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i have been using voltaren since 1 june this is my results in 9 july

The red spots in the picture are areas that used to have hair the rest is from voltaren. I have been using this together with minoxidil.



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i'm not sure what you mean by the red spots are where you used to have hair. does that mean it's made your hair worse? or was that your original hairline? all of the regrowth is from voltaren and minoxidil or just stuff below the red lines?


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Topical??? :confused: Voltaren has some scary warnings about it....

yes its topical... i dont have any side effects.

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i'm not sure what you mean by the red spots are where you used to have hair. does that mean it's made your hair worse? or was that your original hairline? all of the regrowth is from voltaren and minoxidil or just stuff below the red lines?

The red spots is the area i used have som vellus hair before..they kinda look stronger now, thats marked them cause i just want to show the regrowth i had from this on the bald spots. The upper part i believe has existed before or its just more visible because of voltaren. But under the red is from minoxidil and voltaren and that area was completely bald before i started.


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Op, did you start minoxidil at the same time or not too long before adding Volteran? If yes, then how can you be sure that your results have been improved by the addition of Volteran due to possible synergic effects?

Hair growing at temple all over is indeed a great news. I was wondering if you would have had same results just with minoxidil alone.


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so what was the topical formula??

im planning to make it more liqiuid because i read its more effective.

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I know about the side effects but i try to make sure i dont use more than 30 mg daily.

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Op, did you start minoxidil at the same time or not too long before adding Volteran? If yes, then how can you be sure that your results have been improved by the addition of Volteran due to possible synergic effects?

Hair growing at temple all over is indeed a great news. I was wondering if you would have had same results just with minoxidil alone.

I used minoxidil together with dexpanthenol about 1,5 months before i started with voltaren. Im sure because i have been using minoxidil before , i used last year in a period of 5-6 monhts and i didnt get any results like these. And have you ever seen a person that gets results like this after using minoxidil for allmost 2,5 months?? minoxidil takes its time. The only reason i use minoxidil is to increase the pge2 levels I actually took a break from minoxidil and used ceterizine topical(which may also add pge2) some weeks in this treatment and my hairs didnt stop from coming.


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I think that minoxidil increases pge2 because it acts proinflammatory - it increases size of sebaceous glands. There should not be a lack of pge2 if there's an excess of pgd2 anyway, because both come from the action of cox-2. If you inhibit cox-2 how there would be (more) pge2? Therefore diclofenac+minoxidil works better than minoxidil alone because diclofenac downregulates pge2 via inhibition of cox-2..


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I think that minoxidil increases pge2 because it acts proinflammatory - it increases size of sebaceous glands. There should not be a lack of pge2 if there's an excess of pgd2 anyway, because both come from the action of cox-2. If you inhibit cox-2 how there would be (more) pge2? Therefore diclofenac+minoxidil works better than minoxidil alone because diclofenac downregulates pge2 via inhibition of cox-2..

yes its true on a other forum a guy used voltaren only for 3-4 weeks and he told me his results isnt anything special . You seem to know about this. Do you think ceterizine topic can increase pge2 levels? ceterizine increased the pge2 in rats do you think it will work on humans too?

Another thing i can report is, before voltaren using minoxidil gave me a lot of itching together with red areas on my scalp after using voltaren my itch is completely gone together with the irritation and redness

And guys im sorry i forgot to add this information :

I also use keto every third day to wash my scalp.


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Why you seem interested in cet? Cet is a mast cell stabiliser, however, as far as I know, mast cells must degranulate so that a new growth cycle can start (induction of anagen phase). Inhibiting mast cell degranulation will retard or stop this process. This is probably why we typically do not see regrowth from cet. I wouldn't bother with cetirizine. On the other hand, in a study of the effect of the inducible form of cyclooxygenase (COX-2), on tumor development, transgenic mice that overexpressed COX-2 (in the skin) under control of the human keratin 14 promoter showed significant alopecia. The study concluded that: "Administration of a specific COX-2 inhibitor restored hair growth, indicating that the alopecia was attributable to elevated COX-2 enzymatic activity." Inhibiting COX-2 locally seems promising.


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Why you seem interested in cet? Cet is a mast cell stabiliser, however, as far as I know, mast cells must degranulate so that a new growth cycle can start (induction of anagen phase). Inhibiting mast cell degranulation will retard or stop this process. This is probably why we typically do not see regrowth from cet. I wouldn't bother with cetirizine. On the other hand, in a study of the effect of the inducible form of cyclooxygenase (COX-2), on tumor development, transgenic mice that overexpressed COX-2 (in the skin) under control of the human keratin 14 promoter showed significant alopecia. The study concluded that: "Administration of a specific COX-2 inhibitor restored hair growth, indicating that the alopecia was attributable to elevated COX-2 enzymatic activity." Inhibiting COX-2 locally seems promising.

So you're saying CET provides the mechanism to halt loss?? Would explain why we see only little fuzzies pop up with CET..or I have anyways...appears to slow down loss though


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hey man what concentration of voltaren did you use

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psyhotria do you think voltaren would be the best prostalgin inhitor to use, can you think of any others that might not have the same side effects listed?

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also let me get this right we only want to inhibit cox-2 not cox-1 or cox-3 right?


Senior Member
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Op, did you start minoxidil at the same time or not too long before adding Volteran? If yes, then how can you be sure that your results have been improved by the addition of Volteran due to possible synergic effects?

Hair growing at temple all over is indeed a great news. I was wondering if you would have had same results just with minoxidil alone.

He already said he used minoxidil extensively previously and didn't see any results like he's seeing now....


Established Member
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hey man what concentration of voltaren did you use

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psyhotria do you think voltaren would be the best prostalgin inhitor to use, can you think of any others that might not have the same side effects listed?

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also let me get this right we only want to inhibit cox-2 not cox-1 or cox-3 right?

I use 11,6 mg gel diklofenakdietylamin


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@tommyt123 - Yes, the inducible form of cyclooxygenase (COX-2) that steps up in scenarios of inflammation would be the target. Another possible target is 5-LOX. Diclofenac (the active in Voltaren) is a non specific cyclooxygenase inhibitor but with higher affinity towards COX-2 - in contrast to specific COX-2 inhibitors it is cheap, easy to obtain, and easy to use (i.e. liquid or gel), meaning better than nothing. Unfortunately, some people seem to have no luck with it (possibly due to some kind of intolerance to the substance or preparation, or something else unknown; in this case one could try a different NSAID).