Very good news: Aderans has bought ICX-TRC


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Won't it be great though? Regardless of when and what stage we're all at.... Go to the doctor and all of the sudden our hair grows back in a matter of months. Then a year later as we're styling our hair in the mirror getting ready for work we think back to this time and chuckle.

Maybe sexual favors would speed them up? I'll wh*** myself out to keep my hair. For sure! Who wants to be my pimp? HA!


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People here are far too negative, not so long ago people were talking about how Phizer would take over ICX and dissolve it. This never happened, Aderans bought it.

When by the sounds of it, hair cloning is not a cure...People will still need to get multiple hair transplants for it to be effective. It is also likely to be expensive, for many this means that they will have to try traditional treatments first. Making them still profitable for drugs companies such as Merck.

The difference between now and 5 years ago, is that A LOT of this technology is now in phase 2, and there is proof that it can work. It is only a matter of time now before it becomes readily avaliable; in the next 10 years I think some sort of new treatment will come out, either topically, orally or cloning.

It's like corrective laser treatment. One can argue that laser eye treatment will make contact lenses obsolete, but it hasn't - still booming as ever - simply because a lot of people cannot afford it/or choose not to do it.


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Oknow said:
[...] When by the sounds of it, hair cloning is not a cure...People will still need to get multiple hair transplants for it to be effective. [...]


I hope HM becomes a reality soon, it's going to be a big step forward but not the definitive cure.

I think we're all looking in the wrong direction. We know now that DHT causes this sh**, so we should start doing something about it. The future of male pattern baldness treatment is not HM but something that can protect follicles from DHT.

Matt Skiba

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Belmondo said:
Oknow said:
[...] When by the sounds of it, hair cloning is not a cure...People will still need to get multiple hair transplants for it to be effective. [...]

I think we're all looking in the wrong direction. We know now that DHT causes this sh**, so we should start doing something about it. The future of male pattern baldness treatment is not HM but something that can protect follicles from DHT.

I'm going to have to disagree with that, even if you protect the hair from DHT or make it immune to it that would only work as a preventative measure. Granted people do get some success with finasteride, the very front of the hairline seems to be an elusive beast and it's not often that people grow it all back 100% with finasteride, and it's impossible for anyone whose at least an nw3. So even if something came up to protect follicles from DHT, it would only grow back a limited amount of hair in the same way finasteride does. I'm pretty sure even if a man is castrated after he's lost some hair, he will not grow back all of it. I think this should be proof enough that not everything is DHT.. Also consider the fact that minoxidil works with absolutely no effect on DHT whatsoever, and scientists still don't exactly know how the stuff works.

Also I suffer from sides from that nasty sh*t, and messing with a part of our chemical makeup that defines us as men is nothing close to a perfect solution in my opinion.

Even if the hairs that can be regrown with this stuff fall prey to minituarization, I wouldn't mind going back and getting it done again every 6 months to a year or so, but honestly I don't even think that's the case.. this stuff is supposed to have permanent results.

My biggest hope is just for this stuff to come out before my 20s are over...


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why does everyone say that it's not going to be a "cure." The only think that would "cure it" is selective breeding or some kind of gene therapy..... which is basically impossible (and frightening to think about for either of them).

Aderans and the like are "growing hair." Sure, we don't know much about the results yet because it's still in testing, but it is a potential "fix" which is as good as a cure if you ask me.

How much hair they grow, the quality, the exact therapy.... we don't know. None of these companies have even gotten to phase III yet! So, as far as I can tell.... there's still hope that we could have a full head of hair no?

Full head of hair = cure!

And I'll wonder if we can all stop taking finasteride and using minoxidil. I'd REALLY like to get off that sh*t. I don't like playing with hormones.... BUT I WILL!