what does god say about baldness...



tynanW said:
I work and socialise with many of 'your kind' and am comfortable with their company.

What is this "your kind" bullshit. Your implying that gays are not normal. Racist.

You coulduv said I work with many homesexuals but then u gotta be racist about it.

I honestly dont give a sh*t about what you say about gays but when you say that I am gay it just pisses me off. f*** YOU a**h**.



well said that man!

I think the strongest association made with hairloss is that with age.

No one would think twice about some 56 year old guy who has lost his hair, think Sean Connery and his kind.

What we are realy fighting here is what we perceive to be PREMETURE hairloss.



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I agree a guy over his mid 40's is normal when he is balding. All the commercials usually put a father in them that is thinning at the crown. It is when a younger person gets thin when it looks weird.


I didnt say fuckin sh*t 2 u. If some1 is gunna be banned its gunna be u for fuckin with me. If you would just said youngguy your gay. I wouldnt of cared. f*** you, you are a fuckin a**h** i hope you get overkill dht and all your hair falls out.

Just f*****g drop it and dont say anything.


I wont go completley bald for a while. If i do go completley bald it will be in my 20's. And its more common 2 be going bald in your 20's. I know a couple guys in their early 20's that are bald.


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Younguy homosexuality is not a race so it cannot be racism, it is sexism or sexist. Black, Asian, Hispanic those are races, the smaller sect in those races might include some homsexuality- but you cannot call homosexuality a race. " In my mind there is only one race- the human race." I will bang anygirl no matter her color or age or ethnicity as long as she is hot. :rockon:




I didn't mean to get you so heated!

my comments where entirley based around your explicit use of what is considered classic homoerotic language.

....."f*** YOU a**h**"....

....."male pattern baldness is really fuckin me up the *** right now"....

Your constant use of homosexual imagery gave me the impression that there is something other than hairloss that is getting you 'hot'.

I have not suggested that you are homosexual, just that your vocabulary meets all the accepted sociological parameters for a 'pre-gay' condition set.

Also there is some confusion about me being anti-gay.

I have no prejudice towards gay or straight people, indeed as part of my job I am employed to make sure work forces gel, black/white, disabled/able. gay/straight and so on, indeed I have defended homosexual workers in dismissal tribunals, so infering from my post that I have something against 'your kind' is to miss read me.

sorry for any offense



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But how many of you, truly, would sell your souls to the devil for perfect hair? So beautiful that no woman could resist you..? Say aye. :evil:


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My Regimen
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the bible and baldness

interesting question YoungGuy17. [disclaimer]I know this is a religious hot button and that people tend to get offended with these things; if you are a religion other than Christian, an atheist or an agnostic please understand that I write from a Christian perspective and do not mean to offend anyone else or their beliefs.[/discalimer]

I think God intended that baldness be a natural sign of aging; however, as HairLossTalk.com most eloquently pointed out--this is a fallen, imperfect world with many human physical imperfections, and some of us get the unlucky draw when it comes to our hair. Some people have terrible skin, were born with missing fingers, cross-eyed, have a huge crooked nose or any number of problems. According to the bible, our present bodies do not look as they should. I recall that St. Paul wrote "this is how it will be when the dead are raised to life. When the body is buried, it is mortal; when raised, it will be immortal. When buried, it is weak and ugly; when raised, it will be beautiful and strong." 1 Co 15.42-43.

I think we put up a valiant effort when we "fight the decay", as I like to call battling hairloss. Our bodies are, after all, our temples, and we should do our best in its upkeep. Inevitably though, we are all doomed to dust, hair included. Baldness is a result of our genetic code, a random mutation in our DNA somewhere along the line. Evolution is a b**ch, but that's the way it is, and we just have to learn to accept and live with our flaws or we'll go crazy. Paul said "For creation was condemned to lose its purpose, not of its own will, but because God willed it to be so. Yet there was the hope that creation itself would one day be set free from its slavery to decay and would share the glorious freedom of the children of God." Ro 8.20-21. That's a pretty loaded quote, and it pertains to wayyy more than just a little premature baldness.

Anyway, in the early days of the Israelites when God gave them many laws concerning health and wellness, classifying those who are "unclean"--sick, diseased or otherwise out of favour with God and those who are "clean"--healthy. It clearly states "If a man loses his hair at the back or front of the head, this does not make him unclean." Lv 13.40-41. That pretty well states that baldness is not a punishment. It seems the early Israelites asked this exact same question over 3000 years ago!

Keep up the good fight, dude, I'm only 2 years older than you so I know how much it sucks, but don't let it consume your life... you have to accept how things are and make the best of it! If you're so inclined, pray about it! Dale Carnegie (one of my favourite authors--an early 20th century genious on human relations) wrote that prayer is the most perfect way to conquer worry. If you're comfortable in your own skin your charisma will boost and women will notice your increased confidence and self-assurance, chrome-dome and all.




Youngguy wrote:

I didnt say fuckin sh*t 2 u. If some1 is gunna be banned its gunna be u for fuckin with me. If you would just said youngguy your gay. I wouldnt of cared. f*** you, you are a fuckin a**h** i hope you get overkill dht and all your hair falls out.

Why are there so many assholes in this world? Youngguy you certainly have issues with homosexuality otherwise you wouldnt need to refer to people as `faggots` and this whole gay this, gay that thing. I find it offensive and im sure it puts off people who are genuinely gay from reading this site.

Oh cue witty return insult to Zimmy....dude your gay...doh......

Telling someone who has male pattern baldness that you hope their hair falls out....thats just pathetic.

Perosnally i think God could be gay, i mean those sandals and that robe....hes a smart dresser dont you think. Now that was a JOKE for those of you with no sense of irony or sarcasm.



If you would like to talk about your 'feelings', I can recommend a number of websites that deal specificaly with people struggling to come to terms with difficult changes in their lives.

It is never easy opening up and admitting that you are 'playing for both sides' but the discussion forums on these sites make that process so much easier, you can meet other guys going through the same as you.

Don't let this gay thing eat you up, in all my research I have found the kind of denial you are going through to be the most destructive, just loosen up and except who you are.

If I could quote from your recent posts...

...."fuckin with me"....

...."fuckin a**h**"....

...."I know a couple of hot gays"....

...."youngguy your gay"....

...."gays dont bother me"....

...."f*** you"....

...."fuckin me up the *** right now"....

etc, etc, these are latent homosexual feelings that you must shake now or accept otherwise they will pull you apart.

Good Luck

tell me if you want those site addresses

Thanks for taking time to read this post



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...Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

We're all sinners, according to God. If youngguy's original argument (not the stupid gay/not gay arguments) holds true, then we'd all have AIDS and no one would have any hair.


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Perhaps younguy doesnt use the best verbage he could, "f*** you, f*****, fuckin me up the ***" etc... Gentlemen I concor he is only 17 and very frustrated, we have to put this in to perspective as he is not going to be at the maturity level of a grown man. He seems to be having an extremely tough time deeling with his baldness at his age and he does not get any support at home- I think he is beyond frustrated.

Even if he is and I am not saying he is a Turd Burglar, would that make him any less of a person?

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


We're all sinners, according to God. If youngguy's original argument (not the stupid gay/not gay arguments) holds true, then we'd all have AIDS and no one would have any hair.

See this is why im a disciple of the Dark Lord. Plus he has a better c.d collection.

Cal Que Later

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*To the music of the intro song to the Barney and Friends Show *

God hates you, God hates me
He cursed us all and it gave him much glee.
Always wondering if your soul is worth very much,
The Devil and I are going to get in touch.


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redbone said:
Younguy homosexuality is not a race so it cannot be racism, it is sexism or sexist. Black, Asian, Hispanic those are races, the smaller sect in those races might include some homsexuality- but you cannot call homosexuality a race. " In my mind there is only one race- the human race." I will bang anygirl no matter her color or age or ethnicity as long as she is hot. :rockon:

Not even sexist. There are two sexes, male and female -- he wasn't favoring one over another necessarily. I think the proper term is being "homophobia." Whatever it is, it falls under the general umbrella of prejudice.


The Gardener

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Tynan, you are right. Youngguy does tend to refer to *** a lot. Maybe he's just an *** man? Then again, maybe we should all make sure we have our tighty whiteys on when we participate on this board if youngguy is active... hehehe.

Youngguy is where I was when I was his age, he's barely an Norwood anything and is just realizing his mortality. Don't get me wrong, this is a very shocking thing as it was for me at that age, I tried a f*****g hairpiece when I was in his shoes, but luckily tossed that crap after less than a year when I realized that chicks digged me whether my forehead was high or not. He'll get there. Cheers gents.