what does god say about baldness...



I went to a website on the net and it quoted scriptures from the bible. It says that god views baldness as shame. And god uses it as a form of punishment.

But then i think, I have a couple friends that are complete assholes and break the 10 commandments all the time and have full heads of hair. Hitler had a full head of hair. So i think this is bullshit.

But how come its predicted that god and jesus had full heads of hair? All the prophets and messengers of god supposedly are not bald.

Im not trying 2 sound psycho here and be all religous but I like 2 think about this. Baldness has been around since the beggining of time and there has never been a cure. People have been trying 2 find a cure ever since it started. I dunno if its just me but all the really religous people I know are not balding at all. Then again, i dont know 2 many.

I HONESTLY REALLY THINK AIDS IS PUNISHMENT FROM GOD. I dont think they will ever find a cure. I am almost 100 percent positive.

The Gardener

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Searching scripture for passages related to baldness?

If I recall correctly, you described yourself as an NW1.5 to 2. Younguy, some people are born with an NW1 hairline. I think it is good that you are taking treatment for your hairloss, and do not want to discount the fact that you are suffering from male pattern baldness and have a right to feel angry and helpless about it, but I honestly think you are taking it way too hard.

I think you need to accept the fact that you are not David Schwimmer and will never have his hairline, but you still have LOTS of hair. At your age I was worse. For what it is worth, I did nothing, and my recession actually stopped and I maintained my NW2 well into college. Just because you see signs now of male pattern baldness does not mean the sky is falling. And as opposed to me, you are starting treatment for it! Chances are, you will improve if you give it a year. So, give it a year, I think your regimen is comprehensive and odds show that you with your youthful interception of this and a little patience should show great results, and have a decade jump on where I am now. And I, right now, am not in a very bad place... and just starting treatment, and still getting pussy.

I do not mean to try to talk you out of your place. I think you do have an male pattern baldness problem, and think you are right to have concern and seek treatment. But be patient, and try to have a good attitude about it in the meantime. You will do great!


Isnt Judas always depicted as being bald? Interesting thoughts Youngguy.

Im a closet satanist BTW, join me and the prince of darkness and you will get regrowth or at least maintenence.



sh*t, what a cruel f*****g god you worship under, this (apparently hairsuit) omnipotent deity made baldness and AIDS to punish his own creations.

That's one pretty bitter fella.

Your comments are offensive.




how often do you bow down to the dark lord,

I am currently only worshipping in the morning before work and am seeing jusy thick black hair on the palm my hands, should I up my sessions to two or more?



should I up my sessions to two or more?

The more sessions the merrier i say, works for me with all things.... food, ber, women, food, satanic-rituals, food, beer and women.

Cal Que Later

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Isn't there something right after Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden that said God was pissed because Adam did it all for the nookie and he cursed him with dandruff and baldness?

There is also the passage where he says "Let there be light" and in parenthesis it says reflecting off your bald head.


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Elisha, one of the great prophets of the Bible, was bald...this passage is kind of funny:

2 Kings 2:23-24
"23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!" 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD . Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths."

Take that, you little bastards!


sammio said:
"23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!" 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD . Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths."


that is f*****g hilarious :laugh:



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AIDS is a man made disease. Mark my words.

I might start worshiping the dark lord in order to cure my baldness :).


I was driving 2 school the other day and that f***** hollywood on 94.9 was taking about how aids is a man made diesies. I hate that f***** always talking about politics and never keeping his mouth shut. It would be nice if he would shut his mouth and just play music like hes supposed 2.

Anyways, almost every1 that gets aids is sinning. Its all gays, drug addicts, and people who dont care about themselves and have unprotected sex with people they dont know very well. God does not agree with any of this. Scientists are baffled by aids and have really had no strides whatsoever in finding a cure. 100 years ago there was no such thing as aids.

And ofcourse, some innocent normal people do get caught in the cross fire. But the majority of people are the bad ones.

Im am like 100 percent positive god made aids for punishment. Its my opinion though.

And yea i read the scripture on the site I went 2.


Also I really believe in god and I think he did everything for a reason. I think he designed all of the people, fat, hairloss, bad vision, sex, he designed all of this.

Im just wondering why he put hairloss in there. Im baffled. I really dont know if he does it for punishment or not.
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I will say this. God knows better than us. Ever watch Bruce All Mighty?

Personally I think male pattern baldness is a part of natural evolution. I think humans will have bigger heads, more gray matter and will end up communicating telepathically. I mean look where we started off from!! Single cell organisms to hairy *** monkeys to now (most of us have less hair than a primate). So... keep ur head up ppl. :lol:



I must ask this, as a proffesional observer of human social interaction, (especially literature encoded peer signaling) your posts, not just this last one, but a few you have posted on this board point to a stong correlation between your character type and classic mid-stage latent homosexuality.

Prehaps your hairloss is pre-punishment for your possible move towards homosexuality. Baldness is often, in the more learned medical journals, know as 'the gay mans calling card'

I wish you luck in your struggle with hairloss.



ahh f*** you man im not gay. I used 2 be really racist towards gays till I met one of my friends and he was gay. He doesnt hit on me or anything and if you saw him you couldnt even tell he was gay. When my friend told me he was gay i was shocked. He was like a normal guy, smoked pot, got in fights, whatever.

My point is for you 2 be immature and point out im gay is just annoying and pisses me off. We are not in middle school here. If you knew me you would know im not gay. So f*** you. You cant tell im gay just cause how i type of the net. Plus this is a f*****g hairloss site. Your supposed 2 be judging hair.

The thought of being gay just grosses me out. I think its completley disgusting. Although i dont agree with being gay, gays dont bother me cause they are still people even if they go that way.


And yesterday I went through the drive through at Mcdonalds and had 2 pay at the window. I pulled up to the window and looked at the worker I had 2 give my money 2 and it was a transvestite.

I was kinda in shock cause u dont see 2 many in my area. It really grossed me out. This guy put on a ton of cover up 2 cover up his face 2 make it more femmine. He tried 2 talk all girlie and had his name tag was "sonia" . It was so obvous he was a guy it just really freaked me out. I try not 2 be mean but this guy was scary.

And from watching what you type, your racists against gays. You dont accept gays. If you where not racists against gays you wouldnt of said sh*t. I used 2 be really racist when i was young against every different race, and sexual preference but over time i met people of these races and I met gay and lesbains and I realized they are people and learned 2 accept them for who they are inside. I think all this racism and being gay is bullshit. You need 2 grow the f*** up.

(Yea its easy 2 make assumptions over the net)

And the reason i talked about this topic cause I am wondering why god made baldness as punishment if he did and why i got it. I wonder if its cause i smoked 2 much pot, didnt do my homework, cared more about getting drunk then my school work. Or its just genetics. I dunno. Just dont be saying that.


Plus i know a lot of gays with perfect hair and hairlines. And a lot of my friends parents dads are bald with wife and kids.

You need 2 find a new career cause the one your in is pure bullshit.


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The Bible doesn't mention baldness as a punishment from God. Throughout it, he never inflicted baldness upon someone as a direct punishment for harming someone.

Keep in mind also that the Bible includes a lot of human opinions, and influences, even if it is divinely inspired. Meaning... You have guys like Samson who was one of the strongest and most sexually appealing men ever to live, and what was his power? His hair. Cut his hair off and he became weak. Its really just a social thing.

People today and people 2,000 years ago associate full heads of hair with virility, potency, strength, and youth. Since hair loss comes as people begin to age, and aging typically brings less strength, less virility, less youth.... so then hair loss is associated with weakness, less potency, and being old. Its all a circular logic based on human opinion and yes it shows up like that in the Bible too.

God clearly outlines what his punishments are for sinning, and baldness is not one of them. The closest you will get to associating baldness with "consequences" in the Bible is the issue that was raised when humans fell out of grace with god in the garden of eden. According to the Bible, humans were perfect prior to that time. They were given the free will to choose to sin, however the consequence of sinning is that they could no longer be in direct contact with God. When they were removed from the Garden of Eden, their perfect physical selves began a degradation process including painful childbirth, shame and awareness of their nakedness, sickness, disease, etc. Basically its like the boy in the bubble stepping outside his sanitary bubble and now being affected by unsterile surroundings.

Adam and Eve were aware of this risk, but either did not believe it would happen, or didn't care, and theologically, you can thank them for all that has happened since. You can't blame God theologically anymore than you can blame the judge for why you're sitting on the electric chair. There were a set of rules, and if you break them, its not the cops fault you get punished. Its yours.

Fortunately, God created a way to restore that relationship, according to Christianity's philosophy, so he didnt just boot us out on our *** and leave us to die.




It's ok to be angry about what you feel, It must be very confusing for you at this 'crossroads' in your sexual development.

Sorry if I offended you I didn't intend it, your wrong when you say I have something againt homosexuals, I work and socialise with many of 'your kind' and am comfortable with their company.

Hey, let's not move the war away from the real enemy DHT!

