When everything is equal, a man with a witty, high intelligence, and fun personality will have much more acess to pussy.
Id imagine guys with no life experience, and those who's selection of finding women is solely limited to Tinder wouldn't understand this.
I have apart goofy twink who couldn't compose himself, and articulate themselves in a manner that women were interested in. He sat there listening to me, while I stormed the crowd away. I remember one night specifically, when this twink-hipster came to the table, and the women were semi-drawn to him. His rock personality, and not deriving energy from social discussion left him cucked. He was slightly better then me aesthetically speaking, but I still managed to hold my ground. I diverted that attention towards myself, being muscular also helped with the process. Bouncing those pectorals for the ladies, and just being relaxed. Having mentioned that, being relaxed is very important when it comes to picking up women.
So when aesthetics are neutral, and you are in a even playing field, the guy who isn't a social retard will be bringing that chick home tonight.
I swear people on here seem to forget that when you go out to party, it's entirely social, and everyone wants to have fun. I suppose if you live a life wall grinding, and sitting at the bar profusely ordering drinks to look busy, they wouldn't understand. I have seen it countless times, average dudes or borderline medicore aesthetic guys who were fun to be around scoring left, and right. When you don't care about getting rejected, you open yourself to a bigger field of selection. Not only that, but you develop your personality, and become more comfortable around others.