Ugh... UGH!!!


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Bloody stupid hair loss.. thing. lol

Why can't I go back to like a year or so ago when everything was just FINE ...

Ok well.. I'm starting to lose hope on the Densiti thing. I have noticed I have been getting way more body hair in the last year.. I reckon something has happened involving my DHT so until I get my little s-equol supplement made.. unless something changes DRASTICALLY in the next week... I'm gonna jump on fluridil and spironolactone and go from there.

I'm just tired of it.. I mean I know people claim results with these craaaazy health regimens like "Drop all your nice food and spend 10 years doing detoxes!!" but seriously man... I cannot be bothered!! lol

So erm.. yeah. I can't use finasteride coz that stuff messed me up, so like.. as I say, it's gonna be a combo of potent DHT-reducing topicals (fluridil and spironolactone or fluridil and RU) for now, and I'll add more if it's needed (perhaps swap the fluridil for asc-j9 if it's looking more effective).

My s-equol supplement I still have high hopes for, but god knows I need something nooowwww before my hair loss becomes noticeable (you still wouldn't really think it).

Anyone else get kinda p***ed off with being male ¬_¬



EDIT -- I also just wanted to say, thanks for being there :) I was a proper mess when I first discovered my hair loss, as I mentioned at the beginning, it actually brought me to tears a few times quite badly at the beginning. I don't know what I would do without forums like this to.. even if I am a bit of an unusual case.. understand this strong adverse reaction to losing hair and be supportive as opposed to many people in the real world who just look at me weird for being bothered by it. Forums like have kept me strong, and I owe a lot to all of you :)

Hoppi ^^


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Dude just give up on all the alternative bullshit. You're not helping yourself at all. It's no wonder you're jumping from one thing to another, because none of this sh*t really works.

If you can't do finasteride, go to step two.

Step two is antiandrogen topicals. RU, fluridil, spironolactone, or whatever other combination works for you.

If that doesn't work, you have to go with one of the following:

- wig
- let it recede and hair transplant some hair back into it later on
- shave

That's it. No point in stressing beyond this.

uncomfortable man

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I'm sure we've had our differences Hoppi but suffering is what brings us all together. Cyber hugs.


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How predictable from the guy who was so sure he'd found the cure only last week.
My bet is the next thread he starts will be back to how he's can see regrowth and has cracked the problem once again.

How about some pics Hoppi because so far the ones he's posted have shown a full head of stoner/hippy like hair.


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^^stoner hair lol

@hoppi, don't worry, everyone here is going through the same thing :) As for long were you on it before the sides came in? I'd really recommend to try it for a year at most and see how you cope with it for that long.

Nashville Hairline

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Hoppi said:


Does anybody know what in shitting crikey these symbols mean?


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Just another victim of OCD of the hair and how to save it...................... :whistle: Stop searching for the holy grail to prevent hair loss. Its going to happen genetically if you are programmed for it. You can slow it down with the big 3 or waste your time and money on something that no expert doctors would recommend. Put all that energy into something more worthwhile that might save your sanity.
You remind of someone who tries to come up with all these quick get rich schemes but still ends up poor as a pauper :shakehead:


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Hoppi, have you actually posted pics of your loss anywhere yet? It'd be interesting to see where you're at.


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yeah I've still got nice looking hippy hair lol, it's just looking a little like.. just a bit flatter and less healthy at the top. You can't even see gaps or anything bad, it doesn't even look thin, but that's only because I have naturally very thick hair.

I still do believe s-equol is a very, very special chemical, and that until we have thoroughly tested in with male pattern baldness, it's... to be honest something of a mystery to me why people cast it aside. At the VERY least it should prove a useful addition to finasteride, but it could possibly be as good as or better than finasteride, and with little or no side effects.

And hell, what have we got to lose by trying?

Anyway erm, you see many people have reported success (GREAT success) with a great many approaches, such as Prague, JDP, and many individuals on other sites. However it must be said that mere words speak significantly quieter than actual pictures, the internet is an ambiguous and uncertain place!

Erm... yeah, not much else to say really :)

I don't really like showing photos, I don't know why.

I'm so glad I have stuff like fluridil and spironolactone and RU to fall back on, but I think I will try for just 1 more week to get s-eq made before using those as well. I am going to write e-mails to UK laboratories and post a job on oDesk.

I know a lot of people think s-eq might not work but.. imagine if it does.


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Hoppi said:
yeah I've still got nice looking hippy hair lol, it's just looking a little like.. just a bit flatter and less healthy at the top. You can't even see gaps or anything bad, it doesn't even look thin, but that's only because I have naturally very thick hair.

...... I don't really like showing photos, I don't know why.

Because it would prove how crazy a guy without hairloss who spends all day researching different types of medical treatments is? :whistle:


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As you don't want to use Propecia, get on the topical anti androgen regimen, like Boondock still have plenty of hair.

I've been lurking on the natural supps forum for the last year, and tbh i'm yet to see any proof, or even pictures from people supposedly having success.

I'd like to see it, and for supps to be able to control male pattern baldness, but i'm afraid all I see is a bunch of play scientists skipping from supplement to supplement while all the time losing hair and demonising propecia as poison.


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^ This.

I've read a lot of this stuff. Plenty of studies, zero photographic evidence.

I also second what SAF said. Nobody even knows if you're losing yet, Hoppi. Don't need to show a face with the hairline pic.


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Last pics Hoppi posted showed a thick NW1 hairline. I wonder if he's just getting freaked out over a maturing hairline?


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Trust me, just take my word I am losing FAST.. lol (I could show you pictures of handfuls of (freshly fallen) thick, italian hair if you want? lol)

It's very unpleasant :(

It's fairly rapid and completely diffuse (over the male pattern baldness top area). I do often think that some things make _dents_ in shedding, like this whole thing about masturbation or this or that, I do think they make a small difference and I also think that certain treatments work for certain people. I believe The Natural when he says that the curcumin and resveratrol combination worked for him, but I don't believe it would work for me.

The reason I focus on s-eq is because I agree with all of you (you have to bear in mind I am much more mainstream than a lot of the people on some forums, even if I may appear alternative on here). I agree with you that DHT is the culprit, I agree with you that it should be targeted and the hair defended from it. I agree about 5-alpha reductase, etc etc, because it EXPLAINS why guys lose hair and girls don't so much. But, I also think that many things can upset internal hormonal balance.

Don't people understand the promise of the s-equol chemical? It's the only chemical known that can bind to DHT and inactivate it.. doesn't that mean something?


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Hoppi said:
Trust me, just take my word I am losing FAST.. lol (I could show you pictures of handfuls of (freshly fallen) thick, italian hair if you want? lol)

However much hair your seeing falling is totally irrelevent, if you still have a thick full head of hair. Most women will lose dozens of hairs everytime they wash or brush, does'nt mean they're going bald.
You should wait until you're not seeing any hairs falling out (because theres none left) trust me I've been there.


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I know my own hair though, you know? And it is much thinner on the top, the only reason it isn't noticeable is that my long, pretty much ex-thick hair up there covers it up really well.

I also have recession at the front, but less so, which started at the same time as the diffuse loss at the top.


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s.a.f said:
Hoppi said:
Trust me, just take my word I am losing FAST.. lol (I could show you pictures of handfuls of (freshly fallen) thick, italian hair if you want? lol)

However much hair your seeing falling is totally irrelevent, if you still have a thick full head of hair. Most women will lose dozens of hairs everytime they wash or brush, does'nt mean they're going bald.
You should wait until you're not seeing any hairs falling out (because theres none left) trust me I've been there.

Gotta second that, I have hairballs the size of my fist *EVERY DAY I BRUSH*, but my hair has pretty much been stable for about 18 months (though I still have these annoyingy stubborn 2" vellus hairs which seem to just sit there and taunt me :) ).


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aw hehe, and wow Gemini you live in Wales??

You'll never guess what! I have been staying with a friend in Wales for the past TWO MONTHS! hehe, I know we don't always see eye to eye but that is kind of cool lol



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Boondock said:
Hoppi, have you actually posted pics of your loss anywhere yet? It'd be interesting to see where you're at.

