What happened to CCS?


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I haven't seen him in months. Does anyone know what he's doing? Last I heard he was talking about either going to jail for a minor offence, or designing a foot-propelled flying machine that would make him enough money to get a BHT transplant?

I f*cking love that guy.


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I think he got a job with Obama. Obama was so impressed with what he wrote on this forum he was hired as one of Obama's official bloggers. One of the conditions he had to agree to before he was hired was to break all ties to this forum. I guess he chose Obama over us. :shock:


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Yeah, Obama's a well known lurker of these boards. He didn't get that NW1 through good old fashioned luck. :mrgreen:

CCS lately has posted in fits and bursts. He'll disappear for a few months, come back and post a lot of posts, then disappear again. He's never actually busy with anything though.

I found CCS's pictures on an old thread on this board. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33620&hilit=+pubic

He's no supermodel granted, but if he stopped chasing teenagers he could easily get a girl. He's nowhere near bald also. This goes to show that perhaps a lot of people here's problems (me most definitely included) are more in our minds than on our heads.


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I'm in shock.

He looks fairly normal. A bit like a rapist. But mainly normal. I thought he'd look a lot worse.

Obama, meanwhile, is continuing to do spectacularly well on his topical finasteride and spironolactone. He hasn't dropped by in some time.


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I just saw him post in the Impact forum, so hopefully he pops in here soon. As much as we joke, I am enthralled with the guy. I want to keep following his story.


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I guess he lost his job with Obama. He is back again posting so it proves he does "love" us more. CCS, please gives us an update of your life right now? What are you doing with yourself? Do you have a girlfriend? How is your hair doing? From the picture above your hair looked good back then.


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Some times I think I'll get a wig for perfection later, but other times I think not having to mess with anything is better. I wish my hair was better, but at 1/2 inch it looks OK. I'm not moping. Mostly just trying to make money. No girlfriend. I don't know where all the normal women hang out. All the match sites just have obese women. One thing I'm not going to do is blow all my money on a woman who might not even sleep with me. I can't understand why so many guys would do that more than once. I'm still shooting for the helicopter prize and other stuff.

I'm thinking about putting dermatch on my vertex, but also thinking maybe minoxidil would be better. Then Bryan said the PPG is responsible for half the growth. Not sure if it is synergistic or additive with minoxidil though. But it is very cheap by the gallon. My generic fincar, and stock pile of nizoral and piroctone olamine shampoo are still lasting me. No hair loss since I was last here.

I'm very happy I lasered my legs, chest, and crotch. I am smooth in places and minimally hairy in others. Feels great. I just wish I had not lasered my arm pits. Those had my thickest hair, and would have been the best place to hide the dot scars. But maybe it is for the best to get rid of all curly hair and not spend more on BHT. Maybe a piece, or dermatch and minoxidil is really my best option.

Well, I keep telling myself not to even think about the hair for now, and just to focus on making money and getting my life together. But if a cheap topical can make a diffference, I better start now.


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And that camera made my hair look thicker than it really is. It is in the dark, with the flash from the front. As soon as there is overhead light the whole scalp shows.


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And would you guys mind putting that picture in a link instead of in the body of the post? That way if someone who knows just happens to skim this thread, they will be less likely to see it. Thanks.


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CCS said:
And would you guys mind putting that picture in a link instead of in the body of the post? That way if someone who knows just happens to skim this thread, they will be less likely to see it. Thanks.
I don't think you have anything to worry about. Nobody will just skim this thread. Most will focus on this thread like they are a lawyer reading a legal document or contract. You are a celebrity on this forum so everyone already knows who you are anyway. You have the most posts too. By the way, what are you doing in California? When did you move there? Why did you move there? Are you finally going to make a movie about your life? Are you going to be an actor? How is your sister and her fiancee and the kids? You left these things out in your update.


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CCS said:
And that camera made my hair look thicker than it really is. It is in the dark, with the flash from the front. As soon as there is overhead light the whole scalp shows.

What are your thoughts on RU? I'm thinking of trying it out if my next jolly with Prox-N and Eucapil doesn't yield results.

I would also like to hear answers to the questions House posed. In addition, do you have any regrets with lasering your crotch hair given that you were thinking of using it for a BHT transplant?


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WTF? The real CCS? cool! :punk:


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DoctorHouse said:
CCS said:
And would you guys mind putting that picture in a link instead of in the body of the post? That way if someone who knows just happens to skim this thread, they will be less likely to see it. Thanks.
I don't think you have anything to worry about. Nobody will just skim this thread. Most will focus on this thread like they are a lawyer reading a legal document or contract. You are a celebrity on this forum so everyone already knows who you are anyway. You have the most posts too. By the way, what are you doing in California? When did you move there? Why did you move there? Are you finally going to make a movie about your life? Are you going to be an actor? How is your sister and her fiancee and the kids? You left these things out in your update.

I think we should respect his request.
and welcome back CCS :)


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Cassin if you want to delete the previous post with the CCS picture, go ahead.


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CCS?! When did you come to California? Let's discuss a time for us to hit up the strip club! Shoot me a PM


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Aplunk1 said:
CCS?! When did you come to California? Let's discuss a time for us to hit up the strip club! Shoot me a PM

Surely this must happen and be documented with pics!!! f*** it I'll even fly over and join you !! :punk:


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Boondock said:
CCS said:
What are your thoughts on RU? I'm thinking of trying it out if my next jolly with Prox-N and Eucapil doesn't yield results.

I would also like to hear answers to the questions House posed. In addition, do you have any regrets with lasering your crotch hair given that you were thinking of using it for a BHT transplant?

My only possible laser regret is my arm pits. No scars would have shown there, and the hairs were very course and dark enough. I'm glad I lasered everywhere else.

RU is kinda pricey. Well studied though. I'd use it if I could not use finasteride. But I think EGCG is the cheap, easy to obtain, kicker we want. Might be as good as RU, especially since you can use quantity.


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CCS said:
Boondock said:
CCS said:
What are your thoughts on RU? I'm thinking of trying it out if my next jolly with Prox-N and Eucapil doesn't yield results.

I would also like to hear answers to the questions House posed. In addition, do you have any regrets with lasering your crotch hair given that you were thinking of using it for a BHT transplant?

My only possible laser regret is my arm pits. No scars would have shown there, and the hairs were very course and dark enough. I'm glad I lasered everywhere else.

RU is kinda pricey. Well studied though. I'd use it if I could not use finasteride. But I think EGCG is the cheap, easy to obtain, kicker we want. Might be as good as RU, especially since you can use quantity.

What is EGCG?