Girls won't make effort for you. This is virgin fantasy. She will hint subtly that you can come talk to her, but normal girls will never come up to you.
They show you the signs that Shookwun mentioned. I have had experience of that myself.
"A girl told me" What women say doesn't matter, watch what they do. I thought you would know this by now.
But I did watch what she did, that's the whole point! She was a 7.5 she went out with this ugly guy for years. She broke up with him. I met him too, she really liked him though. I slept with her over a certain period and got to know her really well. I had no connection with her though deep down, in fact I didn't like her to be honest apart from sex. This is only one example but as you know I have studied medical science all my life. I meet all kinds of people. Not that you need this for common sense. You hear of this stuff in social circles.
Do you never hear girls/guys complain of being in a relationship where there is no real attraction? That it's habit? Some say it's all sex and no real bond! I am surprised you don't appreciate the complex nature of the human mind. In an era where we are seeing some people say they are 70% male and 30% female and not truly transgender, I think it's fair to say life is a bit more complicated than a crappy social science study by hippies.
You still think money, status and an interesting personality will buy you true physical attraction with a woman?
Of course not! But my point is women will use that at times to make a pro v con list and MAKE sacrifices. How hard is that to understand? And comparing humans to animals for sex, well that shows a complete disregard to a mind of a human! Animals don't even recognise themselves in a mirror bar dolphins and some apes. Our species have evolved a long way since then.
What I think: You are very knowledgeable and intelligent. BUT you have some worries. I don't know whether hair loss triggered it or prior to this but a combination of self esteem issues, anxiety and depression has led you to adopt extremely rigid inaccurate thinking. I think you also mentioned these issues before.
-No one should wear wigs
-You don't need more than a frame hair wise
-Ugly guys can't get pretty girls even in a relationship
-Baldness hate is purely due to society
These are just some examples and it's all about you justifying that everything is okay with you and not to hate yourself or the choices you made.
If you see my responses I am comfortable with my hair and looks. So I can appreciate and accept that everything in life is not set in stone. Yes, looks are important but relationships and choices we make are more complex.
I think you should be a bit freer in your thinking and same time accept yourself.
A woman will not let a man to whom she's not physically attracted into her life just to see if things will work out with time.
There are different grades of attraction. Will a woman say all her partners were identical? Obviously not.