deep depression. They had me convinced once that finasteride caused my cavities... No not the 3 mountain dews i sipped daily. It had to be the propecia right? Everything from tinnitus, impotence, cavities, etc etc etc. Basically it's a gathering of hypochondriacs that had stuff go wrong with their health coincidentally while taking finasteride or after they quit it. One way or another they took one pill and now blame everything hypothetically wrong in their life on this drug because others before them have been doing the same.

Im here to tell people it's not true because I personally believe that rubbish at one point and have wised up. It's not true at all. None of it.


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My Regimen
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Stop applying your own experience of finasteride to literally everyone else's. You go in every thread and tell people their side effects are in their head, just because that's what happened with you on finasteride. Some side effects may be exaggerated by depression or paranoia. But some side effects are real and do continue after stopping the drug. Try to have an open mind.

g.i joey

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yeah, i dont discredit the major common side effects that pfsers suffer, but they probably are really depressed and exaggerate it to a whole other extent.


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Stop applying your own experience of finasteride to literally everyone else's. You go in every thread and tell people their side effects are in their head, just because that's what happened with you on finasteride. Some side effects may be exaggerated by depression or paranoia. But some side effects are real and do continue after stopping the drug. Try to have an open mind.
I'm trying to help you guys get out of this unnecessary funk you've put yourselves in. But instead I'm just going to let you drown yourselves in your self pity and needless worries. Good day sirs.

g.i joey

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I'm starting to regret starting finasteride, after I read this post. I started a few days ago. I'm just doing the 1mg a day (Propecia) script. I believe this post is real. But I've read stories about guys that can't feel any sensation in their penis after post finasteride syndrome, I kind of find that hard to believe (ED I believe is real, but not feeling anything... that's strange).

dude, dont worry if you arent suffering any sides then you're good.. i think most people who have so called "pfs" suffered a nice amount of side effects while ON the drug.

this is all a theory but what i will do when i get off it is, come off slowly, like take 4-6months just to ween off.. people complain about a crash.. if you could just wean off the drug in stable amounts you have nothing to worry about. reduce the mgs then once you hit a low mg just reduce the frequency you take it.