Warning... Always perform proper research!


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Guys perform proper research when going with a hair transplant. Butchers are still around there anno 2016. Let me give you 2 examples I have seen from the last few weeks.

Dr. James Boland in Colorado Surgical Center;

person 1;

Person 2


There are more reports arising from this surgeon. The reports are similar to some Frankenstein scene. So again please do proper research guys. Butchers are still active these days and may end up scarring you if you make the wrong decision.

Agustin Araujo

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Oh no, what disasters! Cases like these remind me of poor arfy, who totally got butchered up. :(

We all know hair transplants are excellent ways to restore hair if done absolutely flawless by a skilled surgeon, but I do sincerely believe it can be too risky for some cases. Don't don't get me wrong though, but I really do hope hair transplants becoming something of the past, and better solutions/treatments will be easily available. I know where I'll be ending up if these currently available treatments ever fail me!

Charlie Brown

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Good God. The first set of pictures is not showing up in the thread but if you click the question mark it shows up. That looks like old school dolls hair sized plugs. I can't believe there are doctors still using that method. And then you go on the doctor's website and click the gallery and nothing looks like that. All the before and after pictures look like people who had follicular units transplanted not giant plugs. Really makes you wonder if you can trust any of these before and after pictures on a doctor's website. I only trust results posted by individuals on these forums where you can get a more realistic look at the progress and the end result. Even then, I've seen some photos posted on forums that make me raise an eyebrow and think there's some trickery going on. It's a dirty game y'all.


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Guys perform proper research when going with a hair transplant. Butchers are still around there anno 2016. Let me give you 2 examples I have seen from the last few weeks.

Dr. James Boland in Colorado Surgical Center;

person 1;

Person 2


There are more reports arising from this surgeon. The reports are similar to some Frankenstein scene. So again please do proper research guys. Butchers are still active these days and may end up scarring you if you make the wrong decision.

ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!! This f*cking BULLSH*T NEEDS TO STOP, NOW!!!!! These people need to form a class action against these inhumane, unethical butchers, like F*CKING ASAP. Where did you reference these from???


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Guys perform proper research when going with a hair transplant. Butchers are still around there anno 2016. Let me give you 2 examples I have seen from the last few weeks.

Please stop with these types of posts. People do proper research and still get a bad hair transplant. The industry is full of bad doctors. Even the worst will have some good results and the best some bad. It's all about money. As one poster put it, he does a bunch of research and is just about to decide on a doctor and then finds horror stories.

The doctors always make you sign wavers so you don't have any options. Doing your research means nothing. It is always a gamble.


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The doctors always make you sign wavers so you don't have an options. Doing your research means nothing. It is always a gamble.

Then how am I to find a reputable trustworthy doctor to do a hair transplant? Have you found one for yourself? I try to do my research here but your comments cause me to wonder.


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Then how am I to find a reputable trustworthy doctor to do a hair transplant? Have you found one for yourself? I try to do my research here but your comments cause me to wonder.

You don't. I went to a world renowned hair transplant doctor who gets a lot of praise, paid a lot of money, and got a bad result.


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Means absolutely nothing. My doctor is on that list. Lot's of money spent bad result.

I never said they all will give great results, but some of them will. There isn't a doctor out there that hasn't f*ck'd someone up. Some of it is also up the patient to take proper care of the new grafts and there are those that didn't so should the doctor be blamed?

Charlie Brown

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Means absolutely nothing. My doctor is on that list. Lot's of money spent bad result.

Who was it? Help the rest of us out from making a mistake. At least give us the initials.
Although, from my limited research, it seems impossible to find someone who doesn't have at least a couple of people saying they were disappointed.


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I never said they all will give great results, but some of them will. There isn't a doctor out there that hasn't f*ck'd someone up. Some of it is also up the patient to take proper care of the new grafts and there are those that didn't so should the doctor be blamed?

Some that aren't on that list will give great results. Rarely does a patient spend the money of an hair transplant and not take proper care.Even not following post op instructions can result in a great result. The main reason for poor results are poor hairline design and poor handling of the grafts by the technicians.


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The ISHRS is a teaching organization, and anyone can be a member. Membership doesn't mean anything, except the doctor paid a fee to join the group. The ISHRS don't have any kind of rules of conduct (only suggestions) and they don't have any enforcement ability - if a doctor sucks, he's not going to be barred from the ISHRS, or fined, or disciplined. The ISHRS doesn't do any of that.

You may be thinking of the IAHRS, which is a smaller group (overseen by Spencer Kobren) but even in that group, there is no policing or enforcement of rules. I only know of one doctor who was removed from the IAHRS, and that was over 10 years ago, and may have been a political issue more than an issue of quality. I know that Dr Cole is still an IAHRS member in good standing, even though he has numerous ethical issues including disciplinary fines ($20,000 fine from the state medical ethics board of Georgia in 2010, and $20,000 fine by the state of California medical ethics board in 2011). Yet the IAHRS has taken no action against Dr Cole. If Dr Cole can't be removed from the group, then it's probably impossible for anybody to be removed.

"Do your research" is a good recommendation, except none of the research is conclusive, and in many cases the usual common sense guidelines (pick a doctor with lots of experience) can be totally wrong (some of the doctors with the most experience are also the worst doctors in the field - they have lots of experience in doing bad work). This is basically a minefield with lots of hidden pitfalls and problems, and very few trustworthy resources.

Some of it is also up the patient to take proper care of the new grafts and there are those that didn't so should the doctor be blamed?

I don't know of any cases where the patient's bad results were his own fault. I've never heard of that before, not even one time. It's kind of offensive to even propose the idea that bad results might be the patient's fault. Also, teaching the patient after-care procedures are the responsibility of the clinic. If the patient actually did do something wrong, then it's still the clinic's responsibility, for not teaching him how to properly care for his grafts. I have to believe that many clinics need to do a better job of educating the patients, because the forums are filled with guys asking the most basic questions (when can I start shampooing?) which obviously should have been discussed by the clinic to begin with.


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Please stop with these types of posts. People do proper research and still get a bad hair transplant. The industry is full of bad doctors. Even the worst will have some good results and the best some bad. It's all about money. As one poster put it, he does a bunch of research and is just about to decide on a doctor and then finds horror stories.

The doctors always make you sign wavers so you don't have any options. Doing your research means nothing. It is always a gamble.

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad result man. This topic was more meant to warn people that there are butchers around that will literally scar you for life. So proper research is needed to stay away from these guys. Indeed, a hair transplant surgery always poses risks. It's a game of odds really. By going with a elite surgeon and by having realistic expectations you increase your odds tremendously of being happy with the end-result. But there isn't such a thing as a 100% success rate even if you go with the best.

That being said why don't you actually tell about your experience and name your doctor? It's in consumer best interest.


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By going with a elite surgeon and by having realistic expectations you increase your odds tremendously of being happy with the end-result.

Even then you can get a bad result like I did. I went to an elite surgeon because I wanted to increase the odds of a good result as much as I can. I paid a lot of money, had extremely realistic expectations, and still got a bad result. Some surgeons have a history of doing great work and then decide they will turn over the entire procedure to technicians and the results are bad. They should prospective patients photos of their work but don't tell them that they won't be doing it.

- - - Updated - - -

The ISHRS is a teaching organization, and anyone can be a member. Membership doesn't mean anything, except the doctor paid a fee to join the group. The ISHRS don't have any kind of rules of conduct (only suggestions) and they don't have any enforcement ability - if a doctor sucks, he's not going to be barred from the ISHRS, or fined, or disciplined. The ISHRS doesn't do any of that.

You may be thinking of the IAHRS, which is a smaller group (overseen by Spencer Kobren) but even in that group, there is no policing or enforcement of rules. I only know of one doctor who was removed from the IAHRS, and that was over 10 years ago, and may have been a political issue more than an issue of quality. I know that Dr Cole is still an IAHRS member in good standing, even though he has numerous ethical issues including disciplinary fines ($20,000 fine from the state medical ethics board of Georgia in 2010, and $20,000 fine by the state of California medical ethics board in 2011). Yet the IAHRS has taken no action against Dr Cole. If Dr Cole can't be removed from the group, then it's probably impossible for anybody to be removed.

"Do your research" is a good recommendation, except none of the research is conclusive, and in many cases the usual common sense guidelines (pick a doctor with lots of experience) can be totally wrong (some of the doctors with the most experience are also the worst doctors in the field - they have lots of experience in doing bad work). This is basically a minefield with lots of hidden pitfalls and problems, and very few trustworthy resources.

I don't know of any cases where the patient's bad results were his own fault. I've never heard of that before, not even one time. It's kind of offensive to even propose the idea that bad results might be the patient's fault. Also, teaching the patient after-care procedures are the responsibility of the clinic. If the patient actually did do something wrong, then it's still the clinic's responsibility, for not teaching him how to properly care for his grafts. I have to believe that many clinics need to do a better job of educating the patients, because the forums are filled with guys asking the most basic questions (when can I start shampooing?) which obviously should have been discussed by the clinic to begin with.

Excellent post and should be made a sticky. Arfy hit all the points.

As bad as the entire hair transplant industry is, especially in the USA, it could be these organizations are simply networks to send each doctor's botched (intentionally?) jobs to other doctors in the network so they can all benefit from each other. I used the example before that if two doctors each do two surgeries it is a total of four. However, if they both intentionally screw up one patient so that they go to the other doctor for repair work, that is a total of 6 surgeries an more money for the doctors.


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Even then you can get a bad result like I did. I went to an elite surgeon because I wanted to increase the odds of a good result as much as I can. I paid a lot of money, had extremely realistic expectations, and still got a bad result. Some surgeons have a history of doing great work and then decide they will turn over the entire procedure to technicians and the results are bad. They should prospective patients photos of their work but don't tell them that they won't be doing it.

A bad results isn't being butchered mate like the pictures I posted in the OP. These guys are scarred for life. If you go with a elite surgeon you might get a result that is sub-par but it certainly isn't the end of the world. Besides that a ethical elite surgeon would work with you if you have a bad result to correct it in every way possible or he should refund.

So I am asking you again, who is your surgeon and can post your experience? Or are you afraid of saying anything because you might get sued? It's in consumer best interest to talk about your experience, yet you keep your mouth shut.


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Ouch. That does not look good. I'm surprised that someone that does work like that can still keep a medical license.