what has hairloss prevented YOU from doing?

How has hairloss affected your plans

  • I chose a different career path, than what I had in mind

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How has hairloss affected you? Has it altered a certain career path you WERE on? Did you choose something more private, out of the public eye?

Did you have plans to move/live/work abroad, but cancelled them due to hairloss?

I really miss the feeling of "being able to go anywhere" with no strings attached and nothing to worry about. Granted I am not really tied down (no wife or kids), but I don't feel that sense of freedom I once had. I feel secure in this shallow, no opportunity small town. And I think it will be the death of me

badasshairday III

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None of the above thankfully.


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None. If hairloss is affecting you that much you have SERIOUS issues other than your hair.


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it's prevented me from growing my hair long.

those options you gave are a bit depressing aren't they? I think the point of a multiple choice poll is that you're supposed to offer a number of options that kinda represent a spectrum of responses, positive to negative. You gave three, quite specific, almost identical options. None of which apply to most people here, except for Taug; who fits all three.

haha, just kidding sugahhh


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Well it dented my confidence with women for a while when my hair was thinning but I realised that there was nothing I could do about it(i.e. it wasnt like having acne) and I soon realised how many of my friends were thinning, receeding at my age.
It has made me stop growing my hair though, I used to love having hair down to my eyebrows and styling it but hey I do love my buzz cut


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I just feel like hairloss has made the hands of time move quicker. I don't feel like I can take my time with life anymore.

But it doesn't really matter. I know some guys who started losing their hair young. They freaked out and went and got married right away. They think being married means they will have THAT woman regardless of whatever happens. Not true. Just some typical spoonfed garbage you're given in gradeschool.

It's a panicky feeling sometimes. I wake up in the morning, then start remembering I am balding. I think about in a year's time, and how I may look. My heart begins to pound.

I won't look good bald. I am a good looking guy, but I've wasted a lot of my youth worrying. I feel like I have made a deal with the devil somewhere along the line.....


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Thankfully, I'm not at any of the stages on the poll. But how I look to others is something that does affect me in relation to my hair loss.

I'm studying journalism with the hope to go into broadcast journalism. Yes there are news reporters who are bald, but they're usually 40 something. To keep my options open and to appeal to a number of demographics in any job I'd take, I will need hair. But worrying over it doesn't make me think "oh there's no point in even studying" I still get on with it and do it.

Another thing is how people around me are able to change their hairstyles every few months or so. I've not had that for many years. Sometimes I'd like to be able to grow it long, other times I'd like to spike it. I could do that now. But then when I see it spiked, it just doesn't make me feel good. To see it that way is like looking at a building with the part of the front gone; being able to see right through to the part of the building which is fine. And right now, I'm just not ready to accept my only choice of hairstyle is a buzz cut.


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none of the above. It just kept me a virgin longer. But the biochem I learned while researching hair loss will help many other of my body parts. So not all bad.


Well nowadays I do think twice before going anywhere. Before hairloss it was just someone asking me somewhere and off we go. Now I gotta think first... about lighting in the place etc. Anyway, when I'm stoned I don't care about my hair.


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Just a general damage to my self confidence that has further reprocussions on most things that I do.


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s.a.f said:
Just a general damage to my self confidence that has further reprocussions on most things that I do.

I'm with you on that. I live in a neighborhood where basically every young guy is not balding. But most of the time now, I've accepted that I've lost some of my hairline and I'm thinning. I just get sick somedays of seeing guys with better hair than me. I shouldn't, but it does make me envious.


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I know it has hit us all hard, but unfortunately I feel that I am one of those people who got hit really hard. It pretty much fucked up every single aspect of my life, from college, to relationships, to jobs, family relationships, my passions, everything.

Part of me knows that it is crazy to be like this, but I honestly feel like I have no control over it. Putting things into perspective didn't help, psychotherapy didn't help, trying to be extremely rational didn't help, treatments didn't help.

The other part of me knows how different and more joyous and easier everything would be if I didn't have male pattern baldness. I would have much less fear in going after my dreams. I wouldn't spend a ridiculous amount of time on the fcuking internet looking for answers, I wouldn't be so scared. I would be confident.

OCD plays a really big part in this. I think that the people here who get really affected have OCD or some type of anxiety problem.

It is ridiculous. And no matter how I try to look at the bigger picture of listen to words of wisdom, or taking anti-depressants, or exercising..... I still feel like f*****g dying.


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blueshard said:
I think that the people here who get really affected have OCD or some type of anxiety problem.

So true, maybe its the hairloss that sparks this off or the condition that multiply's the negative physcological effects of hairloss. The worst examples on here have got to be Taug and CCS.

I sometimes think about all the guys who had to go through this 20/30 yrs ago it must have been pretty bad and I'm sure there are guys in their 40's, 50's and 60's who have had it ruin their enjoyment of life and have never really gotten over it.

I suppose its too big a question to be able to answer properly. If I really put down all my feelings on this it would be about 3 pages long.

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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I used to have really long hair. I guess I felt like it was my identity in a way. I really started noticing my hairline thinning around last spring. I couldn't bring myself to chop it off, but having it long and thinning made me very self concious. I live at the beach, but last summer I did not go swimming once. I wouldn't even leave my room until my hair was dry. Today my hair is shorter and I just got back from the beach. The water was great; however, I do sometimes feel like if I were to approach a woman with my hair wet, she might see me as a creepy old guy.
I've also noticed just how unsatisfied I've always been with my life. When I had hair, I felt like I was young and still had plenty of time to figure things out like my career and meet a woman. Now I'm just always depressed and I feel so rushed to make a change but I never feel like I'm doing enough.


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Hairloss sucks, no doubt about that, but it's not stopped me doing anything.

I feel sorry for anyone who has been that badly affected :(


Sir Guy of Frizzbourne said:
I've also noticed just how unsatisfied I've always been with my life. When I had hair, I felt like I was young and still had plenty of time to figure things out like my career and meet a woman. Now I'm just always depressed and I feel so rushed to make a change but I never feel like I'm doing enough.

I can relate to this... this hairloss has made me think about other things that are wrong with my life aswell. I feel my problems are much deeper than just hairloss, but I'm working on them. I don't think I can never be truly happy with myself again, even if I would get all my hair back. It's a sad fact and I just have to live with it, I'm not the only one who feels like that.


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Captain Obvious said:
It prevents me to going to social gatherings, particularly with people I haven't seen for a while.
very true

Bald Dave

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None of the above options! I think alot of you guys are taken this hairloss a bit too seriously! I know it can affect your confidence but its not as if you've lost a limb or something! Hairloss isn't a disability!

I think we all need to work on our social skills before we can get girls!