Water park nightmare...


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Well my hairloss struck again on a day that started out well. But anyway my buddies and i went to an indoor water park with a bunch girls some of whom were my buddies girl friends. Well anyway we get there and we are enjoying ourselves and one of my buddies girlfriends says that i have a hot body (i'm studying to become a dietitian and i work out a lot so i'm a pretty muscular guy) and all the other girls agreed so that made me feel pretty good, but my buddy must have gotten jealous or something because when we went out to eat later i was wearing a cut off shirt and no hat, my hair wasn't styled at all because we were planning on going back to the park and my buddy with the gf says your cut off is pretty gay and i'm like your just jealous of my cut off (my buddies and i always f*** with eachother so i thought he was just joking) then his gf and the other girls speak up and say that its not gay at all it shows off my muscles so my friend out of retialiation i'm assuming says wow your going bald out of nowhere putting me on the spot and everybody started laughing and this girl i was flirting with the whole time and sitting next too just looked up and stared and barely talked to me the rest of the day so i'm assuming she was embarrassed to be around me, so the rest of the day was pretty miserable. This only proves that being muscular and having a nice body can't make up for balding. I don't know if my buddy was just jealous or what but now my confidence is hurt again. Thanks for letting me vent guys this is the only place that i feel i can do it.


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Dont sink to the level of pointing out his faults. Its blatantly obvious that this guy was jealous of the female attention you were getting so he dealt a proverbial low blow. You should'nt let it show how bad it effected you. You should of just laughed it off and said "hey your mum did'nt seem to mind last night" :wink:


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brent20 said:
This only proves that being muscular and having a nice body can't make up for balding. I don't know if my buddy was just jealous or what but now my confidence is hurt again. Thanks for letting me vent guys this is the only place that i feel i can do it.

You should have laughed and joked about it with them, even asking the girls how you should wear your hair (girls like to play dress-up). The one girl probably stopped talking to you because you stopped talking back due to your sudden insecurity. Don't sweat it, man. As a dietician, you're always going to have a better body and be in contact with more attractive women than most schmucks. As for hair, a group of girls already said you were hot, which proves they didn't care! It wouldn't even make biological sense for them to. Your night turned sour because of a drop in confidence, not hair. Don't let it get you down.

As for your friend, don't let him get away with messing up your night. Chew him out for screwing things up with the girl you were flirting with. If a friend of mine said something that offended me, I'd let him know immediately. Regardless of how little that male hair loss actually matters to women, you shouldn't have to take that from a friend if it truly bothers you. Dude should know better.

hair today gone tomorrow

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blondeguy said:
brent20 said:
This only proves that being muscular and having a nice body can't make up for balding. I don't know if my buddy was just jealous or what but now my confidence is hurt again. Thanks for letting me vent guys this is the only place that i feel i can do it.

You should have laughed and joked about it with them, even asking the girls how you should wear your hair (girls like to play dress-up). The one girl probably stopped talking to you because you stopped talking back due to your sudden insecurity. Don't sweat it, man. As a dietician, you're always going to have a better body and be in contact with more attractive women than most schmucks. As for hair, a group of girls already said you were hot, which proves they didn't care! It wouldn't even make biological sense for them to. Your night turned sour because of a drop in confidence, not hair. Don't let it get you down.

As for your friend, don't let him get away with messing up your night. Chew him out for screwing things up with the girl you were flirting with. If a friend of mine said something that offended me, I'd let him know immediately. Regardless of how little that male hair loss actually matters to women, you shouldn't have to take that from a friend if it truly bothers you. Dude should know better.



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I work out a lot too and I have gotten some compliments from girls from time to time. I do sometimes feel insecure because of my hair and it has created a lot of negative impact on my social life. However I noticed that I happened to do a lot better with girls when I completely forgot I got hair problems. (you know sometimes you were just having such a good conversation and you forgot about everything else)


Wow Brent, that must have hurt. I can really understand your pain.

I totally agree with askas. Us baldies are an easy target for jokes, but we may not tolerate this. Whenever we are under attack we have to strike back. Find his weak point: is he short, ugly or has a small penis? Ridicule him!

You can be proud of yourself. These girls said you were "hot" even with your hairloss. Something like that never happened to me.
I am also working out and keep a stright diet but I am still fat without muscles due to bad genes.
Go on with your life and try to further improve your body and you will be successful with females.

Good Luck, mate!


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My Regimen
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wow who needs enemies with friends like that?! What a moron, I'd never try and run my friends down in puiblic. As Blondeguy says you should've made a joke out of it as it's only his own insecurities that resulted in him pointing it out, it's nothing to be ashamed of as its something that you have no genetic cotrol over. Easier said than done though man.

Bald Dave

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Yeah just laugh it off and don't retaliate. Your mate was obviously jealous and the girls would probably think he is a d*ck to have brought it up!


s.a.f said:
Dont sink to the level of pointing out his faults. Its blatantly obvious that this guy was jealous of the female attention you were getting so he dealt a proverbial low blow. You should'nt let it show how bad it effected you. You should of just laughed it off and said "hey your mum did'nt seem to mind last night" :wink:

Now THAT would have been a mature response! Something a 12 yr old would say.

I probably even couldn't be hurt by someone's comment... if it was about my behaviour, then fine, I can always change that. But my hairloss is a thing that I don't have much control over, so I would probably just have laughed it off. I'm a weird 24 yr old hairloss sufferer in a sense that I don't take it that seriously, I can easily laugh about it or even bring it up in certain situations. It's not that abnormal.... yesterday I visited a supermarket that is located near Finland/Sweden border and was once again reminded how f*****g bad genes us Scandinavians have when it comes to hair. There was literally dozens of young and older baldies in the supermarket.


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Your friend Beta'd himself in front of those women with that comment- be the alpha male and just laugh it off. If you laugh something like that off yourself, you will turn on the attraction switch in all of those girls. Subconciously women feel the insecurity that your friend displayed with that comment- let it roll off your back and you make him look like the timid little smurf that he is. Remember, only betas react, alphas don't need to react to petty bullshit, and ya know why? Cause we are the top dogs!

The other guy was right- that girl sensed your drop in confidence- thats all it takes to completely f*** up the good chemistry between yourself and a woman. Confidence is everything! Walk around with your head high like you're carrying 20 lb. boulders in your sack brother. You deserve it.


i always like your posts in here , brent. you seem to make the best out of it, yet your hairloss has an impact on your life.

i can only agree to what the guys before me said.


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I know its hard to take when people make note of ur hairloss publicly, but chicks love a hot bod and by the sounds of things you have one. I say flaunt it as much as you can, you obviously work hard for it so show it off and reap the rewards! After all, chicks dig Vin Diesel...


Taugenichts said:
Us baldies are an easy target for jokes, but we may not tolerate this. Whenever we are under attack we have to strike back. Find his weak point: is he short, ugly or has a small penis? Ridicule him! !

Quick, Norwoods, to your battle stations. Taugenichts will man the M-16. :roll:


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Willworkforhair said:
Your friend Beta'd himself in front of those women with that comment-
Subconciously women feel the insecurity that your friend displayed with that comment-
The other guy was right- that girl sensed your drop in confidence-

True. I've felt the same way when I've seen someone point out other peoples flaws wether its fat or bald or short. There are plenty of guys who have no social skills ie wit or personality to impress women with so try to put others down and prove the point that they are physicly blessed.
The thinking behind these comments is obvious and only serves to make them look dumb.


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What really made you have this drop of confidence and not being laughing about this is that you got too confident and happy about the previous statements on your body.

It's pretty difficult once you got flattered by some people to receive a negative attitude from the very same persons.

Flattering is fine but it can swollen the ego with fake confidence.
It's hard to resist to flattering, but you shouldn't have any attachement to it really.(check out some buddhist talks from Ajahn Brahmavamso in my signature, this monk is funny and wise)


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recognition2 said:
What really made you have this drop of confidence and not being laughing about this is that you got too confident and happy about the previous statements on your body.

It's pretty difficult once you got flattered by some people to receive a negative attitude from the very same persons.

Flattering is fine but it can swollen the ego with fake confidence.
It's hard to resist to flattering, but you shouldn't have any attachement to it really.(check out some buddhist talks from Ajahn Brahmavamso in my signature, this monk is funny and wise)

spot on #1 comment


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blondeguy said:
brent20 said:
This only proves that being muscular and having a nice body can't make up for balding. I don't know if my buddy was just jealous or what but now my confidence is hurt again. Thanks for letting me vent guys this is the only place that i feel i can do it.

You should have laughed and joked about it with them, even asking the girls how you should wear your hair (girls like to play dress-up). The one girl probably stopped talking to you because you stopped talking back due to your sudden insecurity. Don't sweat it, man. [qoute]

spot on #2 comment


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tell you what folks....there's some great sound advice on here and its all free.

go to it, brent.....you wont get better advice anywhere


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ginald said:
blondeguy said:
brent20 said:
This only proves that being muscular and having a nice body can't make up for balding. I don't know if my buddy was just jealous or what but now my confidence is hurt again. Thanks for letting me vent guys this is the only place that i feel i can do it.

You should have laughed and joked about it with them, even asking the girls how you should wear your hair (girls like to play dress-up). The one girl probably stopped talking to you because you stopped talking back due to your sudden insecurity. Don't sweat it, man. [qoute]

spot on #2 comment
yeah im gonna have to agree. Had you not looked like a b*tch all sullen after that comment, it prob wouldve been forgotten two seconds later.
you shoulda been like "oh man it sucks getting older for guys haha" and laughed it off. it would have left your friend kinda taken by surprise and im sure noone would care.

but the fact you looked all fragile and heartbroken after that comment probably repulsed all the girls and made a big guy like you look weak


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dude, that friends an *******. plain and simple. and also sh*t like that is bound to happen, and you dont always think of a smart remark to say right away. like these saying to make a joke about it and what not.

its hard to think up stuff on a fly, and later on you always think of something better to say. anyways, that sucks, plain and simple. Just focus and spend more on your regime :D