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If womens sexual preferences are liberated and unchecked they destroy civilisations. If women are allowed to choose, harems will form, if women are allowed a voice in matters that pertain to the safety of a nation then that nation will collapse.
Women do not on an instinctual level care very much about her tribe, nation or civilisation. It's in their nature not to do so.
Women are biological creatures like all others, and they seek to maximise their chances of having viable offspring.
This ~50 years of experiment of womens liberation and political enfranchisement has been a total disaster for the West.
The damage done by the last 50 years are likely to be beyond the point of no return. The only solution would be to return to a more patriarchal society. Which isn't going to happen.
Women are bad at being loyal to their "tribe", and history has shown this again and again. The reason is because it's not in their nature to do so. All throughout history women have seeked out men who are stronger, more dominant and of higher genetic quality even if the men are on opposing sides in war.
Picture shows a war bride being punished for their betrayal to their people by dating a nazi occupant of her country.
Now not only are women not punished for inviting alien and unassimilable armies of men into the West. They then vote for parties that force the entire society to have it's national wealth redistributed to this army of aggresive and hostile men.
And women who are in power even openly celebrate the destruction that they bring upon their people. And taunt those who seek to retain their culture and civilisation from being teared down.
"Our society will change. Our city will change radically. I hold that in 20, 30 there will no longer be (German) majorities in our city. This is what we will have in the future. And I want to make it clear, especially towards those right wingers: This is a good thing!" - Stefanie Von Berg, German politican.
As our society become ever more dangerous because of people like Stefanie Von Berg. The primary responsibility for protection will belong to men. Women will only have as much freedom as their men are willing or capable of guaranteeing them.
Women have been given the right to vote and in a democratic society they vote their biological imperative. Research has shown that that throughout history 80% of women have managed to reproduce, on the other hand only 40% of men did. That means a few top men had access to 80% of women while the bottom 60% had no mating prospects. Women don't mind sharing a top man with multiple of other women.
Many socities including the West long ago devised a simple plan to stop the infighting that occurs because a large majority of men in the society don't have sexual access to women. The basis of Western society was to keep one wife per man, so that every man has a chance of reproduction. This is to make the men reproduce and have a stake in societies health and security. But this like other cultural arrangements that held the West together for centuries is breaking down. No Western countries are even at the replacement levels in their birth rates.
This is the fault of the loosening of sexual morality and dating habits of young women, the 80/20 rule in action. (80% of women are attracted to 20% of men.)
This destroys the making of monogamous couples, then in turn the making of families, and finally the children who will be the future of any given country.
Women seek out aggresive men both subconsciously and consciously. This has been ground into womens brains after human evolution. That means literal murderers, gang members, drug dealers etc. are always going to be more attractive to women than hardworking honest beta providers. They always have been, and always will be. This of course reduces the motivation for the majority of men to be hardworking honest contributors to society.
The feminisation of men in the West adhering to the repetitive and decades long diatribe, that vilifies anything and all things masculine, are no longer attractive for women. Especially for women in their prime fertile years. When young women tell you the truth they are always attracted to the bad boys, not the NiceGuys™ which is why it's a literal meme to be a nice guy. It's so much a part of women psyche to want the bad boy that it's wrapped up in their DNA. More than 87% of women have an orgasm during rape. That's a hardwired response to rape in a subconscious or primal level. One of the most common sexual fantasy of women is the fantasy of being raped or being forced into submission.
The half century long experiment of women's liberation and political enfranchisement has ended in disaster for the West. Since women have been given the right to vote the entire centre of politics, and thus western society, has shifted more to the left. Women have also used their political enfranchisement to further the cause of Women's Liberation. Liberation socially, liberation financially, liberation from family, liberation from motherhood, liberation from religous dogma, and finally sexual liberation most importantly. Once women where given the equal say in the sphere of politics, it's only a matter of time until our civilisation collapses.
Multiple of studies on this subject have all come to the same conclusion: as women become more "emancipated", the decline of the family is further accelerated. As the family disintegrates, and women move politically further and further to the left in their voting, many begin to use the government as a surrogate husband and provider. Women are then even more liberated from their traditional roles within family and society at large.
One examplie of studies of civilisation decline is written by J.D. Unwin in his book "Sex and Culture (1934). The main driver for the rise of a civilisation is the degree of chastity of the said civilisations women. He found a positive correlation between the cultural achievment of a people and the sexual restraint they observed.
Unwin’s impetus for the project was to test the Freudian theory that civilizational progress was the product of repressed sexuality. This theory of “sublimated sexuality” states that natural impulses and desires require energy to fulfill, and that this energy—though finite—is fungible.
Unwin divided the collective energy of human beings into two categories, “expansive” and “productive.” Activities like exploring territory, conquest, colonization, and commerce were deemed expansive. Productive activities designated an advancement within society or a societal flourishing, such as the development of algebra or the power to harness electricity. Thus, the sexual energy of human beings could be re-directed towards other aspects of civilizational advancement, such as technological progress, art, architecture, or conquering other peoples.
After a careful evaluation a variety of civilizations—including the Romans, Greeks, Sumerians, Moors, Babylonians, and Anglo-Saxons—a clear pattern emerged for Unwin: a perfect correlation between sexual fidelity and civilizational flourishing.* Unwin found that discipline in sexual matters appropriated social energy to more civilizational ends, validating Freudian sublimation on a societal level. Unwin remarks:
The evidence is that in the past a class has risen to a position of political dominance because of its great energy and that at the period of its rising, its sexual regulations have always been strict. It has retained its energy and dominated the society so long as its sexual regulations have demanded both pre-nuptial and post-nuptial continence. … I know of no exceptions to these rules.
But what exactly were those strict sexual attitudes and regulations that contributed to societal flourishing? The answer: heterosexual monogamy.
Source: https://ethikapolitika.org/2014/08/19/civilizations-sex/
The point of Unwin's study was to test the Freudian theory civilisational progress was the product of repressed sexuality. He found that discipline in sexual matters appropriated social energy to more civilisational ends.
For Unwin the fabric of society was primarily sexual and heterosexual monogamy was the optimal arrangement for the planning, building, protecting, and nurturing of the family. If enough heterosexual partners made a monogamous commitment civilisational energy was directed toward promoting the finest societal foundation possible. Without exception each civilisation he studied allowed its success to alter its moral code. After a nation becomes increasingly liberal, with regards to it's sexual morality it loses it's cohesion, it's impetus, and it's purpose. From a chaste moral code, society gains what he called expansive energy and this energy allowed these cultures to expand into weaker cultures.
If you compare the modern Western world with the Islamic one you can see exactly the results that Unwin theory predicted in 1934.
By allowing women to f*** freely the West has entered a matriarchy that disincentivizes young men. Islam on the other hand keeps their women chaste and their expansive energy as Unwin's theory predicts is manifested in what we're oberserving today: the Islamic culture is the one who's expanding into the West, and it was only recently that the West was able to dominate all other cultures on the planet. Ultimately each civilisation became less cohesive, less aggressive, and less resolute. Civilisations in this liminal phase then collapsed from either:
1. An internal anarchic revolution.
2. Conquest by invaders with greater social energy.
Unwin also noted that there was no case in any of the studies he'd made in which a culture managed to restrict the sexual freedom of women once they'd been loosened. A feminist society and future is an oxymoron, it's unsustainable in the long run.
Based on just recent history a civilisation that embraces feminist values will cease to exist in a very short time. This is why no time in history a feminist civilisation has existed other than in very short spans in the end of great empires.
The signs of decline in the West are already easily observable. While many countries are sliding into social decline, the canary in the coal mine is the self described humanitarian superpower that pursues a feminist foregin policy.
When looking at Sweden one of the most gender equal countries on earth and while they've become the rape capital of Europe they're flushing their culture and country down the toilet, and pressing forward in their civilisational suicide at accelerating pace. The total and complete feminisation of Sweden and its men have allowed their women to invite their country's own destruction through the importation of millions of assimilated and aggressive people from completely alien cultures.
And they await their doom with smiles of tolerance and passivity, calm as Hindu cows.
According to Unwin's model this process is irreversible, and the only way to do so would be to restrict the sexual freedom of Western women, and move back to a patriarchal society. Which is impossible.
So instead of having it all, Western women risk losing everything. What are liberal feminist going to do when faced with aggressive gangs of migrants bent on theft and sexual violence? I don't think wearing their stupid pussy hats is going to work.
The violence now being directed at Western women in their own countries is undeniable proof of the breakdown of the leftist utopian ideals of society. The millions of migrants that have already arrived, and the millions on their way already understand that the West is a toothless civilisation ripe for plunder.
While western women might be the ones advocating, whether knowingly or not, for the destruction of the west via misplaced compassion, turbo emotionalism and niceism it's also the fault of Western cucks by giving them the choice and allowing their genders predilections to dictate what our civilisation's values, priorities, and ultimately what our future should and will be.
Our feminised society hasn't built an equality rainbow that will usher the West into a nirvana of peace and security based on mutual respect and tolerance. No, it has succeeded in paving the way for the takeover and Islamification of the West.
Ironically, it'll be the feminine tendencies and policies that rule our society, that will bring down the gender inclusive nations of the West and replace them with the tribalism of Africa and Middle East and the hyper masculinity of Islam. You can have a feminised society, but it won't survive Islam.
And here's the final red pill of this post: Western men have given Western women freedom of will and choice in their own society. And Western women are now choosing who will take it away from them.
Women do not on an instinctual level care very much about her tribe, nation or civilisation. It's in their nature not to do so.
Women are biological creatures like all others, and they seek to maximise their chances of having viable offspring.
This ~50 years of experiment of womens liberation and political enfranchisement has been a total disaster for the West.
The damage done by the last 50 years are likely to be beyond the point of no return. The only solution would be to return to a more patriarchal society. Which isn't going to happen.
Women are bad at being loyal to their "tribe", and history has shown this again and again. The reason is because it's not in their nature to do so. All throughout history women have seeked out men who are stronger, more dominant and of higher genetic quality even if the men are on opposing sides in war.
Picture shows a war bride being punished for their betrayal to their people by dating a nazi occupant of her country.
Now not only are women not punished for inviting alien and unassimilable armies of men into the West. They then vote for parties that force the entire society to have it's national wealth redistributed to this army of aggresive and hostile men.
And women who are in power even openly celebrate the destruction that they bring upon their people. And taunt those who seek to retain their culture and civilisation from being teared down.
"Our society will change. Our city will change radically. I hold that in 20, 30 there will no longer be (German) majorities in our city. This is what we will have in the future. And I want to make it clear, especially towards those right wingers: This is a good thing!" - Stefanie Von Berg, German politican.
As our society become ever more dangerous because of people like Stefanie Von Berg. The primary responsibility for protection will belong to men. Women will only have as much freedom as their men are willing or capable of guaranteeing them.
Women have been given the right to vote and in a democratic society they vote their biological imperative. Research has shown that that throughout history 80% of women have managed to reproduce, on the other hand only 40% of men did. That means a few top men had access to 80% of women while the bottom 60% had no mating prospects. Women don't mind sharing a top man with multiple of other women.
Many socities including the West long ago devised a simple plan to stop the infighting that occurs because a large majority of men in the society don't have sexual access to women. The basis of Western society was to keep one wife per man, so that every man has a chance of reproduction. This is to make the men reproduce and have a stake in societies health and security. But this like other cultural arrangements that held the West together for centuries is breaking down. No Western countries are even at the replacement levels in their birth rates.
This is the fault of the loosening of sexual morality and dating habits of young women, the 80/20 rule in action. (80% of women are attracted to 20% of men.)
This destroys the making of monogamous couples, then in turn the making of families, and finally the children who will be the future of any given country.
Women seek out aggresive men both subconsciously and consciously. This has been ground into womens brains after human evolution. That means literal murderers, gang members, drug dealers etc. are always going to be more attractive to women than hardworking honest beta providers. They always have been, and always will be. This of course reduces the motivation for the majority of men to be hardworking honest contributors to society.
The feminisation of men in the West adhering to the repetitive and decades long diatribe, that vilifies anything and all things masculine, are no longer attractive for women. Especially for women in their prime fertile years. When young women tell you the truth they are always attracted to the bad boys, not the NiceGuys™ which is why it's a literal meme to be a nice guy. It's so much a part of women psyche to want the bad boy that it's wrapped up in their DNA. More than 87% of women have an orgasm during rape. That's a hardwired response to rape in a subconscious or primal level. One of the most common sexual fantasy of women is the fantasy of being raped or being forced into submission.
The half century long experiment of women's liberation and political enfranchisement has ended in disaster for the West. Since women have been given the right to vote the entire centre of politics, and thus western society, has shifted more to the left. Women have also used their political enfranchisement to further the cause of Women's Liberation. Liberation socially, liberation financially, liberation from family, liberation from motherhood, liberation from religous dogma, and finally sexual liberation most importantly. Once women where given the equal say in the sphere of politics, it's only a matter of time until our civilisation collapses.
Multiple of studies on this subject have all come to the same conclusion: as women become more "emancipated", the decline of the family is further accelerated. As the family disintegrates, and women move politically further and further to the left in their voting, many begin to use the government as a surrogate husband and provider. Women are then even more liberated from their traditional roles within family and society at large.
One examplie of studies of civilisation decline is written by J.D. Unwin in his book "Sex and Culture (1934). The main driver for the rise of a civilisation is the degree of chastity of the said civilisations women. He found a positive correlation between the cultural achievment of a people and the sexual restraint they observed.
Unwin’s impetus for the project was to test the Freudian theory that civilizational progress was the product of repressed sexuality. This theory of “sublimated sexuality” states that natural impulses and desires require energy to fulfill, and that this energy—though finite—is fungible.
Unwin divided the collective energy of human beings into two categories, “expansive” and “productive.” Activities like exploring territory, conquest, colonization, and commerce were deemed expansive. Productive activities designated an advancement within society or a societal flourishing, such as the development of algebra or the power to harness electricity. Thus, the sexual energy of human beings could be re-directed towards other aspects of civilizational advancement, such as technological progress, art, architecture, or conquering other peoples.
After a careful evaluation a variety of civilizations—including the Romans, Greeks, Sumerians, Moors, Babylonians, and Anglo-Saxons—a clear pattern emerged for Unwin: a perfect correlation between sexual fidelity and civilizational flourishing.* Unwin found that discipline in sexual matters appropriated social energy to more civilizational ends, validating Freudian sublimation on a societal level. Unwin remarks:
The evidence is that in the past a class has risen to a position of political dominance because of its great energy and that at the period of its rising, its sexual regulations have always been strict. It has retained its energy and dominated the society so long as its sexual regulations have demanded both pre-nuptial and post-nuptial continence. … I know of no exceptions to these rules.
But what exactly were those strict sexual attitudes and regulations that contributed to societal flourishing? The answer: heterosexual monogamy.
Source: https://ethikapolitika.org/2014/08/19/civilizations-sex/
The point of Unwin's study was to test the Freudian theory civilisational progress was the product of repressed sexuality. He found that discipline in sexual matters appropriated social energy to more civilisational ends.
For Unwin the fabric of society was primarily sexual and heterosexual monogamy was the optimal arrangement for the planning, building, protecting, and nurturing of the family. If enough heterosexual partners made a monogamous commitment civilisational energy was directed toward promoting the finest societal foundation possible. Without exception each civilisation he studied allowed its success to alter its moral code. After a nation becomes increasingly liberal, with regards to it's sexual morality it loses it's cohesion, it's impetus, and it's purpose. From a chaste moral code, society gains what he called expansive energy and this energy allowed these cultures to expand into weaker cultures.
If you compare the modern Western world with the Islamic one you can see exactly the results that Unwin theory predicted in 1934.
By allowing women to f*** freely the West has entered a matriarchy that disincentivizes young men. Islam on the other hand keeps their women chaste and their expansive energy as Unwin's theory predicts is manifested in what we're oberserving today: the Islamic culture is the one who's expanding into the West, and it was only recently that the West was able to dominate all other cultures on the planet. Ultimately each civilisation became less cohesive, less aggressive, and less resolute. Civilisations in this liminal phase then collapsed from either:
1. An internal anarchic revolution.
2. Conquest by invaders with greater social energy.
Unwin also noted that there was no case in any of the studies he'd made in which a culture managed to restrict the sexual freedom of women once they'd been loosened. A feminist society and future is an oxymoron, it's unsustainable in the long run.
Based on just recent history a civilisation that embraces feminist values will cease to exist in a very short time. This is why no time in history a feminist civilisation has existed other than in very short spans in the end of great empires.
The signs of decline in the West are already easily observable. While many countries are sliding into social decline, the canary in the coal mine is the self described humanitarian superpower that pursues a feminist foregin policy.
When looking at Sweden one of the most gender equal countries on earth and while they've become the rape capital of Europe they're flushing their culture and country down the toilet, and pressing forward in their civilisational suicide at accelerating pace. The total and complete feminisation of Sweden and its men have allowed their women to invite their country's own destruction through the importation of millions of assimilated and aggressive people from completely alien cultures.
And they await their doom with smiles of tolerance and passivity, calm as Hindu cows.
According to Unwin's model this process is irreversible, and the only way to do so would be to restrict the sexual freedom of Western women, and move back to a patriarchal society. Which is impossible.
So instead of having it all, Western women risk losing everything. What are liberal feminist going to do when faced with aggressive gangs of migrants bent on theft and sexual violence? I don't think wearing their stupid pussy hats is going to work.
The violence now being directed at Western women in their own countries is undeniable proof of the breakdown of the leftist utopian ideals of society. The millions of migrants that have already arrived, and the millions on their way already understand that the West is a toothless civilisation ripe for plunder.
While western women might be the ones advocating, whether knowingly or not, for the destruction of the west via misplaced compassion, turbo emotionalism and niceism it's also the fault of Western cucks by giving them the choice and allowing their genders predilections to dictate what our civilisation's values, priorities, and ultimately what our future should and will be.
Our feminised society hasn't built an equality rainbow that will usher the West into a nirvana of peace and security based on mutual respect and tolerance. No, it has succeeded in paving the way for the takeover and Islamification of the West.
Ironically, it'll be the feminine tendencies and policies that rule our society, that will bring down the gender inclusive nations of the West and replace them with the tribalism of Africa and Middle East and the hyper masculinity of Islam. You can have a feminised society, but it won't survive Islam.
And here's the final red pill of this post: Western men have given Western women freedom of will and choice in their own society. And Western women are now choosing who will take it away from them.