Uk based ! where to get finasteride etc


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Hi guys... where do you guys get your finasteride from ??? online i mean .. do not want to go to Doctor so what do i do?????

thanks :O)


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I used to get finasteride from In House Pharmacy..I've now moved to dutasteride and get that from United Pharmacy.

Both of these places seem good on price and delivery, no problems with either...see which is cheapest.


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I just made Experienced Poster! :shock: :hairy: :D


Established Member
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cheers buddy... will look into those two.. how long does it normally take to get them delivered ??

What have been your experiences ??? coz i am not " bald" as such .. my hair is ok at the moment and i just want to maintain what i have .. its pretty thinner then it used to be but if i maintain i will be happy... obviously thickening would be good but just happy to maintain.. ! :O)

I am really worried about it starting to fall out on finasteride or dutasteride as i have no hair fall out now.. am i being paranoid??

Well done for " experienced " poster now!


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If you know your hair is thinning/receding then you should start on finasteride. it does a great job for many and can slow/halt loss and for some get some regrowth. You need to give it at least 6 months. Once you start i'm sure you know you'r on it for life if it works but it is easy to take.

You can get some 'shedding' as it does alter your hair cycles but it comes back.

It is a big decision to start on meds so do lots of reading up on this forum, there is some great advice and you can see results in the 'success' section.

finasteride didn't work for me which is why i've changed to dutasteride which is stronger.

Delivery is min 1wk but is more usually 2 wks.

All the best.


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cheap and reliable

i get my finasteride from

i have never seen it cheaper and it comes directly from a pharmacy


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Cheers guys for your replies.. i am still really eager to start something for my thinning hair, at the moment things are ok, not too bad, but i just want my hair to be thick like it used to be!! i can still get away with not really looking like my hair is going ..

My one and only worry is that i do not want to start something and it gets worse!! if it started to shed and get really thin i would be gutted!! lol

oh what to do, risk it or just leave it.. ????


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hey, minoxidil + finasteride won't make your hair worse. you may shed a little more initially but that's a good sign; it will grow back.

personally, I've been on finasteride for 7 months and minoxidil for 5 weeks and I have never had a shed.


Established Member
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cheers for that mate.. i think i will have to think about starting it soon, my hair was looking way to thing this mornig.. made me alittle depressed!

I am using revista shampoo at the moment, not sure if its making any difference , have not had any shed , which is good as i have read some people on here have lost hairs on it.. i tend it only use it 2 - 3 times a week ..

Have you seen good results with finasteride??

Cheers mate.. Al