
Was this guy's hair transplant too aggressive?


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richlocks said:
Prohair clinic? Come on. That's not a plan - go with a top FUE.. it will cost far more than 6,500 euros for 3K FUE. If its that cheap, there is something very wrong. Should be $6-$7 per graft.

Also realize there is the risk and reality of white dot scars.. especially if you get up to 6K FUE grafts.. so i don't think you can go below a 1.5 grade.. don't think i would care to anyways.. but gotta be aware that's a possibility.

Perhaps some body hair implant into the donor will take those white dots away, but that's just more time, money, and trauma.

Dont judge the price, judge the results and what the patients say.
I found many of theyre good results here:


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richlocks said:
go on hairlosshelp and see what they say about prohair ..
ok .. found 1 post that a guy didnt think they had sup results...
Dont know if he was looking at the old results on their homepage.. dont think its been updated for 3 years lol.. but the results ive seen on forums have been pretty good.. but i will have to wait another year before getting a hair transplant anyway so hopefully i will get to see more results or see if any complaints come up.
Cant be so bad if they post good results and you cant find any agresive angry clients online..
If i ever got screwed over you wouldnt see me keeping quiet about it!
But i will do more research withing the year


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tgates209 said:
Looks possibly fake to me. The new pic is too full and perfect and natural looking.
Well i dont think so.. they used a shittload of grafts for that small erea


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Petchsky said:
It does, but you have to think about 20+ years time.

No you don't because 20 years from now, hair multiplication will likely be available. He has to think about his 20s and early 30s; the hair transplant was a brilliant choice and brilliant result.


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No you don't because 20 years from now, hair multiplication will likely be available.

That is the most awful and irresponsible advice I have ever heard.

You know, in 1980, hair multiplication was "20 years away."


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Avery said:
No you don't because 20 years from now, hair multiplication will likely be available.

That is the most awful and irresponsible advice I have ever heard.

You know, in 1980, hair multiplication was "20 years away."

You know what, it's naysayers like you that sell pessimism off as realism; in 1980, hair multiplication was barely even a thought. It is completely a false analogy to compare 1980 discussions of this procedure with discussions of the procedure today. The patient is most likely concerned with his appearance now and in the next few decades, therefore, 1600 grafts in the hairline is completely reasonable and justifiable.

If you want to continue moping in your misery and making excuses for why hair transplants are 'bad' (or perhaps you are not a candidate for the procedure at all and wish to disseminate a bleak view on the all hair transplant's), please go do it elsewhere.

I repeat: the patient made brilliant move with that hair transplant and DOES NOT have to worry about things 20 years down the line because of 2 things. First, his pre-hair transplant appearance indicated that he will likely still have hair on the top of his head within the next 20 years, at which time he will still have plenty of donor left to touch up any new balding areas. And secondly, hair multiplication is strongly predicted to be marketable by 2020, if not sooner, unlike anything of the like in 1980. So, NO, he does NOT have to worry about 20 years later, got it? Go sell your crap elsewhere.



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lol /\

Firstly, I have no issues with hair transplants in general. In fact, I'm a good candidate for one and very near taking the plunge myself. Nor do I think this guy recieved a bad result or made a poor decision. My comments are soley about your god-awful advice, not this case. So please, keep your generalizations to yourself.

What I do find unacceptable is people like yourself who assure others that something better is on the way. There's no way of knowing a better treatment will come out, no matter how much you and I hope there will be. Will you be around when in 20 years when someone is out of donor hair and is stuck with a completely unnatural looking head because they packed all their donor into their hair line? Doubtful. In fact, I'm sure yourself and whatever hair transplant doctor you work for won't be around. Gotta get out of business before they start complaining, right? I know a few car salesmen who operate the same way.

And secondly, hair multiplication is strongly predicted to be marketable by 2020, if not sooner, unlike anything of the like in 1980. So, NO, he does NOT have to worry about 20 years later, got it?

Congradulations. You just made the SAME argument people have been making for TWENTY years. "They'll find a cure in 10 years!" Seriously, I can't believe you actually said it. I didn't think people bought that cliche any more. 10 years ago they predicted it in 10 years, 5 years ago they predicted it in...10 years. And today? Wow, you just predicted it in 10 years! Remarkable.

Do I think it'll happen eventually? Sure. But telling someone to *plan* for it, to surgically alter themselves under the assumption that it will happen is TERRIBLE. Either you work for the doctor who did this guy's transplant and have recklessly attacked ethical claims with promises (shocking, I know), or you're misguided, uninformed, or malicious.


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Well said Avery.


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Yes well said, HM is still just a theory. We've been just 2 yrs away from it for the last decade. And guess how many years away it will be in 10 yrs time? :whistle:
No one should ever put their faith in it ever happening.
Its like saying I dont care about cancer because they'll find a cure in a few years. :thumbdown2:


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my hair is roughly like his (I'm 20)...people say that he shouldn't of gotten a transplant..but I'd be happier to have a decent head of hair for a few years in my twenties and loose it in my 30s....then just loose it in the first place in my twenties....if our hair's going to go anyway, might as well enjoy it while you're young.

To hell with 'waiting for it, going to be bald one day regardless.


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So you dont care about looking like a freak after the age of 30 and for the rest of your life, when you're bald ontop but have a low hairline? And then realising that had you waited and used your donor more conservativly you could have gotten a more acceptable result.


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No, I don't really care.

due to my hair loss hitting me at my younger age, I already look like abit of a freak? and as you imply, it's only going to get worse.

So might aswell do something now, enjoy it, then shave it all off when it goes, as I'd prefer to look normal in my twenties, and a freak in my thirties, than a freak in my twenties and slightly less of a freak in my thrities...anywho I'm tall enough that anyone under 6'3-4 ish can't see the top of my head anyway ;)


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DHR said:
So might aswell do something now, enjoy it, then shave it all off when it goes, as I'd prefer to look normal in my twenties, and a freak in my thirties, than a freak in my twenties and slightly less of a freak in my thrities

Spoken like a true 20 yr old :whistle:
Because life is over once you hit 30 is'nt it? :roll: but what about your 40's,50's,60's......


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oh I know I'm being an idiot, a young idiot, but I'm assuming the world ends when I turn 30. :innocent:


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I agree with both sides here. You've gotta plan for the future - if hairloss affects you in your twenties it will when you're older too.

BUT, life is too short to sit there waiting for your hairloss to finish and then get a transplant to thicken it up. You could be 40 or 50 when image means less and lots of men are bald anyway, as opposed to in your 20s when it's much less common. You'll have been miserable for what are supposedly the prime years of your life (I'm not saying life ends at 30-40, just that priorities change and that)

As such I don't see the issue with getting a FUE session that's fairly liberal about it. Don't aim for a perfect hairline / total filling of the bald patch, but thicken it up a bit, make it less of an issue. If it carries on going as you get older, there's still donor there, or at least it'll look bald but not too freakish (as in, perfect hairline but bald everywhere else) and you can still buzz it short if need be