
Senior Member
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I'm a vitamin / herb / supplement junky.

Definitely the most expensive aspect of my regimen.


Experienced Member
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I refer you to this website for more in depth details: IH developed this regimen and makes changes to it every now and again based on his research. I take some other things not listed in his regimen simply based on my research.

Some things can counter act other things that is for certain. But there is there is no evidence that anything I take counter acts other things I take. In fact things like green tea and ginseng have been used together for thousands of years in chinese medicine.

My current approach is obviously supplementation, nightly topicals, organic raw foods, and cleansing. I have been hitting the cleasning pretty hard since mid year and should have the bulk of it done by early next year.

I obviously am doing a lot and some people would consider it over doing it or simply wasting time in order to regrow my hair back. I simply say; "The one who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the one doing it ".