Updated ID


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Today at work we were required to have updated pictures taken for new ID badges. I've been dreading this day because I had a thicker head of hair in my old ID picture. In my opinion there was no need to update the pics! Anyway, they take the picture and I'm feeling good about myself because I just bought a new suit and I'm confident I look good. I didn't think about it again until they gave us the new badges later in the day.

The lighting was sh*t! I look like I have no hair on the top of my head in the new picture! So now I get to walk around losing hair while the pic on my badge shows my bald future!

I wasn't alone in thinking the lighting made my hair look like sh*t. This intern we just hired came over to my office and started asking questions about when they update the pics. I jokingly asked if he wanted a retake. He said, "yeah, my hair looks like sh*t!" I said I wasn't pleased with my pic either. He grabbed my id, laughed, and said, "Dude, time for some rogaine!" I told him I already use rogaine and with a disgusted look on his face while staring at my hair he said, "I hope I never lose my hair."

I hope he does! f*****g prick!


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An intern said this?

I'd make him feel a bit insecure about his position at the company. Just drop a few hints. Or if you feel really strongly about it, get malicious.


Stories like this are really f*****g depressing... I'm so glad I haven't had any comments yet.


What an a**h**. Unbelievable, he is only an intern but he has no respect for you. You should work on that....... It is funny since I am gonna be an intern in about one week, too and I would never dare that.

badasshairday III

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Is that you in your avatar?


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but the truth is a nice nw1 makes the difference in poverty and wealth. He's a prick but he's in better position.


Thanks, IBM. Reading these last 2 self-pitying posts of yours clinched me to make my decision. I'm gonna try and do everything I can to overcome this whole hairloss thingie and man up. Tomorrow I'll be buzzing my hair first thing in the morning, and I'm accepting the fact that I'm going bald and build my life from that. No more hiding, no more feeling that I'm somehow faulty because I don't have a great head of hair. It's only f*****g hair and I refuse to turn out like you and Taugenichts who think hair is the be all end all and basically be pathetic moaning fucks over it. Thanks.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Thanks, IBM. Reading these last 2 self-pitying posts of yours clinched me to make my decision. I'm gonna try and do everything I can to overcome this whole hairloss thingie and man up. Tomorrow I'll be buzzing my hair first thing in the morning, and I'm accepting the fact that I'm going bald and build my life from that. No more hiding, no more feeling that I'm somehow faulty because I don't have a great head of hair. It's only f****ing hair and I refuse to turn out like you and Taugenichts who think hair is the be all end all and basically be pathetic moaning fucks over it. Thanks.

Go GHG!!! :shock: :lol:


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GrowHairGrow! you can do whatever you want. I'll support you. But dont deny it: having a long, thick and healty hair is like having a fairy by your side.


IBM said:
GrowHairGrow! you can do whatever you want. I'll support you. But dont deny it: having a long, thick and healty hair is like having a fairy by your side.

Nope. Having long thick and healthy hair is exactly what it is: having long thick and healthy hair. My hair has never been thick, and now it's leaving me. Boohoo. Lately I have often wondered that I must be f*****g crazy to let such a trivial thing affect me that much. I see lots of bald/balding men every day who seem happy and content, have wives and kids, the whole package. I can do that aswell if I really want to. On the other hand, I also see lots of almost bald men sporting the weirdest combovers to hide their hairloss, which is still too obvious. Those are the ones I feel sorry for and I don't want to look like that.


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it's not about having kids or having wife. It's about hair. And seriously how can a women like me without my hair? I cant imagine.

As i said hair is like a fairy. The more healthy and long more fair and wise is the fairy.


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growhairgrow,you are absoloutley right with the idea of moving on with your life and not really bothering about it,a lot of people can do that,i am defintley not 1 of them,i have sort of accepted that my hair will be the bain of my life


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it's not about having kids or having wife. It's about hair. And seriously how can a women like me without my hair? I cant imagine.

As i said hair is like a fairy. The more healthy and long more fair and wise is the fairy.

Why would a woman want you with hair? With that kind of attitude!!!

Thanks, IBM. Reading these last 2 self-pitying posts of yours clinched me to make my decision. I'm gonna try and do everything I can to overcome this whole hairloss thingie and man up. Tomorrow I'll be buzzing my hair first thing in the morning, and I'm accepting the fact that I'm going bald and build my life from that. No more hiding, no more feeling that I'm somehow faulty because I don't have a great head of hair. It's only f****ing hair and I refuse to turn out like you and Taugenichts who think hair is the be all end all and basically be pathetic moaning fucks over it. Thanks.

Good lad. Also youve got to consider that this mad obsession about hair is a 90s metrosexual thing that has just got out of control, have you seen half of the haircuts now? They look like butchered pickled onions!

f*** hair! f*** shying away from light! f*** thinking that your not as good as someone with a NW1!

Be confident, be yourself, choose f*****g life and dont listen to the "Women will never want me because Im going bald in my 20s". I cant believe half of the sh*t that gets posted on this forum. No woman is going to want a self pitying idiot who is so narcistic that he uses some kind of toffee sh*t in his hair to cover the thinning.

To be perfectly honest Im average looking, but Im confident, funny and couldnt give a sh*t and women love me for it because they want a man not a pathetic drippy excuse for a human being.

p.s. this isnt directed at Taug its directed at alot more people. Taug has improved since Ive been a member of this forum and I hope he keeps on improving.


badasshairday III said:

Is that you in your avatar?

Yes, but it is about 3 years ago before my hairloss started (the good old times.......)

Growhair, good luck with your buzz cut. Just stay on your meds and try to achieve as much as you can without really worrying about it!


Well I did it, just like I promised. I bought the clippers in March and now I used them for the first time. It wasn't as hard as I expected, well not having an extra mirror made buzzing the back a bit difficult :p . Anyway, I think it came out quite well, shorter than I intended but ok. This was the first time I had a buzz and wasn't shocked about my head shape so I think I'm progressing on that sense too :lol: . Gotta visit my brothers before anyone else sees it just for security, he can check for missed spots :lol: .

Itsonlyinmyhead said:
Good lad. Also youve got to consider that this mad obsession about hair is a 90s metrosexual thing that has just got out of control, have you seen half of the haircuts now? They look like butchered pickled onions!

Yeah I know, some folks seem to be just mad about hair. And half of the haircuts you mentioned, I wouldn't wear a single one of those. I think many guys look fags nowadays with their fancy haircuts and girly clothes.


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Sucks man, I actually looked forward to getting a new driver's license, the pic was taken further back than my old one, so from further away, my forehead doesn't look as massive, and my hair looks more natural, so I was very happy with the results of my new photo ID, whereas normally I dread having my pic taken. I cannot even look at pics of myself that people take with digital cameras if it's close up, because I know how massive my forehead will look.

baldkarma79 said:
Today at work we were required to have updated pictures taken for new ID badges. I've been dreading this day because I had a thicker head of hair in my old ID picture. In my opinion there was no need to update the pics! Anyway, they take the picture and I'm feeling good about myself because I just bought a new suit and I'm confident I look good. I didn't think about it again until they gave us the new badges later in the day.

The lighting was $#iT! I look like I have no hair on the top of my head in the new picture! So now I get to walk around losing hair while the pic on my badge shows my bald future!

I wasn't alone in thinking the lighting made my hair look like $#iT. This intern we just hired came over to my office and started asking questions about when they update the pics. I jokingly asked if he wanted a retake. He said, "yeah, my hair looks like $#iT!" I said I wasn't pleased with my pic either. He grabbed my id, laughed, and said, "Dude, time for some rogaine!" I told him I already use rogaine and with a disgusted look on his face while staring at my hair he said, "I hope I never lose my hair."

I hope he does! f****ing prick!

Hans Gruber

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baldkarma79 said:
Today at work we were required to have updated pictures taken for new ID badges. I've been dreading this day because I had a thicker head of hair in my old ID picture. In my opinion there was no need to update the pics! Anyway, they take the picture and I'm feeling good about myself because I just bought a new suit and I'm confident I look good. I didn't think about it again until they gave us the new badges later in the day.

The lighting was $#iT! I look like I have no hair on the top of my head in the new picture! So now I get to walk around losing hair while the pic on my badge shows my bald future!

I wasn't alone in thinking the lighting made my hair look like $#iT. This intern we just hired came over to my office and started asking questions about when they update the pics. I jokingly asked if he wanted a retake. He said, "yeah, my hair looks like $#iT!" I said I wasn't pleased with my pic either. He grabbed my id, laughed, and said, "Dude, time for some rogaine!" I told him I already use rogaine and with a disgusted look on his face while staring at my hair he said, "I hope I never lose my hair."

I hope he does! f****ing prick!

kick him in the nuts


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get him fired...thats what I would do.