what i realized...


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Its the losing thats the worse. All of us probably have a harder time going bald than being bald.

I realized this when I thought about my height. I'm short (as in way short: 5'5), but I'm more or less OK with it. It's kind of a b**ch, yeah. And in terms of girls it automatically blocks me from half of the female population. But hey, I'm comfortable with it. Then I wondered: what if I'd started off tall (say, 6'2 or so) and caught some weird disease that gradually shrunk my height? That would totally screw me in the head. I'd probably whine about it 24/7 and stop hanging out with my friends.

But hey, the fact still stands that I'm OK with being 5'5 (since I was born this way). I guess the hard part is when something is being taken away from you.

Now, I'm not saying this realization makes me feel a whole lot better about balding. I still think it sucks balls. But it helped put things in perspective.


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I can see where your coming from. I go through phases of getting over my hairloss and accepting it only to lose more hair even quicker this time round. I am then back to square one being bothered by the change in my hair only for me to finally accept it and go through this vicious cycle again. Its like torture.


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^^Both of you are on some sort of regimen, how's that going for either of you?


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jonsie150 said:
Its the losing thats the worse. All of us probably have a harder time going bald than being bald.

WRONG!!! all that will happen is when you are bald you will think man why was I so upset about being NW3/4 ect, what I would'nt give to just be that bald(ing) guy again.

Bald Dave

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Yeah i now what you're saying. I was born with a full head of hair and throughout my childhood i had thick hair. Now its almost gone at age 28 and it does suck. I wouldn't have cared less if i was born bald and spent my entire life bald. The worst part about it is that its beyond your control. I have come to terms with my baldness now and i feel that i am not going to try and impress anyone anymore as they will hate you for it. Just be yourself, do the things in life you enjoy doing and f*ck everyone else :)


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s.a.f said:
jonsie150 said:
Its the losing thats the worse. All of us probably have a harder time going bald than being bald.

WRONG!!! all that will happen is when you are bald you will think man why was I so upset about being NW3/4 ect, what I would'nt give to just be that bald(ing) guy again.

well, if you went from bald to NW3, then you would have GAINED hair, so of course you'd be happy.


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askas said:
s.a.f said:
jonsie150 said:
Its the losing thats the worse. All of us probably have a harder time going bald than being bald.

WRONG!!! all that will happen is when you are bald you will think man why was I so upset about being NW3/4 ect, what I would'nt give to just be that bald(ing) guy again.
Balding looks to girls almost like "bald". If you're balding, you immediately get in that "meh" range. It's just for you it makes a difference between NW3 and bald. Just think about a woman with normal hair and balding (with receeded hair, high forehead, a bald patch on the back). See the difference?

Or you could go back to the height comparison and a nw1 would be equivelent to 6'2" a NW3 would be equivilent to a 5'7" but the NW6 would be like a 5'2" so most women would prefer the tall guy date the med guy but reject the small guy. What I'm saying is although nw3 is'nt as preferable to the woman as nw1 she'll still rate it above the nw6. Balding is always better than being actually bald.


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s.a.f said:
What I'm saying is although nw3 is'nt as preferable to the woman as nw1 she'll still rate it above the nw6. Balding is always better than being actually bald.

I cant believe people who think NW3 is better than being completely bald. Having an overall thinning and DEEP ridiculous temples is worse than having no temples/hairline and being bald cause deep tempels frames the face 1444445 times worse than having no temples at all. Cant believe people who actually think they will have better chances with women by being a NW3 than being completely bald. Its the f*****g opposite! The temples is what gives you that old f*****g look, if these went away completely you would look 10 years younger.

People who get hair transplant:s and are satisfied with a poor thin coveraged NW3 and actually believe it will increase their chances with women need to rethink. This middle bald stage is the worsed looking of all. Thats why I was most depressed when I was a NW3. I literally prayed I would loose more hair quickly so that the f*****g ridiculous temples could go away.

I dont think there is no woman on this planet that would rate a ridiculous pathetic NW3 higher than a man who has lost everything. Ive seen guys totally bald getting gorgeous chicks but Ive almost never seen a guy with the middle stage bald look a la NW3 with a gorgeous chick. NW3 for me is the complete bald looser appearance.


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And I can't believe you would rather be completely bald .
if receding temples was the only way male pattern baldness effected my hair i wouldnt even be here . but i got that and a bald spot on my crown and overall thining on top and a receding hairline. i would rather be a NW3 if the hair that i got left is thick .


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But if you are a Norwood 3 the hair left probably isn't all that thick. Ever since I started sliding past Norwood 2 I just shave it all off! If you're hairline isn't somewhat straight and you have thin hair on top, I think shaved looks much better. Maybe if I was in my late 30's or 40s I wouldn't mind being Norwood 3, but as a man in his mid 20s, deep temples look more ridiculous than bald. I mean, I can't believe that someone would be sad about going from Norwood 4 to 5 or 6! You think those puny hairs make a difference?? It just makes it easier to shave. Once you lose a Norwood 2.5 or 3 you're youthful look is gone. Why fight to keep the pathetic looking hair that is left? For me the most devastating thing was losing my straight hairline. Once I started looking like Vegeta from DBZ I hardly cared about the rest of my hair.


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Nene said:
I mean, I can't believe that someone would be sad about going from Norwood 4 to 5 or 6! You think those puny hairs make a difference?? It just makes it easier to shave. Once you lose a Norwood 2.5 or 3 you're youthful look is gone. Why fight to keep the pathetic looking hair that is left? For me the most devastating thing was losing my straight hairline. Once I started looking like Vegeta from DBZ I hardly cared about the rest of my hair.



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Nene said:
I can't believe that someone would be sad about going from Norwood 4 to 5 or 6! You think those puny hairs make a difference?? It just makes it easier to shave. Once you lose a Norwood 2.5 or 3 you're youthful look is gone. Why fight to keep the pathetic looking hair that is left? .

Trust me that shadow from the stubble makes a big difference. You'll find out for yourself. Every stage is worse. Its like a to a short guy every inch counts.


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s.a.f said:
Trust me that shadow from the stubble makes a big difference. You'll find out for yourself. Every stage is worse. Its like a to a short guy every inch counts.

This is very true.

Even a minor concealment of the hairline through hairstyle can make you look dramatically different if you are NW3/4.

I think NW3 is possibly the worst norwood stage in terms of anxiety. You're not officially bald, but you still look older/nerdier than before. You wage a drastic war to preserve the shrinking frontal island.. which doesn't look all that great to begin with.


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I think it would even be better if every male grew to the same exact height and every male lost the same amount of hair. The hardest part to deal with your physical changes is knowing so many people are spared the same physical changes. I saw a person the other day who is a NW1 with some minor thinning, only a few grey hairs, and is 68 years old. Talk about excellent hair genetics. And to top that off, in the town where I work I would say almost every male maintains a full head of hair all their lives. And most of them don't even start to go grey until their 50's. And I have come to the conclusion, hispanics have the best hair genetics of all. They all have thick NW1 or NW2's, low hairlines, and don't grey until mid 50's to 60's. We need to study them to understand balding and graying better.


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DoctorHouse said:
I think it would even be better if every male grew to the same exact height and every male lost the same amount of hair. The hardest part to deal with your physical changes is knowing so many people are spared the same physical changes. I saw a person the other day who is a NW1 with some minor thinning, only a few grey hairs, and is 68 years old. Talk about excellent hair genetics. And to top that off, in the town where I work I would say almost every male maintains a full head of hair all their lives. And most of them don't even start to go grey until their 50's. And I have come to the conclusion, hispanics have the best hair genetics of all. They all have thick NW1 or NW2's, low hairlines, and don't grey until mid 50's to 60's. We need to study them to understand balding and graying better.

Well lots of Latinos have Native American blood, be it Aztec, Mayan, Incan, Taino Etc. And apparently hair loss is rare for Native Americans. Also, lots of Latinos from South America and the Caribbean have African blood, and we know that balding is less prevalent for black folk. My father is from Dominican Republic and has GREAT hair genes. Thick, dark Norwood 1 at 57. His Father has a gray Norwood 1 and is about 80. His grandfather died with a full head of hair. His mother has thick hair and hardly any gray and is also about 80. I however, got my hair genes from my mother. She's Puerto Rican but I think her family is of exclusive European descent. The hair genes in her family SUCK. There is nothing to study, it's just that African and Native American blood that is the secret!


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I would really be bummed out if I was hispanic, balding, and going grey at an early age. I notice most of the balding men are from the UK on this forum. Never met a hispanic person from the UK.


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Thats why I'm taking this sh*t so hard! I got so cheated, the first out of at least 3 consecutive generations of hair to go bald! I never knew my mother's father or even saw a picture so when I hit my late teens and started receding, it was a BIG shock for me. I don't know ONE bald person in my family, except my cousin who isn't bald yet and started going bald around the same as age as me. It's a huge mystery to me what my baldness pattern will eventually look like and that drives me crazy too.


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Nene, maybe you just are developing a mature hairline. Alot of hispanics stay at a NW2 all their lives. However, I have seen some balding Puerto Ricans so I guess your genetics are skewed towards those unfortunate ones.

uncomfortable man

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s.a.f said:
Nene said:
I can't believe that someone would be sad about going from Norwood 4 to 5 or 6! You think those puny hairs make a difference?? It just makes it easier to shave. Once you lose a Norwood 2.5 or 3 you're youthful look is gone. Why fight to keep the pathetic looking hair that is left? .

Trust me that shadow from the stubble makes a big difference. You'll find out for yourself. Every stage is worse. Its like a to a short guy every inch counts.
^^ This...so much so that I am willing to have the stubble tattooed into the top of my head so that I won't have to live with this horseshoe anymore. At least an NW3 has OPTIONS, besides always looking better than the NW6 with the shaved head.


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uncomfortable man said:
Nene said:
I can't believe that someone would be sad about going from Norwood 4 to 5 or 6! You think those puny hairs make a difference?? It just makes it easier to shave. Once you lose a Norwood 2.5 or 3 you're youthful look is gone. Why fight to keep the pathetic looking hair that is left? .

Trust me that shadow from the stubble makes a big difference. You'll find out for yourself. Every stage is worse. Its like a to a short guy every inch counts.
^^ This...so much so that I am willing to have the stubble tattooed into the top of my head so that I won't have to live with this horseshoe anymore. At least an NW3 has OPTIONS, besides always looking better than the NW6 with the shaved head.[/quote:3oz5lnej]

UC man. I agree stubble makes a difference. But if you do the tattoo I'm assuming you're gonna tattoo a norwood 1 or 2. Would it make you feel better if you had a tattooed norwood 4 or 5 instead of the stubble of your norwood 6? A norwood 3 is a very tricky spot I think. You do have options, but in my case at least, I'll never try to style and conceal with a norwood 3, I'll be buzzing or shaving at that point.