what do you guys think?


Experienced Member
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You have to cut the generic, I think he means (and I mean) if you cut them all the day you get it and ingest the pieces over time. If you cut sa new piece every day that should have no negative effect at all. Definitely store them though.


Established Member
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Yeah but I take a 1/4th every day, like most do. I cut the pill, and take in a part and put the rest back in my drawer. Does it mather where it is stored though? Cause I now just keep it out of sunlight, but you cannot expose the cutted pill to air either you say?


Experienced Member
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Well, as long as it is in an airtight container you should be fine. I when I cut the pieces for the week I leave it in the pill-cutter container which snaps open and close. You sound like you're doing alright, just don't cut every single pill at once when you get the new prescription. Like, cutting every one into 1/4's the day you get it if you get what I mean.