
What Do You Think Is The Cause Of Testicular Pain After Taking Finasteride? Please Help Me If You Ha


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what we cant do is blame every sympton on drug just because its a possible side effect. I have depression/bi polar in my family. So i have to believe because i get depressed etc its probably more to do with that than taking finasteride forever.

In regards to PFSyndrome . I monitored a discussion forum. and what most people fail to discuss is the mania that caused them to start finasteride. They were clearly depressed, suffering mentally prior, yet blame the same feelings when they stop finasteride.

If you go to a doctor and get yearly check ups it should be fine. Losing hair is traumatic to some. There are far worse chemicals you could be putting into your body. mental health is equally as destructive as physical. If losing your hair keeps you in a daily malaise thats a problem. mood altering drugs are way worse than dutasteride/finasteride. IMO.

It's a never ending discussion with a lot of factors that should be taken in consideration but i agree with a lot of things you said, even if not with all of them but it depends on every individual, their mindset, how deeply it affected them, medical history, family medical history, experiences, environments, too many factors. That's why it's so hard to prove something even if it really happens because of a pill....

And yes, i think also that mood altering drugs are very dangerous, but comparing drugs which both alter the brain, because finasteride does that also, it's like choosing from 2 evils and from my perspective, i choose to not to believe or depend on neither of them, too much information available out there, i would be very dumb to ignore it just because some guys are deeply affected by this condition and that for them the risk is worth it...


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So what is the cause of the testicular pain? The ball pain goes on for a week already and it makes me scared.


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So what is the cause of the testicular pain? The ball pain goes on for a week already and it makes me scared.
Today I had an ultrasound test, and the answer was written: microlitiasis is seen in both testicles.
I have not yet showe test answer to the doctor, but this problem is caused by unknown reasons and is maybe related to testicular cancer.(accourding to my google searchs)
And at the same time, my sexual desire has decreased.
All in all, my hair is very important to me, but it's not worth the risk


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Stop lying, sides are not rare at all.

More than 50%+ on this forum had sides. And we know Merck lied about the numbers.

And OP, I had the infamous ball ache too, the first months I took it but it went away for most of the time but other side effects slowly creeped up. Be warned.
Stop lying, sides are not rare at all.

More than 50%+ on this forum had sides. And we know Merck lied about the numbers.

And OP, I had the infamous ball ache too, the first months I took it but it went away for most of the time but other side effects slowly creeped up. Be warned.
In general, from my point of view, it is not logical to use finasteride to prevent hair loss.
I have been using minoxidil for 4 years, the effect of which has diminished over time. And I do microneedling, which doesn't have much effect.
And since my hair loss gene is strong, I really don't know what to do.
In some cases, science may not be able to prevent hair loss


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Today I had an ultrasound test, and the answer was written: microlitiasis is seen in both testicles.
I have not yet showe test answer to the doctor, but this problem is caused by unknown reasons and is maybe related to testicular cancer.(accourding to my google searchs)
And at the same time, my sexual desire has decreased.
All in all, my hair is very important to me, but it's not worth the risk
I agree, balls are more important than hair and the pain surely aint good for them. I stopped the topical finasteride now after 4 weeks because of it. Maybe it was because of their crazy 2,5% standart concentration and i should try liposomal 0,1% every other day.


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Today I had an ultrasound test, and the answer was written: microlitiasis is seen in both testicles.
I have not yet showe test answer to the doctor, but this problem is caused by unknown reasons and is maybe related to testicular cancer.(accourding to my google searchs)
And at the same time, my sexual desire has decreased.
All in all, my hair is very important to me, but it's not worth the risk

Damn, that does not sound good. People tend to not think about the future and very few actually check their bodies when they are on some kind of treatment especially. You could get something with time, drug related or not but without actually knowing what caused it and even if you would find out, it would be to late and pointless in many cases.Check with a doctor as soon as you can and see what he has to say about this diagnosis.

Mark my words, future generations will tremble and be amazed when they will read of what people used to do for their hair, what drugs and actions they took... As we learn from the mistakes made by our ancestors, they will learn from ours also. Stay safe and get a doctors opinion asap...


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Trust 100+ balding brothers or trust the studies where Merck is proven to have lied. Easy choice. And of course I have my own experience of 2 years with fina.

Btw, it's not just this forum. Many other hairloss forums had similar polls and always with 50%+ who experienced side effects. Lol if you still believe only 3% experience side effects.

And those are just the polls then there are the countless studies that show how bad fina is for you health in the long term. Hell, common sense alone should be enough to understand that blocking an important male hormone for years is not good.

But I had this discussion many times, people taking fina are too emotionally invested in their pills to be rational anyway.
Many companies would lie to sell their sh*t. But they wouldnt tell sides are 1-2% when they’re really +50%, that would be too obvious. Sides for finasteride may be around 8-10%, but not 50%. And just because you had sides doesnt make the chances any higher.

Also, the main reason people are here is when drugs are not working. The ones who take finasteride and got sides/still thinning come here to look for options or complain. A very vocal minority according to the studies. You simply cant take polls on such forums as valid and claim sides occur more than 50% of the time. That is just dumb. No scientific studies relied mainly on polls on the internet to achieve conclusions.

I agree with you that sides may be higher, I dont trust Merck. But drawing conclusions from polls of people who are here BECAUSE finasteride gave them sides/not working is not valid AT ALL.


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Many companies would lie to sell their sh*t. But they wouldnt tell sides are 1-2% when they’re really +50%, that would be too obvious. Sides for finasteride may be around 8-10%, but not 50%. And just because you had sides doesnt make the chances any higher.

Also, the main reason people are here is when drugs are not working. The ones who take finasteride and got sides/still thinning come here to look for options or complain. A very vocal minority according to the studies. You simply cant take polls on such forums as valid and claim sides occur more than 50% of the time. That is just dumb. No scientific studies relied mainly on polls on the internet to achieve conclusions.

I agree with you that sides may be higher, I dont trust Merck. But drawing conclusions from polls of people who are here BECAUSE finasteride gave them sides/not working is not valid AT ALL.

I agree that it's not 50% and that polls from random internet forums have absolutely no value, you don't even know who is voting, on what principles or if they are truthful or just lying, so in conclusions, they are equal to 0. But the sides are not 8-10% also, they are over 30% and all the recent data suggests that. And even so, let's say they are 10%, how much is 10% of the millions of people around the world who use finasteride for male pattern baldness and BPH? Even 1% is a big number and risk, how about 10% or even more?

As for the studies made on finasteride, just lol, and keep in mind that this meta-analysys is done only on the studies made for androgenic alopecia...

Adverse Event Reporting in Clinical Trials of Finasteride for Androgenic Alopecia: A Meta-analysis.

Of 34 clinical trials, none had adequate safety reporting, 19 were partially adequate, 12 were inadequate, and 3 reported no adverse events. Funnel plots were asymmetric with a bias toward lower odds ratio for sexual adverse effects, suggesting systematic underdetection. No reports assessed adequacy of blinding, 18 (53%) disclosed conflicts of interest, and 19 (56%) received funding from the manufacturer. Duration of drug safety evaluation was 1 year or less for 26 of 34 trials (76%). Of 5704 men in the clinical data repository who were treated for Androgenetic Alopecia with finasteride, 1.25 mg/d or less, for Androgenetic Alopecia, only 31% met inclusion criteria for the pivotal trials referenced in the manufacturer's full prescribing information and 33% took finasteride for more than 1 year.

Available toxicity information from clinical trials of finasteride in men with Androgenetic Alopecia is very limited, is of poor quality, and seems to be systematically biased. In a cohort of men prescribed finasteride for routine treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia, most would have been excluded from the pivotal studies that supported US Food and Drug Administration approval for Androgenetic Alopecia. Published reports of clinical trials provide insufficient information to establish the safety profile for finasteride in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia.



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Estradiol makes the fluid in testicles get reabsorbed. Maybe too much or too little of that fluid causes this dull ache.

Bare in mind that if you think that estradiol is unaffected in the blood, you cannot say anything about the fine mechanics of hormone concentration changes in the main male reproductive and endocrine organ testis.


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Estradiol makes the fluid in testicles get reabsorbed. Maybe too much or too little of that fluid causes this dull ache.

Bare in mind that if you think that estradiol is unaffected in the blood, you cannot say anything about the fine mechanics of hormone concentration changes in the main male reproductive and endocrine organ testis.

Bullshit, it's causes are unknown to science, they theorize that it could be the decrease in DHT or the boost of test, it could also be the shrinkage of the prostate but until more info comes out about it, it remains an unknown cause, the only thing we know is that it's a very common symptom of taking this treatment...


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Many companies would lie to sell their sh*t. But they wouldnt tell sides are 1-2% when they’re really +50%, that would be too obvious. Sides for finasteride may be around 8-10%, but not 50%. And just because you had sides doesnt make the chances any higher.

Also, the main reason people are here is when drugs are not working. The ones who take finasteride and got sides/still thinning come here to look for options or complain. A very vocal minority according to the studies. You simply cant take polls on such forums as valid and claim sides occur more than 50% of the time. That is just dumb. No scientific studies relied mainly on polls on the internet to achieve conclusions.

I agree with you that sides may be higher, I dont trust Merck. But drawing conclusions from polls of people who are here BECAUSE finasteride gave them sides/not working is not valid AT ALL.

Sexual sides on SSRIs are around the 50% mark according to studies, and these have been downplayed by pharma companies for years. I doubt the rate of sides on finasteride is as high as that, but I think it is quite a bit higher than 2 or 3 percent.

I read a lot about finasteride sides before taking it. I thought I was suffering from the nocebo effect when I started getting sides, but got the beginnings of gyno after a cumulative total of 2 weeks using topical finasteride.


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Bullshit, it's causes are unknown to science, they theorize that it could be the decrease in DHT or the boost of test, it could also be the shrinkage of the prostate but until more info comes out about it, it remains an unknown cause, the only thing we know is that it's a very common symptom of taking this treatment...
You don't get shrinkage of the prostate or inflammation from the prostate ascending that quickly into the testicles. I understand testicle ache comes quite quickly in the start of treatment. Within days.


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Did you use 2.5% topical fina?
To start with, but I stopped after using it after only a handful of times. I then moved down to 0.3%. I stopped a few days ago. finasteride just doesn't agree with me, and I suppose I've been lucky enough that my body warned me in the early stages rather than the sides creeping up over time.


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You don't get shrinkage of the prostate or inflammation from the prostate ascending that quickly into the testicles. I understand testicle ache comes quite quickly in the start of treatment. Within days.

For some it came after months, for some it's not persistent and comes from now and then, very few actual scientific information about it and that's sad...


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Talking about SSRI's, they're on the market for decades but only last year was post SSRI syndrome recognized as a legit medical condition. Things move slow, but fina will have the same fate.
Yeah, and it has taken an unbelievable amount of time for medical authorities to recognise the existence of PSSD. Similarly, SSRI withdrawal was only recognised last year by prescribing authorities in the UK, despite patients complaining about it for years.


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Yeah, and it has taken an unbelievable amount of time for medical authorities to recognise the existence of PSSD. Similarly, SSRI withdrawal was only recognised last year by prescribing authorities in the UK, despite patients complaining about it for years.

It's all about the money friend, the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries are 2 of the most biggest industries in the world, it's all about the business, don't get fooled that human lives actually matter, especially when nobody can actually prove that they died because of their treatments or equipment and even if you get to prove it, nobody will believe you, they will buy you with tons of money and lawyers and after seal the evidence as secret just like Merk did with Propecia...


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I agree, balls are more important than hair and the pain surely aint good for them. I stopped the topical finasteride now after 4 weeks because of it. Maybe it was because of their crazy 2,5% standart concentration and i should try liposomal 0,1% every other day.
Does topical finastride cause side effect too?
I wanted to change to topical finastrid!!!