What I'm aiming for


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Ever since I first noticed I was loosing hair people have been telling me "just shave it all off". It seems that thats pretty much the standard advice to anyone who has hairloss.
Its seems that societies view on hairloss is all or nothing and if you dont have a full head of hair then you may as well have none or anything less than a full head of hair is cosmeticly unnacceptable.
I see plenty of guys on here who still have decent amounts of hair shaving it all off to become .... well bald.
But does this have to be the course of action for everyone?
Those who know my story know that from being bald I've had hair transplant's but coming from a NW6 status it just has'nt been enough.
So with a full head of hair not an option I've decided that a partial amount is better than none.
Here are 2 celebrities who although they are visibly balding still manage/managed to have an acceptable look/hairstyle and this is the sort of hair that I'm trying to achieve.[attachment=1:j4w7sz7c]sting.jpg[/attachment:j4w7sz7c][attachment=0:j4w7sz7c]82_682136177_bruce_willis_5_h204114_l.jpg[/attachment:j4w7sz7c]
Any comments/opinions on this plan?


  • sting.jpg
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  • 82_682136177_bruce_willis_5_h204114_l.jpg
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S.a.f. I think Sting's hairstyle is better. He just looks like he has a very high forehead. I notice most men balding wear it like Sting. I would go for the Sting look myself if I had too. What about like Daniel Craig( James Bond)?


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Honestly, I don't think the average non-balding person sees either of those 2 fellows and thinks they are balding. They don't do any Norwood math or measure foreheads, they see an "end" to a guy's face and move on. So yeah, I think some hair is better than none even if that means serious recession. Diffusion is a little different since people tend to think of it as sickly or unkempt (as if we can control it, but that's their misunderstanding).

I also think shaving your hair off isn't just a cosmetic thing guys do, it's like getting rid of your hair on your own terms, being entirely honest about your hair loss and disarming people who would otherwise be cruel to you.


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go for the sting look... as above, people without hairloss will not see it as hairloss... i remember when i had full head of hair and if i was to see sting i would not for a second think he was balding etc... also as above, people are more likely to notice diffuse thinners like me rather than receders like sting...

good luck :punk:


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DoctorHouse said:
What about like Daniel Craig( James Bond)?


You got to be shitting me, i dont care how good a hair transplant is. You will never get this starting from a NW6.


Just thought id post this cus he's hot sh*t (no homo)


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I find Sting's hair pretty funny looking in that photo. It sort of looks like a wig. Probably because the top doesn't seem to blend with the sides. What do you mean by "aiming for"? I thought you had come to the end of your hair loss journey now, at least until HM or something comes out.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
I believe Bruce Willis was wearing a hairpiece for that look.
No, I think that photo is about 18yrs old. Bruce only wears wigs for film roles he's never worn one for personal cosmetic reasons otherwise he'd probably be wearing now (like Stallone). Also can you imagine a Hollywood star getting a wig thats practicly NW3 anyway.


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Just thought id post this cus he's hot s*** (no homo)

Steady on !! I tried to cut down that Bruce Willis pic coz I thought it looked too camp! :gay:

Norsk said:
What do you mean by "aiming for"? I thought you had come to the end of your hair loss journey now, at least until HM or something comes out.
I meant in terms of styling and coverage. People on here sometimes say why do you bother, you cant get back a full head of hair. So this thread is just to explain my point of view that I'd rather be have some hair than none. I'm sure guys like HP and UCM can understand.
The point is if you've got a NW2.5 or NW3 its ok to live with it and you dont neccesarily have to shave it off as many people feel pressurised to do.
Yes technicly theres not really anymore I can do in terms of getting more hair.


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Stallone wears a wig to?

Wow...wigs, roids, hgh...all that to sustain hollywood acceptance.

I'm affraid we may be losing Mr. Stallone in the next few years.

To the og poster, it's your head, your hair do with it as you please. At the end of the day it's all about confidence.

uncomfortable man

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I've seen nw2s shave their head just because they don't have a juvenile hairline they think they are going bald and say oh sh*t, I need to shave my head now. That is just ridiculous. Even though there are progressive stages to baldness, there is a distinct point at which you need to cut your losses (pun intended). That point is NW4.


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No matter how much hair us hairloss sufferers have we will never be happy, I know this, my hair looked liked stings pre-hair transplant and I still want more, as for Daniel Craig, his hair is perfect for his age, I only wish my hair would be as thick at his age.


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Lucky_UK said:
No matter how much hair us hairloss sufferers have we will never be happy, I know this, my hair looked liked stings pre-hair transplant and I still want more, as for Daniel Craig, his hair is perfect for his age, I only wish my hair would be as thick at his age.
Your hair looks better than his with your transplant. His hair looks thick because he cuts it short.


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Lucky_UK said:
I just checked his age, he is only 40, I though he was knocking on for 50
He looks older than 40 in those pictures. I would say he looks at least 45 and those pictures were when he was about 37 or 38.


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I thought he was at least 45 but I wiki'd him...

Daniel Wroughton Craig (born 2 March 1968) is an English actor.......


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I agree, I also feel it is not necessary to shave just because you are balding. The pictures in this thread definitely show for specially Daniel Craig's. I think a tidy hair cut with some balding is better than a shaved head for most guys.