I tried for the past 3-4 years to "accept" it and ultimately concluded no I can't, at least the way it looks now. It's so dark and thick around the back and sides and there's nearly nothing left on top (the frontal recession and crown loss have met), so there's a bad horseshoe shape no matter what. I can't just shave my head either, the contrast is still there...I look like my 60 year old college professor. It's terrible.
It has been devastating to me because I'm a good looking guy otherwise (plenty of female attention and respect with hats on). But I can't go anywhere without a hat to hide my disgusting looking scalp.
I need a solution to the horseshoe contrast issue. I don't need to have long, thick hair that I can style into medium length hairstyles. If I could somehow just get a short buzz-cut look that is consistent all over the head, and not this horseshoe pattern, I'd be happy. But even that seems tough. People say SMP but I think that looks like trash honestly. Not worth it to me. Can't someone do a FUE on me and just take some of the hair follicle units from the back and sides and spread them over the top? Why can't that work? Logically I think the resulting look would be better. I'd rather have thinner hair that is consistent all over than what I have now.