Well, I’ve just been humiliated/abused at work by my boss.


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I wasn't bashing you about the consciousness thing. That was more or less an aphorism for the world to digest. It wasn't meant personally at you. Sorry to offend you.


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MidnightFlyer said:
I wasn't bashing you about the consciousness thing. That was more or less an aphorism for the world to digest. It wasn't meant personally at you. Sorry to offend you.

I was kidding too bro, just getting into character, 'Tony Montana ' . Anyways, I will for sure stop Barnes and Nobles on the way home from work tomorrow and check out those books.

:) Take Care brother,

Tony a.k.a Tony Montana.


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Re: Well, I?ve just been humiliated/abused at work by my bos

Gunner said:
Some people might find this humorous in a way. I mean, It?s probably a person who has the misfortune to have male pattern baldness, worst nightmare.

Well it?s in the top 10 anyway.

It all started this afternoon at work, when I was talking to my boss about football (soccer). All of a sudden, it got a bit heated. He supports Man Utd and I support Arsenal. He can?t stand Arsenal and I can?t stand Man Utd. Anyway, as I say, it started to get a bit heated. Because he is boss, he thinks I am not going to defend myself when he abuses the team I support.

Anyway, I gave as good as I received, when discussing football - and he got aggressive and went that one step further. He knows I have hair loss. Sadly as we all know, people mock hair loss. People see it as a joke. He saw this as a weakness on my part. Basically, in an aggressive manner, he pulled the cap off the top of my head to embarrass me. As I mentioned previous, he knows I happen to be a youngster who suffers from hair loss, and he preyed on this in order to make me weak.

It?s like, he could dominate me, once he reveals I have hair loss. He doesn?t have male pattern baldness, he has normal hair. This is seriously, how he saw it.

He pulled the cap off the my head and told me to go outside.

As we all know hair loss is also psychological. Like most, I hate revealing it, so I wear a cap.

It?s like, because he yanked my cap off, he expected me to lose all my energy and become mentally weak.

I remained calm, and although my hair wasn?t great, at least it was cut short, so it wasn?t overly-obvious I?m losing it.

When he did it, I kept calm. I did feel embarrassed but I didn?t show it on the outside, but on the inside, I felt like crap from that moment.

Basically, he tried to gain power over the situation by displaying my hair loss.

This was not a great feeling for me. Then took me outside and started shoving me, with a grin on his face and my hat in his hand.

He was pleased with himself.

Basically, he did it in an attempt to humiliate me. It was everything we dread. He kept pushing me saying ?what are you going to do about it? No ones here to witness it?. Those were his words.

It was like you see in the movies, when the evil guy says something along those same lines, when he is the only person in the other persons presence.

He was right, no one was around to witness him pushing me. Sadly in this situation, when people fight, they don?t walk around with a grin on their faces for the rest of the day.

He did.

He wasn?t sorry at all. He enjoyed it.

Having hair loss killed me in this situation.

He has a perfect head of hair, he completely took advantage of the fact I no longer haven?t, by yanking my cap off to reveal it.

I handled the situation the best I could. Didn?t flinch, nor did I look embarrassed, although, I am feeling pretty much like sh*t right now typing this message.

This never used to happen. Ever since I?ve been losing hair, people have become slightly aggressive.

Like they can get one over me or they gain confidence in the fact my hair is thin and theirs isn?t.

I?ve never ever got into a fight at a work-place before. Well, this wasn?t a fight as such - more of abuse from his side. It all started by talking about football. The opinions got heated, then he attempted to humiliate me.

Typing this, I feel like sh*t. Energy-less. A little bit humiliated I suppose.

I just can?t let him get away with this. I?m not showing any signs of anger on the outside. On the inside, I?m finding it hard - him taking advantage of this.

Revenge would be sweet.

I would leave the job, but leaving wouldn?t be good for me because I found it difficult to get employed because of the pshyclogical battle of accepting hair loss, when it 1st became noticeable. No one would touch me.

So I need the money.

I don?t know, maybe there is someone I can get in contact with regards to abuse at work? If anyone in the UK knows anywhere?

What is the case?

If I do leave, then I could get him back somehow. Not only did he try to humiliate me in front of the whole company, but he started pushing me saying ?no ones here to witness it?

I haven?t got the physique to act the hard-nut.

What a situation.

This is just a nightmare. I?m not a violent person, yet just because I refused to let my boss own me over a football related opinion, he got aggressive and preyed on a weakness that?s out of my hands.

I just can?t be myself these days.

It?s as if people are forcing me to be a different person, because of this hair loss situation

Anyway, that?s basically it.

I call B.S.


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Chujgcha said:
I just finished re-reading my favorite self-help - "How to Win Over your Enemies with Chocolate Shaped Hearts and Rose Pedals" have you heard of it?? Its written by Mike Tyson.
The chocolates and roses are get-well gifts after you knock him so hard that he suffers from amnesia.

Not only did I read it but im also going to act it out on you. You think you BIG TIME, huh, You think you better then me, well Im going to show you BIG TIME!!!

Tony Montana.

Whats up bro,

How is Bolivia my friend??? Copa America is on its way Bolivia tied and Brasil pulled a last minute victory. Bastard Argentianias won. Bolivia plays today againts Columbia, should be a good match, best of luck main.


The Gardener

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OK, everybody welcome to Gardener's controversial football commentary here.

Issue One: In my opinion Man U sucked the big one last season. Despite the FA cup win, Arsenal clearly had a more successful season.

Issue Two: Copa America will be won by the Brazilians, and I will root for them. This is not because of any analytical study or inside information, this is because my Brazilian ex-girlfriend would string me up by the balls from the ceiling and then throw knives at me if I stated otherwise.

Issue Three: How the hell did Greece win the Euro? I was thinking Italy, or maybe France... and even then I thought Portugal would take the final game. Those Portuguese were so damn quick, I thought they had some chemistry going. But Greece? What the f***?

Issue Four: The United States will win the 2010 World Cup. That's Gardener's stand.

Later my brothas

The Gardener

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Chujgcha said:

Now that you have heard many helpful tips on how to deal with your neanderthal boss, lets do a little bit of role playing... Lets say I am your boss. Its Friday morning, you are sitting in your cubicle minding your own business and I walk in. You quickly click the minimize button on your browser, but it's too late I read "Hairlosstalk" on the page and start laughing like the bastard heyna that I am. Then I unzip my pants and start peeing in every corner of your cubicle...oh and on your poster of Arsenal. You see its a caveman instinct, my way of saying "I own you b**ch" What do you do??

Don't kill him. Set him straight.

LOL... that's hilarious.

And speaking of English football, that reminds me of Gardener's Issue Six, an open debate topic:

Michael Owen: Living up to expectations, or bitter dissapointment? Any comments?

I'm only asking because I am curious. I hear a lot of fellow Americans talk about the young Freddie Adu being the 'next Pele' and I cannot help but think about the early hype that Owen had.


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The Gardener said:
OK, everybody welcome to Gardener's controversial football commentary here.

Issue One: In my opinion Man U sucked the big one last season. Despite the FA cup win, Arsenal clearly had a more successful season.

Issue Two: Copa America will be won by the Brazilians, and I will root for them. This is not because of any analytical study or inside information, this is because my Brazilian ex-girlfriend would string me up by the balls from the ceiling and then throw knives at me if I stated otherwise.

Issue Three: How the hell did Greece win the Euro? I was thinking Italy, or maybe France... and even then I thought Portugal would take the final game. Those Portuguese were so damn quick, I thought they had some chemistry going. But Greece? What the f***?

Issue Four: The United States will win the 2010 World Cup. That's Gardener's stand.

Later my brothas

What up Gardener,

Well, I am a Man U fan also and despite the fact that they sucked we still have the trophy. Arsenal just never caught a break and Im glad cause I hate those bastards.

Now Copa America will FOR SURE be won by the Brazilians. Being that brasil is my homeland I will root for them with all my might!!! I even cheered for them in the Euro Cup and they werent in it. Its love, I tell you!

Interesting enough I thought that Greece had a chance. They played with all their players on defense and all they really had to do was score one goal, which they did. I hate the French so I wanted the out ASAP. Spain and Italy were HUGE disappointments and the Portuguese played well in the last game, but the ball just couldnt go in. Plus, like I said before, Greece was playing a tight D.

Breaking news: "US wins World Cup 2010"...... in other breaking news "Tony Montana commits suicide" Never going to happen, at least not in 2010. Fred Abdu is a good player for his age, but just the other day I saw him play and I wasnt very impressed. Pele was a much better player at that age and only time will tell what this kid will develop into. Like you said about Owens, even I thought he would be a great player, but he is just a bit above average.


Moving on....

"Listen to me Tony!! Listen! Jou gone loco or somfing main? Jour going to bite the hand that feeds you? Jou tink RK69 grows on trees?? Heh... Let me clue you in on somfing, Tony, Pachanga works for me. I run da chow. I am da puppet master. Don't forget who's submarines deliver your livelyhood. A little advice...keep an eye on the guy that watches jour back."

(Tony walks back into the office with red finger prints on his face)

Okay main, yur rite, I shulda taken better care of mi frends. We wurk together to take over the drug ring okay. Tony Montana knows not to mes wit Panchanga, yu gimme RK69, I mix wit RK-Sniff Sniff and we make sum money. We patners.

Tony Montana


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brasileirao said:
What was the concept behing both of those books? Im readint Dianetics right now and its very interesting.

Tony Montana

Read this before reading that book: http://www.watchman.org/sci/lrhmyth2.htm

In my opinion, Dianetics is some of the biggest pile of bullshit ever. L. Ron Hubbard is a complete idiot and rip-off artist and his cult religion, scientology, is equally worthless. But I think you'll arrive to this conclusion on your own as you proceed more through the book.



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drinkrum said:
brasileirao said:
What was the concept behing both of those books? Im readint Dianetics right now and its very interesting.

Tony Montana

Read this before reading that book: http://www.watchman.org/sci/lrhmyth2.htm

In my opinion, Dianetics is some of the biggest pile of bullshit ever. L. Ron Hubbard is a complete idiot and rip-off artist and his cult religion, scientology, is equally worthless. But I think you'll arrive to this conclusion on your own as you proceed more through the book.


Good article!!! I really dont belief in that Scientology thing, one of my buddies said it was a good read. So far its interesting, but nothing I will go out and praise about.



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drinkrum said:
brasileirao said:
What was the concept behing both of those books? Im readint Dianetics right now and its very interesting.

Tony Montana

Read this before reading that book: http://www.watchman.org/sci/lrhmyth2.htm

In my opinion, Dianetics is some of the biggest pile of bullshit ever. L. Ron Hubbard is a complete idiot and rip-off artist and his cult religion, scientology, is equally worthless. But I think you'll arrive to this conclusion on your own as you proceed more through the book.


No kidding.What a scam. He even admitted years and years ago in an interview that the best way to become immortal ( in history) and rich is to invent a religion. The concepts of Dianetics are easy generic empty answers written in a complicated and wordy fashion.

brasileirao it's great your reading it and finding out for your own though. Keep reading it. Scientology is interesting on the surface regardless of the end result.

EDIT: It kinda reminded of The Celestine Prophecy & it's little companion the Tenth Insight for some reason. Good reads all, but floating in the Lotus position junk in the end.


Thanks for the replies btw.

Well, you think things couldn’t get any worse. Well, they did, kind of.

As I mentioned in the original post - the incident happened on Wednesday

After turning up to work on Thursday, I could tell from the 1st person I said “helloâ€

too bald too furious

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Hi Gunner,
I read your story. Believe me..you are not the only guy in the world who has to face this kinna sh*t. I have come across this sh*t so many times in debates, when the other person thinks hes losing debate or arguement and needs something real nasty to attack me.
I know, his gesture was a nasty one, but it shows what a bastard he is.
Well..let me tell you...if he is not keeping the managerial ethics and not treating you properly, you should not be a chicken in front of him either.
If he ever comments on your hair loss, just laugh and say...so what???(and believe me your head looks really OK..there are millions who hv much worse hair loss than yours.)
You can infact jokingly say back to him, atleast i don have an ugly face n arse like you. Remember, whatever you say to him..always have a smile up your face...and hurt him back but in a sweet manner. Thats much more insulting. Keep your cool always...but do reciprocate befittingly instantaneously. DONT EVER LOSE YOUR TEMPER OR SHOW YOUR EMOTIONS.
We all know ..that ppl get teased only becoz they allow themselves to get teased. So dont allow hair loss become your weakness.
Dont be concerned about your colleagues. They are more sympathetic towards you, since they know ..if your boss can treat you like this..he can treat your colleagues too in a same/similar manner.
Remember...you have to be mentally strong and be prepared for these sort of situations.
In 1 of the previous posts, someone mentioned that if u try n show that u are not bothered about hair loss...ppl wont pick on your hair loss as your weakness. And yea...wearing your hat always attracts attention. Reduce wearing your hat.
Hope this helps.

The Gardener

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Gunner, that is terrible. You need to buy a bottle of Nair hair remover and devise some sort of plan to get a nice dollop of liquid from bottle A onto the scalp of a**h** B.


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In a way, the more you think and scheme and connive about a way to get him back, shows that he's STILL winning. But in reality, you have no problems at all. You're carrying the baggage with you.

It's just all these things that you're perceiving in your head, they may not be so. I honestly don't think that the people you work with are so cruel that they secretly mock your hairloss. I think that's happening in your imagination. If you really want to get back at him, you'll forget about it entirely. On the other hand, I too, would probably quit and not even be reminded about it, but it takes a great deal of character to let it go completely. Good luck and keep us informed about the prank. We're all curious about what you'll do.