the bible and baldness
interesting question YoungGuy17. [disclaimer]I know this is a religious hot button and that people tend to get offended with these things; if you are a religion other than Christian, an atheist or an agnostic please understand that I write from a Christian perspective and do not mean to offend anyone else or their beliefs.[/discalimer]
I think God intended that baldness be a natural sign of aging; however, as most eloquently pointed out--this is a fallen, imperfect world with many human physical imperfections, and some of us get the unlucky draw when it comes to our hair. Some people have terrible skin, were born with missing fingers, cross-eyed, have a huge crooked nose or any number of problems. According to the bible, our present bodies do not look as they should. I recall that St. Paul wrote "this is how it will be when the dead are raised to life. When the body is buried, it is mortal; when raised, it will be immortal. When buried, it is weak and ugly; when raised, it will be beautiful and strong." 1 Co 15.42-43.
I think we put up a valiant effort when we "fight the decay", as I like to call battling hairloss. Our bodies are, after all, our temples, and we should do our best in its upkeep. Inevitably though, we are all doomed to dust, hair included. Baldness is a result of our genetic code, a random mutation in our DNA somewhere along the line. Evolution is a b**ch, but that's the way it is, and we just have to learn to accept and live with our flaws or we'll go crazy. Paul said "For creation was condemned to lose its purpose, not of its own will, but because God willed it to be so. Yet there was the hope that creation itself would one day be set free from its slavery to decay and would share the glorious freedom of the children of God." Ro 8.20-21. That's a pretty loaded quote, and it pertains to wayyy more than just a little premature baldness.
Anyway, in the early days of the Israelites when God gave them many laws concerning health and wellness, classifying those who are "unclean"--sick, diseased or otherwise out of favour with God and those who are "clean"--healthy. It clearly states "If a man loses his hair at the back or front of the head, this does not make him unclean." Lv 13.40-41. That pretty well states that baldness is not a punishment. It seems the early Israelites asked this exact same question over 3000 years ago!
Keep up the good fight, dude, I'm only 2 years older than you so I know how much it sucks, but don't let it consume your life... you have to accept how things are and make the best of it! If you're so inclined, pray about it! Dale Carnegie (one of my favourite authors--an early 20th century genious on human relations) wrote that prayer is the most perfect way to conquer worry. If you're comfortable in your own skin your charisma will boost and women will notice your increased confidence and self-assurance, chrome-dome and all.