Ultimate solution (pics included)?


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If you want an honest opinion- grow your hair back and shave it to a #1 or something thereabouts. You do not whatsoever have the head shape for a clean shave

not me!

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I think you can pull it off, certainly better than me. I cant pull it off even though I am pretty muscular and have a strong chin and cheekbones. Dunno why, just looks strange. Best of luck to you from one law student to another.

By the way, yes, keep on the meds because a bald head may be ok while a student but youre going to want to go for a more professional appearance when interviewing with firms ;).


New Member
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You really want a bunch of guy's opinions on the way you look with a shaved head? :roll:


Established Member
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A #1, with a goatee, and some muscle (which you already got), a nice tan (which you already got) and you'll look great


Established Member
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How long does it take you to shave it like that? Do you have to shave everday to maintain that look?

Anyway.. looks pretty good.


Buffboy said:
social_drinker said:
By the way, yes, keep on the meds because a bald head may be ok while a student but youre going to want to go for a more professional appearance when interviewing with firms ;).

My thought exactly.

You look alright. I don't want this to come across as "gay" - but you easily get away with a shaved head.

Rawbbie is here to insult people. Don't entertain him. He doesn't mean well.

This guy even admits to having no real hairloss problems, yet still hangs around this forum 24/7 insulting people for being "bald".

I simply don't reply to the muppet.


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smudge said:
How long does it take you to shave it like that? Do you have to shave everday to maintain that look?

Anyway.. looks pretty good.

Usually I shave ever 3rd day. In fact I like it the most on the 2nd og 3rd day, because then the grey "aura" is visible but not so much to totally reveal my extremely high temples. After the 3rd day it is, so it's shaving time!


Senior Member
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Hey man, I noticed that too... Rawwbitch is here to bust balls..

Basically, he's a straight up a**h** with no life obviously since he roams MEDICAL websites harrassing people.

not me!

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That "aura" that you speak of is another reason that I couldn't get away with it. Mine just contrasts with my head so much that even on the first day it is blatently obvious that I have a hair loss problem. I am fair-skinned and tanning helps, but it is still there.

Shaving is no longer an option for me, as I now have a scar from a strip-excision hair transplant. I don't mind the scar because I can buzz to a #2 in the back and it cannot be seen even after only 4 months post-op. These are things to take into consideration when you have a hair transplant, though. For me, the trade-off was well worth it since I hated how my head looked shaved anyway.


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Bro, do what makes you happy, if its shaving your head so that you dont worry about this hairloss thing 24/7 then do it.

Personallly, I think you can pull it off man, Im no "queer" but I think you have the head for it.



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I think it looks pretty good shaved if you were going to be, say, a bouncer. For a lawyer, however, I'm not sure it's the look you want. If you're a litigator, you might scare juries, and if you're a corporate hack, I'm not sure that the look fits well with the suit crowd. I don't think you would have any problem with girls though.


I think you need to trim your eyebrows a little and break up the face a bit with maybe glasses?????

But I do think you have a head shape that can handle the shaved look.


Established Member
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lol, well, you just replied to me now!!

I don't mean any "un-well" to anyone, but I'm also not going to pretend to like anything either. Why should I lie to someone and give a false opinion?

I said he needs a goatee and a bit of brush on his head and he'll look killer.

Just my two cents though, not like it counts or anything!

It takes guts to post photos on here, and that's what he's doing, so respect to that.