Uk 2010 elections

somone uk

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aussieavodart said:
2:11 - 2:30 reminded me of that episode of south park where the place was overran with homeless :p

tony blair was change for the better, cameron is change for the worse


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somone uk said:
tony blair was change for the better, cameron is change for the worse

Good grief dont you realise the state of the economy. :shock: not to mention the state of society in general today? You cant possibly say thats improved!
Tony Blair was full of promises but failed to deliver- bigtime! Labour were happy to sweep everything under the carpet all these years.
Camerons only been in power for 2 weeks and from what I've seen he's knuckling down to try and sort out this shitheap he's inherited. Can he do it? Probably not but at least he's making some attempts to cut back. Especialy on his own expenditures.

somone uk

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s.a.f said:
[quote="somone uk":1cxcatz7]tony blair was change for the better, cameron is change for the worse

Good grief dont you realise the state of the economy. :shock: not to mention the state of society in general today? You cant possibly say thats improved!
Tony Blair was full of promises but failed to deliver- bigtime! Labour were happy to sweep everything under the carpet all these years.
Camerons only been in power for 2 weeks and from what I've seen he's knuckling down to try and sort out this shitheap he's inherited. Can he do it? Probably not but at least he's making some attempts to cut back. Especialy on his own expenditures.[/quote:1cxcatz7]
oni said:
somone uk said:
tony blair was change for the better,

Please explain how?

Minimum wage act of 1998 saved britains working class from economic slavery
crime has been down compared to tory figures (despite camerons "broken Britain" image, notice he doesn't use statistics like labour)
ban on fox hunting
good friday agreement to the most part ended war in northern Ireland
scrapped section 28 because of it's simple homophobic prejudice
got a million pensioners and 600,000 children out of poverty
do you need any more?
the 1 thing about politicians is that people find them much easier to criticise than praise
i am not saying labour are perfect or even good in any way i am just saying that they were a change for the good when john major got out because they did fix a some of the social injustices that the Tories created during the thatcher era

though i do agree that labour did nothing about the housing boom, but i don't think the Tories would since they did nothing in the 70's, 80's and 90's either after the land related recessions of 1990 or 80s or the 70s
Economist Fred Harrison Predicted the recession in 2008 and even published it in a book in 2005 saying that the issue for the last recessions have been housing bubbles and such a recession could be prevented in the future by a tax reform that would tax land instead of income



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And here are some of Labours greatest moments of their past 2 terms:

Firstly using 'dodgy dossiers to take us into a war thats cost 100,000,000,000's and far from making us safer has done the exact opposite.
Our gold reserves sold for a quarter of their worth
Our armed forces overstretched and under-supplied
Profitable post offices closed against their will
£22,500 of debt for every child born in Britain
111 tax rises from a government that promised no tax rises at all
100,000 million pounds drained from British pension funds
Gun crime up by 57%
Violent crime up 70%
The highest proportion of children living in workless households anywhere in Europe.
The number of pensioners living in poverty up by 100,000
The lowest level of social mobility in the developed world
The only G7 country with no growth this year
One in six young people neither earning nor learning
5 million people on out-of –work benefits (this is what they really mean by reducing the jobless total!)
with child poverty rising in each of the last three years.
Cancer survival rates among the worst in Europe
Hospital-acquired infections killing nearly three times as many people as are killed on the roads
Falling from 4th to 13th in the world competitiveness league
Falling from 8th to 24th in the world education rankings in maths
Falling from 7th to 17th in the rankings in literacy
The police spending more time on paperwork than on the beat
Fatal stabbings at an all-time high
Prisoners released without serving their sentences
Foreign prisoners released and never deported
7 million people without an NHS dentist
Small business taxes going up
business taxes raised from among the lowest to among the highest in Europe
Tax rises for working people set for after the election
The 10p tax rate abolished

somone uk

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oni said:
Blair was a "neo-Thatcherite"! :uglylol:
that's a fair point, new labour are practically tories, just not as bad

Cameron recently came to Shipley (near where i live) and he had the audacity to blame labour for the high unemployment and the relative poverty in Yorkshire when it was in fact the Tories in the 1970's that did this.
Even worse he then announced cuts in public services like 10% unemployment is not enough in Yorkshire
Thank you Cameron for increasing the north/south divide :thumbdown2:


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New Labour are definitely the worst government I have ever seen. Already the Tories are working to scrap some of Labour's crazy pet projects, such as ID Cards and the "Contact Point" database (that considers men guilty of paedophilia until proven innocent).

Their authoritarian, meddling, power-mad Reich has come to an end and I for one am glad to see the back of them. I am just amazed that Harriet Harman kept her seat! I bet all of her votes were postal votes, if you catch my drift (if not, I am accusing Labour of ballot fraud - they were caught making dodgy papers in a warehouse not long ago infact)

It's weird how people still rush out to defend them. I know one guy who supports Labour only because his father always voted Labour, and he believed every word his father said about "those nasty Tories closing down the pits". Funny thing is now his father has abandoned Labour, saying they are exactly the same as the Tories of old.

It's weird, we've just had a Labour government that was screwing over the Working Class with restrictive new laws and massive stealth taxes, and protecting the rich with a cut in Capital Gains Tax from 40% to 18%.
Now we have a Conservative government that is screwing the rich with a CGT rise back to 40%, and is helping the Working Class by raising the tax threshold to £10K.

Seems our politics has turned on it's head. And still people haven't caught up.

I agree with Someone UK though about having a land tax instead of (or as an adjunct to) an income tax. Plus all of the fat-cats who own the land couldn't exactly shift that off-shore could they?
All of the piss-poor high-rise flats that have been built recently are because some landowner thought he could get rich off of the boom. (Look for these to become the ghettos of the future. Nobody wants to live in them so they become full of DSS tenants. These new High-rise "Executive Apartments" will be torn down in 20-30 years like 60's towers are being torn down today.)

Bald Dave

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s.a.f said:
Bald Dave":1ymyoth0]So the Lib Dems have joined forces with Tories just so they can be in government. The Lib Dems got lesser seats in this election than they did in the last election and making them realise that this is only way they can get into government. They have basically given up everything that they stand for and i bet the Lib Dem Voters are livid that the Lib Dems have "sold their souls" just for a bit of power! In a way im glad that Cameron and Clegg are working together because once they f*ck up then Labour will get in power again and people will always know that the Tories and the Lib Dems are sh*t and the only party worth voting for is Labour. So enjoy the short ride lads :)[/quote] Your last paragraph was exactly what happend under the Labour terms they came in promising so much but in the end all they were out for was themselves it just took a second term before it became evident. This just about sums up their time in office up completly: [url=" said: ... 5867979304[/url]

On the other hand Camerons first act in Government has been to freeze his future pay increase. :whistle:[/quote:1ymyoth0]

Oh good for him. He went to Eton school and Oxford University and has inherited a 60 million pound fortune so i think its very honerable of him to freeze his pay :thumbdown2:

He really does represent the ordinary working class people of Britain :jackit:

Bald Dave

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s.a.f said:
And here are some of Labours greatest moments of their past 2 terms:

Firstly using 'dodgy dossiers to take us into a war thats cost 100,000,000,000's and far from making us safer has done the exact opposite.
Our gold reserves sold for a quarter of their worth
Our armed forces overstretched and under-supplied
Profitable post offices closed against their will
£22,500 of debt for every child born in Britain
111 tax rises from a government that promised no tax rises at all
100,000 million pounds drained from British pension funds
Gun crime up by 57%
Violent crime up 70%
The highest proportion of children living in workless households anywhere in Europe.
The number of pensioners living in poverty up by 100,000
The lowest level of social mobility in the developed world
The only G7 country with no growth this year
One in six young people neither earning nor learning
5 million people on out-of –work benefits (this is what they really mean by reducing the jobless total!)
with child poverty rising in each of the last three years.
Cancer survival rates among the worst in Europe
Hospital-acquired infections killing nearly three times as many people as are killed on the roads
Falling from 4th to 13th in the world competitiveness league
Falling from 8th to 24th in the world education rankings in maths
Falling from 7th to 17th in the rankings in literacy
The police spending more time on paperwork than on the beat
Fatal stabbings at an all-time high
Prisoners released without serving their sentences
Foreign prisoners released and never deported
7 million people without an NHS dentist
Small business taxes going up
business taxes raised from among the lowest to among the highest in Europe
Tax rises for working people set for after the election
The 10p tax rate abolished

Like someone has already mentioned Labour aren't perfect but things were alot worser under the Tories during the 80s and 90s than they were under Labour! Labour are certainly the lesser of the 2 evils :hump:

How the hell does Cameron know about broken Britain? Does he live in a crime ridden surburb? No, he lives in posh Oxfordshire and he hasn't a clue about how the other half live. He has been reading too much propaganda in the Sun newspaper!

What does the Sun newspaper and the tories have in common? They are both full of tits!


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Bald Dave said:
How the hell does Cameron know about broken Britain? Does he live in a crime ridden surburb? No, he lives in posh Oxfordshire and he hasn't a clue about how the other half live. He has been reading too much propaganda in the Sun newspaper!

What does the Sun newspaper and the tories have in common? They are both full of tits!

LOL when did any PM live in a crime ridden suburb dave? You seem to think that unless a politican comes from a working class family with a coal miner and a cleaner for parents then they have no credibility. Do you really think fellow Eton boy Phoney Blair and his millionaire wife were working class?
BTW the last Conservative government (who you seem to blame for everything whilst completley over looking the fact that Labour have been suppossedly running the country for the past 13 years!!)
was infact run by John Major who actually had a real working class upbringing.

Its only now that the documents are being released that we can see the extent of Labours own greed and how they were all out for themselves the whole time with pay and perks. Look at 2 Jags Prescott who pretended to be for the working class all the while he was brown noseing his way towards a peerage in the house of Lords.
Cameron on the other hand does'nt have 2 Jags but has just rid all the ministers of using their chauffer driven cars along with all the other perks that the 'peoples party' Labour awarded to themselves.
Anyway who better to in charge of the government than a guy who is financially secure and does'nt have to worry about lineing his own pockets like 'Tony guest speaker Blair' or the rest of the Labour party with their russian billionaire 'freinds'.

You dont seem to grasp its not up to Prime Ministers to try and appease the lower classes and scroungers with gifts and gimmicks, his real job is to get us out of debt and strengthen the economy that the last government have run into the ground.

Bald Dave

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Like ive already stated the economy isn't the fault of the Labour Government as the whole world is suffering not like the boom and bust days of the 80s when it was solely the fault of the tories.

Yeah i know what your saying that the PMs of Britain aren't always working class but I hate it when a rich person says whats best for working class people when he hasn't a clue. If i was him i would just concentrate on government matters rather than say that he knows whats best about us working classes.

All we can do now is wait and see what happens but a tory government will never change and will always look after their own (rich people).

somone uk

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i TBH hate "new labour" i want old labour back, new labour was a party trying to appeal to both the working class and the toffs but the problem is they failed to make it work
old labour was a no excuses working class party that brought us such things as the NHS and the Rails during a tough economic time

Old labour:

Clement Attlee:
- Nationalised the rails
- Created the NHS
- Brought Prosperity to Britain at a very tough time (after WW2)

"New" labour:

Tony Blair:
- Lowered Capital gains tax
- Sold gold when it was at a really low value
- Went to an ILLEGAL war in Iraq


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So is Ed as much of a ballbag as his brother?

With the union support he has is fair to say he is more 'old labor' than his brother ,the 3rd way hack

somone uk

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i wanted Andy Burnham or ed milliband to win, so i am chuffed
i don't know much of dianne abbot policy or standing though
but i do know i didn't want david milliband or ed balls

.....hahahhaha ed balls :laugh: :laugh:

somone uk

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The Gardener said:
Labour has no balls
you should see the liberal democrats
"vote for us and prevent the tories poisonous cuts and VAT rise"
"these cuts and VAT rises are necessary"

Bald Dave

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The Lib Dems have 'sold their soul' and now people will realise what they really stand for. Many Lib Dem councillors have already resigned and its only a matter of time until the Lib Dems are no more. Like Someone uk has already quoted they said one thing before the election and say the opposite after the election! How can anybody ever take them seriously again? The Lib Dems beliefs are meant to be completely different to those of the tories and it shows that they would do anything to get into power :thumbdown2:

In a way this coalition has been a blessing for Labour as now the whole country can see what the Tories and Lib Dems really stand for! Labour would never side with the Tories if their lives depended on it! I predict that the next General Election will be a landslide win for Labour :punk:


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Bring back Old Labour! New Labour are worse than the Tories when it comes to embezzling and sleaze!

At least when a Tory MP gets caught it's only with a rentboy; only he and his family get hurt.
When Labour get found out it ends up costing the country millions!