We all need to wake up and smell the coffee !


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I have just realized today that in the big scheme of things, hair loss is really a minor issue.

I have been suffering from poor health recently, and when your in poor health, you only worry about what really matters, being able to live life with all your limbs, your senses, your organs etc. It really is a blessing when we think about it.

I have down days about my hair loss, sure. But when you are in poor health, or you have another REAL problem, one that actually affects you, not just a vain issue, then you realise how low male pattern baldness is on the scale of problems.

In all honesty - I dont have many problems in my life, I'm only 20, of course I have the problems everyone has, but I have nothing serouis to really sh*t myself about. However I do suffer from depressive episodes, but this is more due to not doing much with my life. hair loss is both a cause and a factor of my depression. I admit that hair loss can understandably be distressing, but when reality hits home, you wouldnt and shouldnt give a sh*t about male pattern baldness.

Most of the worlds population are very poor. They dont have the same standard of living as we do in the west (even though this scale is quite arrogant in some ways - sure, they may want to have enough food and to live in a more hygenic and safe enviroment, but they dont nessacarly aspire to a western 'standard' of living, which many see as gross and gluttonus.) Yet they get by. Real problems are, how am I going to feed my family today? How am I going to cure this disease when there is no medical care ?

hair loss is a problem, but it really is minor - and we all need to wake up and smell the coffee. I bet millions, even billions would swop to have our luxory, free from hunger and poverty. Yet we mill around on these forums - depressed about hair loss. We all need to get a grip.

One last thing - I will concede that my hair loss hasnt gone that far, but the process so far has been traumatic. It has still reduced my attractiveness a few points and has lowered my confidence and self esteem. I will say that perhaps being completely bald will be a bit harder, but tbh, the more your hair loss proceeds, the more you can already come to terms with and visualize complete baldness. Millions of bald people get by, its not like being completely bald is an immiedatte crushing disability.

The main anxiety from male pattern baldness is about the end result - being totally bald. Its not so much the process. So as we know that we will go bald for sure - why bother fretting about it? Instead learn to realise your reality and just look after yourself and work in other areas. No offence to the older guys on this site, but if I am on this site in ten, 20 years to come, I will really be quite ashamed to be honest.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.â€￾ - Victor Frankl, Holacaust survivor and famous psychiatrist.


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Yawn - he's said all this before, and the following week it's all woe is me again.

If you really believe what you've written today then you shouldn't bother with HairLossTalk.com ever again. Seriously - if hair loss is no longer important to you, go and get on with your life.

If you're depressed for reasons not related to hair loss then you need to seek treatment. Depression is not a trivial matter.

But whatever you do, please cut out the patronizing crap. You have no idea what it feels like to be 10 years older, and no idea what other people on here might be going through!


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Route66 said:
Yawn - he's said all this before, and the following week it's all woe is me again.

If you really believe what you've written today then you shouldn't bother with HairLossTalk.com ever again. Seriously - if hair loss is no longer important to you, go and get on with your life.

If you're depressed for reasons not related to hair loss then you need to seek treatment. Depression is not a trivial matter.

But whatever you do, please cut out the patronizing crap. You have no idea what it feels like to be 10 years older, and no idea what other people on here might be going through!

Look man, I'm not denying that I go through bad phases. We all do. There is nothing wrong with making a postive post. Im not saying that hair loss is nothing at all. Of course it can be traumatic. Im just saying that when you look around, you look at the world as a whole, its really not such a big thing - we are not starving, we have all our limbs, thats the point I was trying to make.

You are really our a killjoy. Perhaps its because you dont like to see people making postive comments.

As I stated in my earlier post, perhaps it will be different when I have a greater severity of hair loss. Maybe my hair loss isn't as bad as yours - but surely you have to realise that being 20 and losing hair isnt easy, probably harder to accept than at your age when its more normal to go bald.


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Route66 said:
Yawn - he's said all this before, and the following week it's all woe is me again.
please cut out the patronizing crap. You have no idea what it feels like to be 10 years older, and no idea what other people on here might be going through!
And Dudemon also has a point, if we were all living in the 3rd world struggling to find enough food to survive none of us would care about hairloss.

But we're not we're living in an affluent society and we know that we are blessed with that but at the same time m.p.b is our burden it effects our lives.
We were born with few troubles and in the big scheme of things we're lucky to have be in a position where we can say that this small physical defect is a problem to us.

I'm not crying over baldness but I'm certainly not at ease with it, it pisses me off. What pisses me off the most is the effect it had on my youth which is something that I'll probably always be bitter about.
And if you think that people forget about it as they age they dont. They may learn to accept it but if it pisses you off at 20 it will still piss you off at 60.

Nashville Hairline

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s.a.f said:
And if you think that people forget about it as they age they dont. They may learn to accept it but if it pisses you off at 20 it will still piss you off at 60.
This is a contradiction to me..surely accepting it is not getting pissed off by it anymore.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
The main anxiety from male pattern baldness is about the end result - being totally bald. Its not so much the process. So as we know that we will go bald for sure - why bother fretting about it?

..and how do you know that will DEFINENTLY happens. You know, hairloss can stabalise after a while, otherwise every guy in the world with hairloss will be NW7.


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Im not afraid hitting nw7, even nw3+ (my current status) is enough to change me looks for the worse, and thats what pisses me off :badmood:


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Smooth said:
Im not afraid hitting nw7, even nw3+ (my current status) is enough to change me looks for the worse, and thats what pisses me off :badmood:

How old are you btw?

uncomfortable man

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Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for my health and my limbs and everything, but that doesn't make my baldness any easier when all I see when I look around me are full heads of hair. I don't care what you say, I am still a minority for my age and I feel it everyday. This one thing sticks out about me and it defines me in the eyes of other people. You can say who cares what other people think anyway but the fact remains that I have to live in this society and have to deal with these people repeatedly on a daily basis. I can't just go off and live in a log cabin in the mountains and not have to deal with anyone anymore. I am forced to be subject to societies prejudice against bald people for reasons beyond my control. THAT is the unfortunate reality of my situation. You would be lying if you said that people don't judge based on appearances so how hard then is it to admit that bald guys (especially younger) are vulnerable to people genuinely thinking less of them and their assumption that bald guys are inferior.


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The average bald guy is not always surrounded by people in visibly worse situations than he is. When he looks around he sees everyone with the same luxuries he has, except they also have hair. I would imagine that bald guys living in horrendous poverty or fighting in wars do not give much thought to their hair loss. It's all relative.


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Here's the kicker. Do you know how many cancer patients say that the hardest thing to deal with is losing their hair? How many worry about wearing a hat when they have a disease that can kill them?

That should say something. Yes looks are just looks. But honestly, they matter. When you look "different" among your peers, it is absolute hell.

uncomfortable man

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I don't think HP was talking about cancer patients when he mentioned hell. He was referring to his own personal experience. But he does have a good point about how what many cancer patients fear the most is loosing that social security blanket known as their hair. Some wear wigs, many wear those gypsy scarfs around their head. Either one is an acknowledgment of the fact that it is hard to be bald in this society. More so obviously for female cancer patients but the idea is still the same.


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Nashville Hairline said:
And if you think that people forget about it as they age they dont. They may learn to accept it but if it pisses you off at 20 it will still piss you off at 60.
This is a contradiction to me..surely accepting it is not getting pissed off by it anymore.[/quote:1g9jhkpr]

What I mean is that they accept that they cant do anything about it and they accept that they're stuck with it. But that does'nt mean they still wont wish they had hair.


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barcafan said:
what effect did it have on your youth saf? when did you bald
I knew for definate when I was 19 thats when I saw the first recession and thinning. But at 19 I was'nt really an adult I very unconfident and immature anyway so I was more like your average 15/16 yr old.

I knew what was coming so I did'nt even bother to try and live a normal sociable life, and within a few yrs I was Nw3 and totally bald Nw6 by my late 20's.
Without baldness I honestly feel that I would have gained alot of self confidence in my early 20's and would have enjoyed a decent 'normal' social life and I honestly feel that I would have been a different man today.


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uncomfortable man said:
Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for my health and my limbs and everything, but that doesn't make my baldness any easier when all I see when I look around me are full heads of hair. [...]

UM is right. It's true that poverty is a terrible thing and much worse than male pattern baldness, but we don't live in a poor African nation, do we? Why should we feel better about our hair loss and do nothing about it just because there are poor kids in Africa, that's absurd!


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finfighter said:
Please... those people are going through ''hell'' and it's not because they look ''different among there peers'', it's because they have been pumped full of toxic chemicals (chemo) that make their hair fall out, it's a physical manifestation of their bodies poor state, it is not merely because they feel self Conscience. It is because they realize their body is deteriorating. Your comment is not only ignorant it is a cheap shot! Perhaps if you were in that position you would realize the nature of your statement.

Re-read what I wrote before jumping in. Explain something to me. If you had cancer, and you might be dying. Would you REALLY be worried about wearing a hairpiece? Because many of these people do. I have read many interview where they claim after getting cancer and chemo that the hardest thing is losing your hair. Does THAT not tell you how people see hairloss?

So, yes there was ignorance here. But it was you who decided not to read what I really wrote and decided to jump the gun, so to speak.


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toocoolforhair said:
The average bald guy is not always surrounded by people in visibly worse situations than he is. When he looks around he sees everyone with the same luxuries he has, except they also have hair. I would imagine that bald guys living in horrendous poverty or fighting in wars do not give much thought to their hair loss. It's all relative.

But you can say that about everything. If your wife of lets say 20 years cheat on you many times, takes your child away, should you not be devasted? Well, if you were fighting in a way, where you had to worry about getting shot in the head, it might not be as important there either. You can apply an extreme case to ANYONE.

So, you went backrupt and are now homeless? Well, if you were hiding for your life in a ditch trying to avoid a soldier getting you, your economic woes wouldn't matter as much either.