You're right Dblebass, I live in a "shall issue" State. I think about 42 States are "shall issue" IIRC. (Freedom baby!!)
(Only those States run by the sheep aren't "shall issue". But we're working on them and hopefuly they will see the light. Or maybe the sheep living in those States will move to the UK where they will be happy living in an oppressive, grotesquely overregulated society.
I took apart the new revolver and gave it a little stoning here and there to make the action smoother then took it to the range. It shot very well and was "smooth as silk".
Of course, the first thing I did was disable the stupid internal lock mechanism which is known to fail now and then (i.e., unintentionally locks up the trigger upon recoil and renders the revolver useless just when you might need it most). Now I can carry that revolver and be confident it will go "bang" whenever I pull the trigger.
(You take apart the innards in order to access and grind down the "nub" on the flag component of the internal lock mechanism. That keeps the nub from engaging the trigger, [i.e., rendering the stupid internal lock mechanism non-functional]. Very easy procedure once you feel confident taking apart a S&W revolver, which is VERY easy to learn and do.)
On another S&W revolver, the flag was misaligned by the manufacturer and was gouging the side of the trigger. I removed the entire flag on that revolver due to misalignment and opened the trash can in the garage. I then whipped the flag like a frisbee and it went right into the open garbage can where it belonged. (You'd of been proud of my frisbee throwing accuracy!
Optimus: Are frisbees legal in your country? My guess is no because it is probably considered a dangerous projectile. :dunno:
Oh wait, I'm totally wrong. Your country sells frisbees that hold joints. What a bunch of loons. (I did have to smile though at that frisbee sold in the link below. I wonder how it stays balanced in flight?)