Why should I have to pay for someone else's housing? Or someone else's kids' living expenses? Or someone else's health care?
I work hard and have made good decisions in my life so that I can afford my own. Why should I, in addition to having to be responsible for my own existence, ALSO have to be responsible for someone else's?
Now, don't get me wrong, I know that there are economic factors and times that cause well meaning people to lose their source of income, and I have NO PROBLEM chipping into a pool to help them out, help them get back on their feet, and help them find a new productive pursuit for a TEMPORARY BASIS... but... in this country there's an entire underclass of people who make their entire living by living off subsidies.
I pay about one third of my entire income to Federal and State taxes and witholdings. Additionally, AFTER I get my "post tax" paycheck, I pay additional taxes when I pay my rent, which goes to cover property tax. I walk out the door, and start my car... and pay more taxes in license and registration fees. I fill up the car with gas, and pay more tax. I get a cup of coffee, and in Los Angeles I pay almost freaking 10% as a sales tax on everything I buy, excluding groceries. I pick up my phone, and get taxed. Turn on the television, there's another tax. Park my car downtown at the lot... and get taxed. And, let's not forget the inflation tax. When I was a kid you could get a candy bar for 5c. Now it costs 50c. What causes that? The Feds inflating the money supply by borrowing more money into existence so they can spend it on stuff... resulting in the devaluation of my savings and income in order to accomplish this. It's become almost impossible for normal people to save money and build up some personal capital, and they're now getting completely out of control with it!
Tax tax tax tax tax... I'm sick of it.
It's no wonder to me why business are packing up and fleeing to Asia. The "US economy" and the government responsible for managing it have become a world wide punch line.
As for Ron Paul... I like him, but its all deck chairs on the Titanic stuff at this point. We're in Fall of Rome 2.0 territory now.