Ultimate solution (pics included)?


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^ Then in the aktionpak thread you make a rude comment about his mole... that's f*****g childish man.

Grow the f*** up and stop bashing people and/or making rude comments..

If your opinion is nothing but worthless rude gesture, then nobody wants to hear it and you are serving only yourself, in a selfish "I get off to pointing out other peoples' flaws" sorta Sadist fucked up way.

You, sir, are an a**h**!


Established Member
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Hmmm. I guess you're right, I Want My Hair.

You ever notice that the "rude" messages I post are in response to stupid, "childish" and server-space-wasting messages that other users post?

This place is 50/50 - 50 percent are idiotic little boys, wasting HairLossTalk.com's server space- ActionPack, posting like he can't speak english when he was born here... Gunner telling 25-minute stories which are actually fairy tales, not stories... you'll notice that I respond in a not-so-polite way to THOSE guys

You ever notice that a lot of the old, reliable users aren't here anymore? They're gone because of the above 50 percent. Losing those guys was a big deal, because they had lots to contribute. You know who they are.

the other 50 percent is here to help and ask for advice. Check me out- look up some of my recent posts here. Most of them are helpful and mature towards the guys who are in turn mature as well. I'm here to help and ask for advice as well, but the other 50 percent of the kids waste our time, and that can be irritating.

What's wrong, guys? Are you mad because it's okay for you to post garbage but not anyone else? Why do you get mad when someone raises the bar a bit, but it's okay for you to post 1000kb messages of junk?

Anyhow, I'm also wasting server space with this now, so I'll leave it at that. I'm still here to offer advice and ask for some, too.


Established Member
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Hmmm. I guess you're right, I Want My Hair.

You ever notice that the "rude" messages I post are in response to stupid, "childish" and server-space-wasting messages that other users post?

This place is 50/50 - 50 percent are idiotic little boys, wasting HairLossTalk.com's server space- ActionPack, posting like he can't speak english when he was born here... Gunner telling 25-minute stories which are actually fairy tales, not stories... you'll notice that I respond in a not-so-polite way to THOSE guys

You ever notice that a lot of the old, reliable users aren't here anymore? They're gone because of the above 50 percent. Losing those guys was a big deal, because they had lots to contribute. You know who they are.

the other 50 percent is here to help and ask for advice. Check me out- look up some of my recent posts here. Most of them are helpful and mature towards the guys who are in turn mature as well. I'm here to help and ask for advice as well, but the other 50 percent of the kids waste our time, and that can be irritating.

What's wrong, guys? Are you mad because it's okay for you to post garbage but not anyone else? Why do you get mad when someone raises the bar a bit, but it's okay for you to post 1000kb messages of junk?

Anyhow, I'm also wasting server space with this now, so I'll leave it at that. I'm still here to offer advice and ask for some, too.


Senior Member
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Regardless, you still made a rude comment for no reason, which was uncalled for.

not me!

Experienced Member
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Girls! Girls!

It is definitely hard to keep reading posts from each other day in and day out and not have little "tiffs" and snide comments with one another. After all, believe it or not, that is what helps make up the camaraderie of discussion boards like this.

Just kiss and make up and you'll all feel flower fresh in the morning.


Experienced Member
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See the thing is rawbbie, even though I hate trywans and other users stupid idiotic worthless pos childish and annoying posts, you were a bit harsh. :oops:


Established Member
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Yeah, it'll pass. It's hip to be bald(especially when by choice, but who can tell).
The thing is, if you are on the meds, how can the hair regrowth progress?

I think you should get a #1 buzz. Give it a chance to work.

How bad is it really? Any before pics?


Experienced Member
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I dont think its all that bad to be honest..it looks fine to me.......dont listen to rawwbie you dont have a misshaped head...you look fine(in a none-gay kind of way)....although i wouldnt go with a #1 guard i would try a #2 or 3 right no if your hairloss isnt that bad.
Reaction score
Buff boy, you can easily pull off the shaved head look granted you have a strong jawline. I would take the other posters' advice and maybe compliment the new look with glasses and grow out the overall length to a number 1.

It looks good.