What Is The Best Line Ever At Hair Loss Talk?


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For everyone who just casually dismisses my opinion as "laughable" or "nonsense" (@h.I. ): please reread my post. If anything's unclear, message me and I'll do my best to rectify it. @FredTheBelgian , what you've done in the above post is what's known in the trade as a straw man. You have misrepresented my argument - though, in truth, my post was more a set of questions than a fully fledged thesis. As an immediate response: humans are "mean" to everyone. They bully each other, lie to them, hit them, steal from them, kill them etc. The harm they do to animals is also incalculable. The average American consumes something like 1000 cows in his lifetime. Collectively we have almost singlehandedly massacred the ozone layer, killed off hundreds of endangered species etc. Those are some pretty significant "meanies" imo. Why does all this suffering need to be perpetuated? What's wrong with never existing? I doubt there's anything I can say that'll make you change your opinion, but if you're feeling open minded, I'll write a clear, comprehensive post setting out a formal, easily followed argument, for you, h.I. and all my other critics to evaluate. Sound good?

But almost none of us can say that we don't make selfish decisions which harm the planet, the environment, nature and animals. Can you?

I could grow potatoes and live off a small piece of land, ditch my car, never go on holidays and stop eating meat but I don't. For completely selfish reasons.

So the only valid argument is how much damage you should be willing to sacrifice for a certain gain.

For some people children is almost one of the most important things to them. They will not regard saving the future of humanity over having a kid, simple fact.

Even if you round up 90% of the population to your cause, and 90% of us stopped having kids, those 10% will spread their still-willing-to-have-kids genes and within a century we'll be back to where we were except these people will all be baby crazy. Evolution doesn't allow us to choose our way out of existence.


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They exist.

You don't have to like people to have fun at parties/clubs. The party/club just serves as a backdrop...a context.
You can tune out the other people that you want to, and just dig on the few people you want to, and in the backdrop of a party, with the music, dancing, festivity and spirits, it's a good time.

My friend's pressing me to get going. Were going to checkout the redwoods down the coast.

Try not to hate too many people while I'm away.
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u ppl cud have spent more time on social network like FB but hairlosstalk forums, seriously?
height, and old women and what not completely gone off the track

Yeah I would be much better off on facebook looking at pictures of other people having fun.


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I'm not bothered about the future of humanity. I'm calling for its voluntary extinction. Yes, it does. A person can choose not to have kids, just as a person can choose not to eat meat - for example, I'm a vegan. Anyway, fragmenting my responses is getting this nowhere. I'll write out my argument formally in a second.

Well what do you think on my reasoning that it's impossible, evoloutionarily speaking? I can only imagine it happening if there were forced actions put in place by governments (which I would oppose violently maybe). Even then there would be people getting around it. Do you really think it's even remotely likely that you will convince everybody to choose not to have kids? Even if there's only a couple 100 you miss those will repopulate and will spread whatever genes they had that made them choose to have kids despite your cause.

If we can't even get people to choose to hop on a bike rather than drive to work we won't convince people not to reproduce. It's just not remotely possible. Talk to people who want to have kids, see how little they care about all your logical reasoning that it's a bad thing.


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I'm not bothered about the future of humanity. I'm calling for its voluntary extinction. Yes, it does. A person can choose not to have kids, just as a person can choose not to eat meat - for example, I'm a vegan. Anyway, fragmenting my responses is getting this nowhere. I'll write out my argument formally in a second.

Please do. I am interested in reading arguments that try to conclude that acting out on one of the strongest instincts that humans and non-humans life forms have, that is to pass on our genes, is somehow immoral. So far your arguments haven't been persuasive.


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honestly I am really starting to hate social media. in 2017 I really want to quit it all together. Luckily I dont really deal with the "not attractive enough for FB" stuff because I usually post weird stuff on there anyways lol... I love to mess with people and I dont really care what they think of me.

hair loss forums better way to pass the time than socail media. for the winter at least... god I hate winter


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I really don't think you can say the reasons he raised are to be put on the same boat as the ones you have just listed... If there is one thing religions promote it's reproduction!
I think his reasons are deeper than that. Also, having children - I am not blaming those who have them - is the most prevalent fact among humans. Does not make you someone better!
He could answer you that you willing to have children is coping. Has something to do with your own death.

Isn't denying your emotions just vanity though? Why shouldn't people do what makes them happy? If they can achieve a happy life why can't their kids?


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It does, most of the time, people who have failed to get married and have children are seen as losers. That's just how it is and pretending otherwise would be coping.

I've been told that having sex with a lot of different women was a form of coping too, that I was afraid to be alone or that I was addicted to sex. Mostly by men who could not get any.

Look, there's no point in denying what's obvious. Sex is important and you need it regularly to be a happy and balanced individual. Same with having children, eating and other basic human needs.

Don't wage a war against mother nature through copes like 'you just want children because you're afraid of dying!' because you won't win.


Pfft not everyone needs sex or children to have a happy and balanced life. Why is this obvious?

And a lot of people don't care what they are 'seen' as by society. Who makes life decisions in order to avoid being viewed as a 'loser' by society?

Sex and having children is important to you. But just because it's evoloutionarily built into us doesn't mean we can't trump our instinct with our intellect.

I know several people who definitely could have kids but don't want to.


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The rest is just coping.

Just one mans opinion.

This isn't something that's up for debate to me, I've had 22 happy, sexless, years. Only now is it really starting to affect my happiness.

But in a few years if I'm still hopeless I still feel I'll live a happy life, just not as happy. So I guess you could call it coping lol.


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You are really in bad faith Fred :)

I agree with you on the fact that most of the time people are looking for this kind of hapiness. But it is not the Hapiness. Some (not much) are not going to find hapiness because they have money (a lot) or f*** ten super model each weak. Or even because they have kids. You are educted into thinking that, and because of it the rest falls into the "devious" category. And again, it's not bad. But devious can be delicious ;)

It seems to be a bare minimum though doesn't it? Not to be really worse off than your peers in any way? At least from your own personal perspective. Connecting with people and interesting and funny conversations/thoughts are necessary for me to be happy.


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Having children is not going to make someone happy.

Not having children is a guarantee that you will be unhappy in the long-term.

People are losing sight of what's truly meaningful in this life.

To most people my age, happiness = muh career, going places, casual sex, "freedom", etc.

Doesn't work. All these people will be in for a rude wake-up call one day.

Ha now you sound like the religious one Fred.


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Fred would be a good journalist, you could write a weekly opinion column on stuff like this.