What Made You Take Finasteride? Erections Rule


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So I'm 21, and my hair thinning like crazy. I've lost the temples and i'm diffusely thinning throughout. It's at the point where I either hop on finasteride or shave it, as I'd rather be bald than appear balding. I'd post pictures if I still needed any kind of confirmation on that, but I'm past the point and know my place.

I've been using rogaine for a year and maybe its been able to slow it down but I'm well below baseline from where I started it. I threw nizoral into the mix and it always makes my hair appear thicker after using it but it seems to just be a temporary buff and deflates after a nights sleep.

Going against the general consensus here which seems to be pretty toxic, I'm okay with going bald eventually. I've got a sweet beard and have always been one confident m'fer. I am not okay with losing my sex drive however. 21 seems way too young to be hairless but if I had to choose hair or boners I'd roll with the latter.

The idea of using finasteride is pretty terrifying, as half the posts I see seem to be people struggling with the side effects. The scariest part is the group (although small) who says theirs were permanent. People who do use the medication, what made you make the decision to start?

Any success stories or advice??


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What are you even asking. Like if you don't want to take finasteride then don't.....just log off and go bald at the rate your gentics takes you. Alot of people have success stopping and maintaining without sides....you only hear from the small minority who love complaining. Good luck


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Pretty straightforward question, what made you take finasteride. As seen immediately in the title of the thread, and restated throughout. I obviously want to take it, but I'm worried by the horror stories.

I am looking for the stories of the people who have had success without sides, and how they came to terms with risking some of the stated concerns.

I took two courses of accutane growing up I understand about things being overhyped, but the side effects of that didn't seem nearly as severe. So like every scared balding guy, I'm looking for reassurance.


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Pretty straightforward question, what made you take finasteride. As seen immediately in the title of the thread, and restated throughout. I obviously want to take it, but I'm worried by the horror stories.

I am looking for the stories of the people who have had success without sides, and how they came to terms with risking some of the stated concerns.

I took two courses of accutane growing up I understand about things being overhyped, but the side effects of that didn't seem nearly as severe. So like every scared balding guy, I'm looking for reassurance.
Accutane cause balding and hair thinning. I would rather have acne then that. Luckily I never had acne problems barely ever had a pimple and I'm 32. I take it because my dad and grandpa on Mom's side are nw5-6s....I take it because I'm scared of balding even though nearly everyone tells me I'm crazy and have great hair. The bdd is strong with me .... I think you should do what's best for you but balding would severely depress me and ruin my confindence so either way I'm going to be dealing with issues. Take a low dose to start and see how your body handles it. Even .25 should decrease a good amount of dht.


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Have you seen any results? How long have you taken it for and have you noticed changes in libido?

Accutane saved my life man unless you've had painful cystic acne you don't understand how great of a medicine that stuff is. I'd lose my hair and a limb or two rather than deal with that again. I didn't really have any side effects other than dryness, I took it when I was like 15 and with my family history I can't blame my hair on that.

My dad went bald just a few years older than I am now and has done well for himself, which helps me come to grips with hairloss. However I would like to keep my hair at least until I finish school and have a career set up.

People who did have side effects, after quitting the medication did your status reverted back to normal?


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If you don’t want to go bald (atleast in the immediate future) then take propecia. If you don’t care then log off


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Was that supposed to contribute to anything? Thats pretty daft, i'm aware that a hairloss drug treats hairloss.

And If I didn't care, why in the world would I be on this forum right now. Ridiculous. I want to take finasteride but i'm nervous, for good reason, about the side effects and the risk/reward of the medication.

I'm looking for success stories or just some advice. I'll bold it this time for clarity

  • what made you feel comfortable taking finasteride
  • Have you experience any side effects/how long have you taken it
  • Those who did experience side effects, in your case did they go away when you quit use?
I've also seen some posts about people who took the medication and the side effects kicked in after stopping, is this credible?


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So I'm 21, and my hair thinning like crazy. I've lost the temples and i'm diffusely thinning throughout. It's at the point where I either hop on finasteride or shave it, as I'd rather be bald than appear balding. I'd post pictures if I still needed any kind of confirmation on that, but I'm past the point and know my place.

I've been using rogaine for a year and maybe its been able to slow it down but I'm well below baseline from where I started it. I threw nizoral into the mix and it always makes my hair appear thicker after using it but it seems to just be a temporary buff and deflates after a nights sleep.

Going against the general consensus here which seems to be pretty toxic, I'm okay with going bald eventually. I've got a sweet beard and have always been one confident m'fer. I am not okay with losing my sex drive however. 21 seems way too young to be hairless but if I had to choose hair or boners I'd roll with the latter.

The idea of using finasteride is pretty terrifying, as half the posts I see seem to be people struggling with the side effects. The scariest part is the group (although small) who says theirs were permanent. People who do use the medication, what made you make the decision to start?

Any success stories or advice??
I like your attitude man. I have more or less the same perspective and am in the same boat (22 y/o and balding quick). I buzzed it off over a year ago and feel better. Have no interest in the finasteride side effects or the burden/expense of taking that drug. This thread shows my story/pics. https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...piring-tale-w-pics-brahs.118695/#post-1736496


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Just go bald man.

Seems to be the move, I'm with Broot on this one I have spent my entire day obsessing over my hair looking for answers I know nobody can give me.

I think I might set up an appointment with a dermatologist to get an actual professional opinion on the pro/cons of finasteride, and will stay the hell away from this site lol. good luck with the hair guys


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Seems to be the move, I'm with Broot on this one I have spent my entire day obsessing over my hair looking for answers I know nobody can give me.

I think I might set up an appointment with a dermatologist to get an actual professional opinion on the pro/cons of finasteride, and will stay the hell away from this site lol. good luck with the hair guys

A dermatologist will not now more than the info you can get through google. Around 80-90% success rate with 4-15% chance of sides. That’s really it


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for my experience 6months ont it with a tolerable sides. i drop it 2 days ago , i got amazing results BUT its been the worst mistake of my life ,its not worth it. hope i will recover at some point , no one on this earth knows whats going in insude your body , they dont even know what specific sides are , planning to get some legit cb , be very carfull with this drug its like a transgender some chages will be permenant.