No. I came to this point of my desperation after RU and during spironolactone/cypro. I got talked into the importance of enza/daro by
@whatevr in the enza thread. Then I saw JLF's daro thread, recognized its incredibly unique profile (highest raw power + doesn't cross the blood brain barrier) and I was sold.
In principle any other -utamide (androgen receptor antagonist) would probably work just as well in a topical as long as you can dissolve enough of it. Those other agents are much weaker than daro and would need higher concentration for equal effect. Those other drugs would also give messier side effects by crossing the blood-brain barrier more.
I consider myself lucky to have come to this site while daro was a topic of discussion and lucky to have been able to make it work.
It's not perfect, but it's the best treatment I've had so far.