Ugh... UGH!!!


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^^This is coming from a guy who hardly has any hairloss and still thinks he does. :whistle:


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Look at you Hoppi, even OKNow can mock you for having good hair and being on this board. And OkNow has great hair!


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there are pictures of Hoppi?


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For how long did you try finasteride and what dosage? Why not start again with something like 0.125 mg EOD? I know Gk is on it again, and he originally had sides, but not anymore.

At least it will buy you time, until you decide 100% what to do.


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I dont think its possible to cut it to 0.125 mg accurately.0.25 mg itself is a little difficult to achieve precisely....


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mpbsux20 said:
I dont think its possible to cut it to 0.125 mg accurately.0.25 mg itself is a little difficult to achieve precisely....

Is it very important for the dosis to be precise everytime?


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No I dont think it matters as 0.125 might have the same effect as 0.25...Its just a little tough to cut it to 0.125.


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I just... I'm scared to inhibit my 5ar2 anymore ._. I still think I've got mild sides lingering from the first time (these could be in my head, but they just don't feel it).

It just feels like I'm playing with fire - perhaps my body is still working on recovering from the first time, I don't want to go doing it again! I actually vowed last time when I chucked my packets of finasteride that I would rather lose my hair than ever take the stuff again >.< I just value my.. manhood more xD

I guess that's one reason I am for the forwarding and testing of equol. I also love the idea that people could take equol (if it worked) without as much caution, and at younger ages without as much concern. One could also COMBINE finasteride with equol, to in theory combat DHT at 2 different levels internally.

It's not like I never even consider finasteride anymore but... I get more tempted now to go the topical path instead if s-equol is ruled out.


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Dunno about the whole idea of cutting finasteride pills, especially into the smaller amounts.

The trouble is that no matter how accurately you cut, the ingredient is not dispersed completely equally throughout the tablet; it will be concentrated more in some ends and edges.