I think you really need to study the scientific method, and learn what pseudo science actually is. I have no problem with any of the data you present, but as seems the norm on hair loss forums it is what is left out that really matters.
The simple bottom line is that the actual in-vivo experience proves that the data you present here, is just not relevant in the control of follicle size.
I think that anyone who really cares about better treatments for male pattern baldness, should realise that one recent study is far and away the most important male pattern baldness study so far. This is the immuno-mouse study i have referred to before.
Lets consider this in-vivo study of human scalp follicles in more detail. The relevant details are all in the abstract quote:
"Human hair follicles were grafted onto 2 strains of immunodeficient mice to compare the regeneration potential of vellus (miniaturized, balding) and terminal (hairy, nonbalding) follicles from males and a female exhibiting pattern baldness. Each mouse had transplants of both types of follicles from a single donor for direct comparison. Grafted follicles from 2 male donors resulted in nonsignificant differences in mean length (52 mm vs 54 mm) and mean diameter (99 μm vs 93 μm) at 22 weeks for hairs originating from balding and hairy scalp, respectively, corresponding to 400% versus 62% of the mean pretransplantation diameters. Follicles from the female donor transplanted to several mice also resulted in nonsignificant differences in length (43 mm vs 37 mm) for hairs from balding and hairy scalp, respectively, during a period of 22 weeks. The mean diameter of the originally vellus hairs increased 3-fold, whereas the terminal hairs plateaued at approximately 50% of pretransplantation diameter,"
What is of upmost importance here is the fact that "ALL" the follicle samples changed their size. male pattern baldness, large terminal, and female samples all adjusted to the same size within very close limits.
The full study makes it clear that there were more than enough androgens present, to maintain the male pattern baldness follicles if the action was mediated within the follicle. The full terminal follicles used are not regarded as androgen dependent anyway, yet importantly they to significantly increased in size.
What this study clearly demonstrates is that all the follicles were size adjusted to equality, by an external factor that is not directly androgen mediated.
If you follow the scientific rule of parsimony, there is only one genuine scientific explanation for these results.
All the follicles are enlarging to the maximum size allowed by the external resistance factor of the mouse tissue. The lack of the usual formation of a fibrotic restriction around transplanted follicles in these mice, allows this natural size adjustment.
Any other attempt to fully explain these results, would get thrown out on the grounds of parsimony in this study alone. This would not even include all the other related factors, that external resistance can explain.