What is up with all the suicide talk on this site?


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Tell them if they commit suicide, or keep talking about it, you'll bad them.

I think some people's brains are just prone to focussing on one thing at a time and not seeing the big picture. This amplifies their feelings. People are on a spectrum, not just schitzophrenic or not. Autism and Bipolar work this way, though with different parts of the brain. What they need is someone to distract them and point them at something else that is fun or interesting, so they can hyper focus on that instead. Simply telling them not to worry about the hair loss will not help. Nor will telling them to just go out and have fun. You have to be specific about activities where hair does not matter, and try several until they find one they like. For me, I broke away from hair worries by focussing on trying to make money. I never did make money, but I'm still trying. Money can by happiness. Haters say otherwise.


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And alcohol can make people do rashy decisions. It might not lift their mood enough, and then instead just makes them act on their mood. Maybe tell these people not to drink. Drinking can be destressing, but it also makes it harder to deal with stress later.

Children also have shorter memories and swinging emotions. They need an adult to redirect them, though most adults just tell them to stop doing what they are doing.

Basically, depressed people need a trip sitter.


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Many neurodegenerative diseases are the result of brain damage to the part of the brain that rewards you for doing good activities, so that they are depressed no matter what, or just swing from high to low. Tell these people to take fish oil. Most likely their bodies can't make enough. Fish oil is a vital building block for the brain repairing itself. There also are other fatty acids the brain needs. Tell them to get a little of everything, not just avoiding the saturated fatty acids. Maybe their brain can't make some of them.

Finally, they need B12, the methylated kind. Most supplements are the cyano type. Vegetarians are very low in B12, which is needed for nerve function.

And exercise is a good mood lifter too, and improves circulation to the brain, giving it more oxygen. The occurance of suicide is almost directly related to elevation and oxyen levels. At lower oxygen levels, the brain does not function as well, and mood swings result, some of which leading to suicide. Drug use can do the same.


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I would suggest a forum sticky with various hotline numbers that people could reference. Like it or not there are folks suffering from some instability that frequent here. I detect lots of chronic depression in the stuff I read and the 'suck it up' advice doesn't work for everyone.

However, like it or not, nobody ever promised us fair. No one is going to hand you happiness.