Update on non-jerkoff-progress.


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My results have gone downhill since precisely the time i started seeing my girlfriend about 10 months ago....before then i only really had casual sex occasionally like once every few months when i got lucky, and i'd knock one out a few times a week but it'd be over in seconds...obviously :lol:

Anyway, point being that now we have sex a good few times a week, and each time it's a good hour-long session where the *ahem* 'winky' is constantly up and the hormones are constantly raging....also on the days we don't do it i tend to knock one out thinking about doing it heh...my point being, i don't really believe that sex, masturbation or excessive sexual arousal can cause hairloss but at the same time i cant deny myself the fact that literally from the time we started seeing each other my hair has gradually declined...my regimen hasnt really changed nor has my lifestyle...probably just coincidence but something to think about.

What i like to try and do occasionally as well is compare lifestlyes between the generations...by this i meant that it's fairly obvious there is a much larger percentage of earlier hairloss among men these days than say 40 years ago, as there is amongst Asians compared to 40 years ago - so something must be contributing to this.....my own personal theory is diet, lifestlye, even things like radiation causing cell damage as being contributing factors...but also, havent we become much more sexually liberated since the 60s...people have more sex, are encouraged to pleasure themsleves more, p**rn is like switching on the TV.....just a thought.


It's a tough one, sex and hair loss. I am on the same opinion that the more sex you have over a sustained time then it does seem to have an impact on hair. I have been seeing my girl for over a year, but we split for about three or 4 weeks just after the summer. Since then we have been banging more or less every day apart from Friday and Sat. My hair loss got worse over the last 2 months.

Massive shed or too much sex....


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binoculars said:
Troymaclure, I have looked into what you have said.

Think On

Stay focused


is that good...?...bad...?

cheers :)


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However, refraining from masturbation will do wonders for your sex drive, your libido, your feeling of "being alive" and strong and healthy and vibrant. I swear by that.


Could that be due to the fact ejaculation rids the body of important nurtients?

also nobody has answered my question about how to gain weight and and a work out program that can help with that that isnt weight traning heavy..