What Happened To Anty Dht Thread ????????????


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@MaxPayne3 : generic, Bicalutamide 50mg Accord.


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@ForeverLacey : Thank you again for your dislikes little fascist, you can reach 300 dislikes


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I took 1 to 2mg dutasteride everyday, but still had itchy scalp ...
I take bicalutamide for almost 2 months, 25 mg 4 times a week now. And itchy scalp is almost gone, almost. I will try to lower dutasteride dosage and increase bicalutamide if itchy scalp comes back. I don't know if it's related to bicalutamide but I gained a lot of muscles ... ?
I take 1mg estradiol, I have gynecomasty again (I had it because of spironolactone but it disappeared over time and spironolactone stopped working, only 50mg/day), but I don't really mind. Also take 5mg minoxidil (from thailandphar ...), for 2 years, I'm not really sure if it's working, because no hair growth and my body hair remains the same, no beard at all.

I hope he will come back, his results made me dream :D

@ForeverLacey : Don't forget to give me a dislike again !!! <3

Your regimen is crazy and dangerous. And all this for hair? Maybe you should see a psychologist or something.


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Your regimen is crazy and dangerous. And all this for hair? Maybe you should see a psychologist or something.

Yeah I see a psychiatrist, his regimen is far worse than mine, and he's norwood 1.


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I give him damn props for doing what he did. He practically showed that it's possible to cure hair loss through science.

Too bad the only things we're working with so far as a "cure" is male chemical destruction, but I respect anyone bold enough to do it.


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If he was banned essentially for sharing his experience that is ridiculous.

Lol ... its hilarious what people come up with in situations where authority is involved. Has everyone been beaten down by corrupt authority their whole lives or is it just human nature to assume shady behavior? I will never understand that.

No. He wasn't banned for sharing his experiences. If that is how we operate then every user would be banned.

He was creating multiple usernames and being very aggressive, irrational, over-the-top, and crazy. His signature was 63 lines long, and full of comments that are considered poor judgment and bad advice. Extreme irrationality and craziness abounded. I got tired of it and had enough.

Since then, he has attempted to create multiple more usernames to bypass the ban, as I would expect from someone who acts the way he does in non-confrontational situations. They get even worse when they sense they've been banned.

Loose cannon and over the top behavior. Been at this 18 years. Not going to deal with it. I am certain he will go on an internet-wide rampage about this. Which will just confirm that my decision was a good one.

Comparing him to Bryan Shelton as a contributor to this site, is just plain offensive.


michel sapin

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man let's be rational is regimen was crazy dangerous .
this is crazy that the only solution to regrow hair is to turn into a woman .

@folfoxorack ; be safe bro . the gyno come back with oestradiol ?


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@michel sapin : yeah. But its not so big. Just like a little thumb under my nipple. I have so many scars, and big ones on all my body (cancer), so just a little gyno is not something I really care.

His regimen was crazy, but his regrowth was insane. I hope he’s doing good, he should lower cypro, it could kill him in the long term use.

michel sapin

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wow man big scar form surgery?
and what do you think of dutasteride 0.5 mg twice a week ? or every 5 days ?
In term of gyno is it a safe dose ?


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After I have read how some males inject in their testicles alcohol and calcium chloride for permanent chemical castration, his regimen is rather normal to me.


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wow man big scar form surgery?
and what do you think of dutasteride 0.5 mg twice a week ? or every 5 days ?
In term of gyno is it a safe dose ?

Yeah I had a lot of surgery, when I go to the beach or pool almost everybody look at me because of my scars, a little gyno is the least of my concern.
Yeah dutasteride twice a week is safe. But maybe you will have gyno, I can’t tell, you have to try.


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After I have read how some males inject in their testicles alcohol and calcium chloride for permanent chemical castration, his regimen is rather normal to me.

Oh my gosh. Its must be painful and dangerous.


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this is crazy that the only solution to regrow hair is to turn into a woman .
You don't have to turn into a woman to regrow hair, but at least you have to inhibit your male parts.

michel sapin

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for me duta is my last resort . I would never touch spironolactone or things like this .


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for me duta is my last resort . I would never touch spironolactone or things like this .
Dutasteride works for someone, but not for all. That's because DHT inhibitors are the weakest antiandrogens.
Estrogens are the best. Androgen blockers like bicalutamide and cyproterone acetate are weaker than estrogens, but stronger than DHT inhibitors.