we might live till 1000


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Ouroboros said:
squeegee said:
Aubrey de Grey rocks!

Lol, yes he does. I think this video might be a few years old; as I believe he has refined the theories presented here a bit. Here's a more recent video (though it doesn't get into as much detail): http://us.cnn.com/video/?/video/interna ... tality.cnn

Thanks a lot for the video!! Just awesome! Did you read his book? This is such an interesting subject and totally like de Grey, this is such a wise guy and a character!. I like his pink socks in the video lol.

somone uk

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The 1000 year figure comes from the same mindset that most of us have about finasteride or minoxidil.
he actually gets 1000 years because statistically you are 1/1000 of dying from non age related causes every day
so it's therefore possible to live to 2000 with his reserch


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Unless they can also give you a eternally youthful, healthy body why would anyone want to live that long.


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This is "eternal youth" so to speak. This is a point Dr. de Grey frequently has to repeat. It is not just extending the miserable, feeble, end of your life for 900 + years. If this research was perfected for instance; you would have the body of a 25 year old for the rest of your life.

The Gardener

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bboy said:
s.a.f said:
bboy said:
I think this guys is right in so much as that if there is any possibility that we can reach this goal soon we should be doing our level best to do so. I
Why would we want to do that? :dunno:
To have more sex.



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Ouroboros said:
If this research was perfected for instance; you would have the body of a 25 year old for the rest of your life.

Hey, I'd like to have the body of a 25 year old (preferably Jessica Alba) right here in front of me for just the next 30 minutes!! :tongue:


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I read in the newspaper the independant that there is a drug being made now that can make us live to 100 with a reduced risk of age related diseases such as alzeimers. Progress is being made already.


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do we really want to allow certain people to live that long?

1000 years worth of Tiny Tim and his f*cking ukulele..... no thanks.


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s.a.f said:
Unless they can also give you a eternally youthful, healthy body why would anyone want to live that long.

It's OK, I imagine there will be an opt-out clause via shotgun

somone uk

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s.a.f said:
Unless they can also give you a eternally youthful, healthy body why would anyone want to live that long.
that's the idea
the longevity is because they stop your body from ageing
horizon covered ageing recently though didn't include Aubrey de grey and there were 60 year olds on anti aging pills and they physically aged to about 40
but when there is a cure for aging then you would age to about 20 and keep the body of a 20 year old for the rest of your life


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IF it were ever possible it would only be available to the very elite of society. Not physicly possible for everyone to take advantage within a decade the worlds population would cause society to breakdown.

The Gardener

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This would be a NIGHTMARE for the pension funds! Work 30 years, and then live on the pension for the next 970 years? Our society couldn't afford that.

Or, wait?... maybe I have that backwards. If we live to a thousand, does that mean we'd have to work for 970 years before we could finally retire?!

That sucks. Nine hundred and seventy years of getting up at 6 and heading into the office for the daily BS. What a drag.

After about fifty or sixty years straight of working, I think I'd end up killing myself!


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Or maybe society could adjust - 150 yrs at school, piss about for another 50 yrs then work for 700 yrs or so, try to recapture your lost youth (by visiting the museum).....
Just imagine some of the Jerry Springer shows! "I slept with my great, great, great, great , great, great great, grandaughter" or "I married my 13th wifes great grandmother".