what are the good reasons not to get an hair transplant


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jimjohn said:
i am thinking about a hair transplant. i remember someone wrote a post saying just remember all the good reasons out there not to get one. can someone plz let me know any cons to getting a hair transplant, other than that if it turns out bad, it'll look really bad and you wont even be able to shave your head after that. thanks!

Don't get one if you don't ahve the donor hair to cover the large area with the density you want, and know you have enough donor hair left over in case some of your grafts don't grow out.
If you are young, you will really want at least 60 grafts per cm2 if not 80. This is not possible on a big area unless you use BHT. 50 per cm2 really is for older adults who just don't want to be bald.

Try your best to know what you will get before you get it so you can know if you will be happy about it. Any improvement will probably seem worth it at first. But sacrifice your grades in school making money to get hair that won't be thick enough to make you happy.

Do not get an hair transplant because you fell in love with a woman who is about to leave and you think the hair transplant will stop her from leaving. It won't be enough to make a difference, and won't grow out fast enough, and will leave you broke working long hours, and will have considerable down time as you recover.


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scar i also didnt expect my parents would want me to look into a hair transplant. i thought they would just say just accept it and move on. but moms exact words were hair loss isnt that important at all but since there are things available that u can do about it (like transplants), then why not look into it. just so that u can enjoy your youth.

plus they obviously must have figured out that the hair loss is bothering me.


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I was just surfing and I came across this site, and it reminded me so much of my own experiences that I had to just post something here. I too had major trauma about losing my hair, with loving concerned parents who supported me spending my (meager) student income on minoxydil administered by attractive young women in hair treatment clinics.

The thing that shook me up was a documentary about the industry where an ex employee said how her boss winked and gave her the thumbs up as a young man was crying about his hair loss, another sale was imminent. I thought then ok if i was to be ugly and unwanted then i'd not have others profit from my sadness, so i took it all off.

Howeer taking it all off, coupled with dressing better, and occassionally reading a paper meant that in the 15 or so years since I've dated models, doctors, a pole dancer, nurses, vets - all educated classy and very beautiful women. Shaved head they are not too worried about and as long as you have confidence and an irreverence to women coupled with a respect and nice attitude it's not going to stop you from meeting someone nice. Oh and take up dance class I'd suggest, Salsa is great.

I'd love my long hair back, i'd be uber hot with it I think. as it is I'm only super hot, but that's good enough. I'd leave the hair transplant , stop the clinics getting claws into you, stop having to worry about botched procedures, shave your head, be nice , dress nice, learn to dance, you'll have so many ladies after you that you'll wonder what all the fuss is about. Good luck wherever you are.


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shaving your head definitely is the cheapest way to go. No hair transplant will improve you as much as getting in good shape. Maybe several hair transplant's would do it.