So is seti still a maintenance drug, or will it not even maintain what you have without pge2?
Sorry for the confusion, I meant that both Seti and PGE2 are critical. I was saying that seti all on its own wont do much for regrowth. Seti is for maintenance as you said but adding PGE2/microneedling on top of the Seti is where I got almsot all of my regrowth.
Sorry for the confusion.
What do you think about PGE2 without seti ? Would it be effective ?
Not a good idea. Its kind of like only being on minoxidil without finasteride.
You need to stop the PGD2 damage for PGE2 to do its work.
Think of it like a house with water damage from a leaking pipe. You need to stop the leak before you can go about rebuilding.
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He gets it from hairchemicals I think. You can email them and ask for PGE2. I’m in the process of buying some now.
Update on setipiprant
I've been using this for about 8 months now at 1G a day and I can say that it's not quite maintaining for me, I've lost ground in my crown area. I am 25 with fairly aggressive balding and on no other maintenance treatment (other than recently added zinc thymulin), so maybe it is just not enough to fight genetics. I haven't lost faith yet, Westonci's results speak for themselves and if the cheaper group buy comes through I'll be doing 2G a day possibly with PGE2.
I feel like you wasted your time. Westi and others are super clear about this - you need to do both.
Therefore how can you loose faith in something you haven’t tried.
I can’t wait to hear how doing this properly goes for you. Good luck brother!
Hmm...but shouldn't he have at least had maintenance? Sigh not many seti only success stories out there
Not a good idea. Its kind of like only being on minoxidil without finasteride.
You need to stop the PGD2 damage for PGE2 to do its work.
Think of it like a house with water damage from a leaking pipe. You need to stop the leak before you can go about rebuilding.
Westonci begun with 2 gr seti and maintained. Than added pge2 and got regrowth.To be fair, you haven't tested the hypothesis. There are three cases to test:
1) PGD2 inhibitor + PGE2 agonist
2) PGD2 inhibitor alone
3) PGE2 agonist alone
You tested 1) and it worked great.
You tested 2) and it failed.
You have not tested 3). Even though your logic is fine, experimental science is filled with shocking discoveries that are only uncovered by experiments. You go into the test believing your logic and believing that 3) will fail. But maybe 3) succeeds. And if it succeeds then a) we do not need to spend money on Seti and b) we do not understand the science as well as we think we do, so we need to further refine the hypotheses.
I think you should test 3). This is actually very important to confirming your hypotheses.
Westonci begun with 2 gr seti and maintained. Than added pge2 and got regrowth.
So 1 and 2 succeded for him.
Pge2 on its own doesnt work.
I am testing 1), 2), and 3) to see if they can regrow new hair. I am not interested in maintenance. For purposes of my post, focus only on regrowth.
He tested 1), and it worked for regrowth.
He tested 2), and he says in multiple places that PGD2 inhibitor on its own was not able to regrow hair. So 2) failed. It did not succeed against the specific criteria of hair regrowth.
He did not test 3), therefore your claim that PGE2 does not work on its own is a hypothesis and is not proven.
The 3 is stupid go back reading Cotsa's studies and you'll find out why he didn't test it.
Plus 2) is a succes. You don't have to regrow anything to succed, some people just want maintenance w/o aide effects
You don't get to rewrite my question for me. I defined the endpoint as regrowth. Therefore 2) is a failure. You don't get to change my words and substitute "rewrite" with "maintenance" and therefore claim it is a success. Do that in your own post. Don't do it to mine.
The history of science is filled with experiments that were intended to prove obvious known "facts" that ended up proving the facts were in fact false. It doesn't matter what someone else's study gives as a reason for not testing a hypothesis. An untested hypothesis is untested. He should test 3) and I think there is at least an even bet chance he will get some regrowth.