Walking Past A Dinner Party At Night, Bald


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dark, tall, handsome, thick hair

you mad??
dark, tall, handsome, thick hair

you mad??

this guy mogs the bear


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To someone like that, I say suck it up sissy pants. Lots of successful bald men out there.
What's success as a bald man if you still your hate your refliction and if you are one of the "lucky ones" that gets to "pull it off " even with all that money in the bank you still look like a plasterer


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Walking Past A Dinner Party At Night, Bald

I walk. To think. For health. Etc

I was out the other night and crossed paths with a local expensive steakhouse. In the moonlight. About ten pm. Lincolns and BMWs in the parking lot.

Must a been a fancy high school reunion or a hedge fund soiree.

Men early forties women hot strapless

Stared for about twenty minutes

Just another thing I missed out on

Because of hairloss

The whole thing was something I always planned my life would be

Before the curse

Amazing. Someone should put this to music. Great title as well.